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{"pages":[{"title":"<i class='fab fa-d3 d3fa-color-blue'><\/i> Bestellmengenmanager","text":"Weitere Informationen zum Modul Bestellmengenmanager finden Sie in unserem Shop: https:\/\/\/OXID-eShop\/Module\/Bestellmengenmanager-fuer-Oxid-PE.html","tags":"","url":"index.html"},{"title":"Changelog","text":" - (2021-06-29) Added Modul verf\u00fcgbar in OXID 6.2.4 und 6.3.0 Namespaces eingef\u00fcgt Changed Hinweise auf Grund unpassender Mengenangaben werden auch bei deaktivierter Warenkorbinfo gezeigt Fixed nicht funktionierende Schlie\u00dfen-Funktion bei Modal-Popup korrigiert fehlende \u00dcbersetzungen nachgetragen - (2021-02-03) Changed Abh\u00e4ngigkeiten f\u00fcr Composer 2-Nutzung aktualisiert - (2020-12-01) Added Freigabe f\u00fcr OXID 6.2.3 Changed Dokumentation angepasst Templatecode \u00fcberarbeitet - (2020-06-29) 0000000: add wave theme support 0000000: unused option removed - (2020-05-07) 0000000: module is ported to oxid V6.2 (oxid-ce-package 6.5) - (2020-04-28) Changed 0000000: Dokumentation angepasst Added 0000000: Modul kann via Composer installiert werden Fixed 0000000: fixed bargain min input in flow theme 0006194: Modulupdate erkennt veraltetete Smarty-Plugin-Dateien nicht 0006414: Umsetzung der HTML5-Attribute (input &gt; min, max, step) als JavaScript 0006656: minimale Eingabemenge auf 1 setzen, wenn Artikel bereits im Warenkorb vorhanden 0006661: Warenkorb anzeigen der Bestellmengen erm\ufffdglichen 0006662: eigenen Adminbereich erstellen 0000000: fixed bargain minimun input im flow theme 0000000: module is ported to oxid V6 0000000: dropped mobile theme support 0000000: compatibilty with flow theme established 0006214: fatal error in azure theme and inactive (but installed) module 0006657: to much drift messages with multiples article in basket 0005943: logging entries have improper log level &quot;error&quot; 0006671: HTML5 steps causes unbuyable amount modified: 0005360: allow floating values for quantities modified: 0000000: correct handling for popup depending on admin option &quot;new basket message type&quot; dropped: 0000000: (only EE) installation routine installs into all shops modified: 0000000: support for 4.8.x\/5.1.x closed added: 0001943: new setting for rest values modified: 0003581: default-values in *_update.php should be null added: 0002987: Modul auf das Oxid Mobile Theme anpassen added: 0003939: HTML 5 min, max und step Attribute nutzen modified: bugfix, drift popup did not pop up on first &quot;to basket&quot; form submission with incorrect amount modified: drop support for 4.7.x\/5.0.x, added support for 4.9.x\/5.2.x - 2014-07-14 added: backwards compatibility to Shopversion 4.7.x modified: smarty plugin function.d3_oqm_getminamount.php filename changed to lower case - 2014-05-28 modified: bugfix, no popup was shown on product with oqm options, when product has been added to cart modified: bugfix, wrong template reference in template-block widget_product_bargainitem_tobasket (content of bargainitems.tpl was moved to bargainitem.tpl in shopversion 4.8.0) added: better frontend handling with shop own unit name and unit quantity modified: moved module smarty-plugins from core\/smarty\/plugins\/ to module-folder d3\/d3oqm\/core\/smarty\/plugins\/ - 2014-04-30 modified: update precheck to version 4.1 - 2014-03-21 modified: bugfix, oxunitname was not translated - 2014-01-03 modified: precheck with subfolder check modified: module was rebuilded for 4.8.x (tested in 4.8.1) modified: template was moved: from application\/views\/azure\/tpl\/page\/compare\/inc\/compareitem.tpl to application\/views\/azure\/tpl\/widget\/product\/compareitem.tpl - 2013-08-06 modified: module can use floating values - 2013-05-28 modified: bugfix, autom. installation for EE Shops - 2013-04-30 modified: bugfix for php 5.2 autom. installation - heredoc required php 5.3 - 2013-04-24 modified: bugfix oxbasket active check