'checkModCfgItemExist', 'do' => 'updateModCfgItemExist' ), array( 'check' => 'checkWrongTemplateBlock', 'do' => 'fixWrongTemplateBlock', ), array( 'check' => 'hasOldOxmoduleInOxtplblocks', 'do' => 'fixOldOxmoduleInOxtplblocks', ), array( 'check' => 'checkFields', 'do' => 'fixFields' ), array( 'check' => 'checkIndizes', 'do' => 'fixIndizes' ), array( 'check' => 'hasInitialTypeField', 'do' => 'updateInitialTypeField', ), array( 'check' => 'hasInitialValueField', 'do' => 'updateInitialValueField', ), array( 'check' => 'hasOldSmartyFiles', 'do' => 'messageOldSmartyFiles', ), array( 'check' => 'checkModCfgSameRevision', // prueft auf nachgezogene Revisionsnummer und uebertraegt diese ggf. 'do' => 'updateModCfgSameRevision' ), ); /***** Standardwerte fuer aufgerufene Funktionen ********************************************/ // alle zu aktualisierenden Module, verwendet nicht onDeactivate-Handler protected $_aRefreshMetaModuleIds = array('d3oqm'); // Standardwerte fuer checkFields(), _addTable() und fixFields() public $aFields = array( array( 'sTableName' => 'oxarticles', 'sFieldName' => 'D3OQM_PACKAGE', 'sType' => 'DOUBLE', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => 'NULL', 'sComment' => 'd3oqm - Bestellmengenmanager Verpackungseinheit', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), array( 'sTableName' => 'oxarticles', 'sFieldName' => 'D3OQM_MINIMUM', 'sType' => 'DOUBLE', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => 'NULL', 'sComment' => 'd3oqm - Bestellmengenmanager Minimum', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), array( 'sTableName' => 'oxarticles', 'sFieldName' => 'D3OQM_MAXIMUM', 'sType' => 'DOUBLE', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => 'NULL', 'sComment' => 'd3oqm - Bestellmengenmanager Maximum', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), ); // Standardwerte fuer checkIndizes() und fixIndizes() public $aIndizes = array( array( 'sTableName' => 'oxarticles', 'sType' => 'INDEX', 'sName' => 'D3OQMINDEX', 'aFields' => array( 'D3OQM_PACKAGE' => 'D3OQM_PACKAGE', 'D3OQM_MAXIMUM' => 'D3OQM_MAXIMUM', 'D3OQM_MINIMUM' => 'D3OQM_MINIMUM', ), 'blMultilang' => false, ), ); /** * check if wrong template block * * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException */ public function checkWrongTemplateBlock() { $oShop = $this->getActShop(); $aWhere = array( 'oxfile' => 'd3GetMinAmout_input_field', 'oxblockname' => 'widget_product_listitem_grid_tobasket', 'oxshopid' => $oShop->getId(), ); // NOTE: _checkTableItemExist returns true if not exsist return !$this->_checkTableItemNotExist('oxtplblocks', $aWhere); } /** * fix Version * * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function fixWrongTemplateBlock() { $blRet = false; if ($this->checkWrongTemplateBlock()) { $oShop = $this->getActShop(); $aWhere = array( 'oxfile' => 'd3GetMinAmout_input_field', 'oxblockname' => 'widget_product_listitem_grid_tobasket', 'oxshopid' => $oShop->getId(), ); // abwaertskompatibel auch mit Feldname als Key (siehe "OXNAME"), // dann jedoch keine Duplikatentfernung bei mehrfacher Feldzuweisung. $aInsertFields = array( array( // Feldname ggf. sprachspezifisch mit _getLangAbbrFieldName() 'fieldname' => 'OXFILE', // Feldinhalt 'content' => 'widget_product_listitem_grid_tobasket.tpl', // bei Update, Inhalt wird ueberschrieben 'force_update' => true, // Inhalt muss gequoted werden 'use_quote' => true, // Multilang-Felder auf Basis dieses Feldes werden bei INSERT mit diesem Wert gefuellt, // wenn diese in der Liste nicht anderweitig belegt sind 'use_multilang' => false, ), ); $aRet = $this->_updateTableItem2('oxtplblocks', $aInsertFields, $aWhere); $blRet = $aRet['blRet']; } return $blRet; } /** * check if 'd3/d3oqm' is in oxmodule * * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException */ public function hasOldOxmoduleInOxtplblocks() { $oShop = $this->getActShop(); $aWhere = array( 'oxmodule' => 'd3/d3oqm', 'oxshopid' => $oShop->getId(), ); // NOTE: _checkTableItemExist returns true if not exsist return !$this->_checkTableItemNotExist('oxtplblocks', $aWhere); } /** * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function fixOldOxmoduleInOxtplblocks() { if ($this->hasOldOxmoduleInOxtplblocks()) { $oShop = $this->getActShop(); $aQueries = array( "DELETE FROM oxtplblocks WHERE oxmodule = 'd3/d3oqm' AND oxshopid = '{$oShop->getId()}';" ); return $this->_executeMultipleQueries($aQueries); } return true; } /** * @param null $iDirectNumber * * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function hasInitialTypeField($iDirectNumber = null) { $blReturn = false; if ($iDirectNumber === null) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) { $iNumber = $i == 0 ? null : $i; $blReturn = $this->_checkTableFieldExist('oxarticles', "d3_ve_type$iNumber"); if ($blReturn) { return $blReturn; } } } else { $iNumber = $iDirectNumber == 0 ? null : $iDirectNumber; $blReturn = $this->_checkTableFieldExist('oxarticles', "d3_ve_type$iNumber"); } return $blReturn; } /** * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function updateInitialTypeField() { $blReturn = false; for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) { if ($this->hasInitialTypeField($i)) { $iNumber = $i == 0 ? null : $i; $blReturn = $this->_updateInitialTypeField($iNumber); } } return $blReturn; } /** * @param null $iNumber * * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ protected function _updateInitialTypeField($iNumber = null) { if ($this->hasInitialTypeField($iNumber)) { $aQueries = array( "UPDATE oxarticles SET D3OQM_MINIMUM = IF(d3_ve_value$iNumber = 0, NULL, d3_ve_value$iNumber) WHERE d3_ve_type$iNumber = 'minimum' AND D3OQM_MINIMUM = 0;", "UPDATE oxarticles SET D3OQM_MAXIMUM = IF(d3_ve_value$iNumber = 0, NULL, d3_ve_value$iNumber) WHERE d3_ve_type$iNumber = 'maximum' AND D3OQM_MAXIMUM = 0;", "UPDATE oxarticles SET D3OQM_PACKAGE = IF(d3_ve_value$iNumber = 0, NULL, d3_ve_value$iNumber) WHERE d3_ve_type$iNumber = 'package' AND D3OQM_PACKAGE = 0;", "ALTER TABLE `oxarticles` DROP `d3_ve_type$iNumber`;", ); $blReturn = $this->_executeMultipleQueries($aQueries); $this->_getDatabaseHandler()->resetFieldCache(); if ($blReturn) { $this->_blRequireViewUpdate = true; } return $blReturn; } return true; } /** * definition array see fixFields * * * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function fixFields() { $blReturn = parent::fixFields(); if ($blReturn) { $this->_blRequireViewUpdate = true; } return $blReturn; } /** * @param null $iDirectNumber * * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function hasInitialValueField($iDirectNumber = null) { $blReturn = false; if ($iDirectNumber === null) { for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) { $iNumber = $i == 0 ? null : $i; $blReturn = $this->_checkTableFieldExist('oxarticles', "d3_ve_value$iNumber"); if ($blReturn) { return $blReturn; } } } else { $iNumber = $iDirectNumber == 0 ? null : $iDirectNumber; $blReturn = $this->_checkTableFieldExist('oxarticles', "d3_ve_value$iNumber"); } return $blReturn; } /** * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function updateInitialValueField() { $blReturn = false; for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) { if ($this->hasInitialValueField($i)) { $iNumber = $i == 0 ? null : $i; $blReturn = $this->_updateInitialValueField($iNumber); } } return $blReturn; } /** * @param null $iNumber * * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ protected function _updateInitialValueField($iNumber = null) { if ($this->hasInitialValueField($iNumber)) { $aQueries = array( "ALTER TABLE `oxarticles` DROP `d3_ve_value$iNumber`;" ); $blReturn = $this->_executeMultipleQueries($aQueries); $this->_getDatabaseHandler()->resetFieldCache(); if ($blReturn) { $this->_blRequireViewUpdate = true; } return $blReturn; } return true; } public function hasOldSmartyFiles() { $file = Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sShopDir') . 'core/smarty/plugins/function.d3_oqm_getMinAmount.php'; if( is_file($file)) { return true; } return false; } public function messageOldSmartyFiles() { $file = Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sShopDir') . 'core/smarty/plugins/function.d3_oqm_getMinAmount.php'; /** @var d3installconfirmmessage $oInstallConfirmMessage */ $oInstallConfirmMessage = oxNew(d3installconfirmmessage::class, $this); $oInstallConfirmMessage->confirmCustomMessage( Registry::getLang()->translateString('D3OQM_INSTALLATION_OLDSMARTYFILEFOUND'). $file ); } }