'UTF-8', 'D3_D3OQM_BASKET_NOTPOSSIBLE_RULE' => 'This article could not be added to cart. Please check your input!!', 'D3OQM_ERROR_HEADLINE' => 'Not available quantity', 'D3OQM_ERROR_MSG' => 'The article was not added to cart!', 'D3OQM_CHANGE_MSG' => 'We have added for you the quantity of ', 'D3OQM_CHANGE_MSG_END' => ' added.
The total quantity in cart is thus: ', 'D3OQM_PRE_MSG' => 'You have entered', 'D3OQM_PRE_MSG_END' => '.', 'D3OQM_MSG_GENERAL1' => 'pcs', 'D3OQM_MSG_GENERAL2' => ')', 'D3OQM_ARTNUM' => 'productnumber.:', 'D3OQM_DRIFT_DESC1' => 'The following conditions for the article %1 (Art.Nr.: %2) have not been fulfilled:', 'D3OQM_MINIMUM_DESC' => 'the smallest order quantity is %1', 'D3OQM_MSG_MINIMUM' => '(minimum quantity: ', 'D3OQM_PACKAGE_DESC' => 'the article can only be ordered in quantities of %1 or a multiple thereof.', 'D3OQM_MSG_PACKAGE' => '(packing unit: ', 'D3OQM_MAXIMUM_DESC' => 'the maximum order quantity is %1', 'D3OQM_MSG_MAXIMUM' => '(maximum order quantity: ', );