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2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
class d3GeoIP extends oxI18n
* Current class name
* @var string
protected $_sClassName = 'd3geoip';
* Class constructor, initiates parent constructor (parent::oxI18n()).
* @return null
public function __construct()
public function getUserLocationCountryObject()
if (!$this->oCountry)
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
// $sIP = ''; // Deutschland
// $sIP = ''; // Deutschland
// $sIP = ''; // Mauretanien
// $sIP = ''; // US
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
$iIPNum = $this->_getNumIp($sIP);
$sISOAlpha = $this->LoadByIPNum($iIPNum);
$this->oCountry = $this->getCountryObject($sISOAlpha);
return $this->oCountry;
protected function _getNumIp($sIP)
$aIP = explode('.',$sIP);
$iIP = ($aIP[0] * 16777216) + ($aIP[1] * 65536) + ($aIP[2] * 256) + ($aIP[3] * 1);
return $iIP;
public function LoadByIPNum($iIPNum)
$sSelect = "SELECT d3iso FROM ".$this->_sClassName." WHERE d3startipnum <= '$iIPNum' AND d3endipnum >= '$iIPNum'";
return oxDb::getDb()->getOne($sSelect);
public function getCountryObject($sISOAlpha)
$oCountry = &oxNew('oxcountry');
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
$sSelect = "SELECT oxid FROM ".$oCountry->getViewName()." WHERE OXISOALPHA2 = '".$sISOAlpha."' AND OXACTIVE = '1'";
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
return $oCountry;
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
public function setUserCountry()
if (!$this->getUser()) {
$oCountry = $this->getUserLocationCountryObject();
$oUser = &oxNew('oxuser');
$oUser->oxuser__oxcountryid = oxNew('oxfield');
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
public function setCountryLanguage()
$oCountry = $this->getUserLocationCountryObject();
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
if (!$this->isAdmin() && oxUtils::getInstance()->isSearchEngine() === false && $this->getSession()->getVar('d3isSetLang') === null && $oCountry->getId() && $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang') > -1)
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
oxLang::getInstance()->setTplLanguage((int) $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang'));
oxLang::getInstance()->setBaseLanguage((int) $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang'));
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
$this->getSession()->setVar('d3isSetLang', true);
public function setCountryCurrency()
$oCountry = $this->getUserLocationCountryObject();
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
if (!$this->isAdmin() && oxUtils::getInstance()->isSearchEngine() === false && !$this->getSession()->getVar('d3isSetCurr') && $oCountry->getId() && $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipcur') > -1)
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
$this->getConfig()->setActShopCurrency((int) $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipcur'));
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00
$this->getSession()->setVar('d3isSetCurr', true);
2009-12-15 10:05:46 +01:00
public function performShopSwitch()
$oCountry = $this->getUserLocationCountryObject();
$iNewShop = $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop');
$aShopLinks = $this->getShopUrls();
if (!$this->isAdmin() && oxUtils::getInstance()->isSearchEngine() === false && $oCountry->getId() && $this->getConfig()->isMall() && $iNewShop > -1 && $iNewShop != $this->getConfig()->getShopId())
$oNewConf = new oxConfig();
if (!$this->getSession()->getVar('d3isSetLang') && $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang') > -1)
$sLangId = $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang');
$sLangId = '';
header("Location: ".$oNewConf->getShopHomeUrl($sLangId));
public function getShopUrls()
$oShoplist = oxNew( 'oxshoplist' );
$aShopUrls = array();
foreach ( $oShoplist as $sId => $oShop ) {
$aShopUrls[$sId] = $this->getConfig()->getShopConfVar( 'sMallShopURL', $sId );
return $aShopUrls;
2009-12-15 09:52:22 +01:00