add getDb() changes, add perl import script
This commit is contained in:
@ -32,6 +32,12 @@ setup+doku/geoip_data_parts/6.sql -text
setup+doku/geoip_data_parts/7.sql -text
setup+doku/geoip_data_parts/8.sql -text
setup+doku/licence.txt -text
sources/ -text
sources/Doku/Drucken[!!-~]-[!!-~]Bartomedia[!!-~]-[!!-~]Web[!!-~]Design[!!-~]Distinction_[!!-~]Geo[!!-~]IP[!!-~]-[!!-~]install[!!-~]Maxmind[!!-~]GeoIP[!!-~]using[!!-~]PHP[!!-~]+[!!-~]MySQL.pdf -text svneol=unset#unset
sources/Doku/Drucken[!!-~]-[!!-~]Bartomedia[!!-~]-[!!-~]Web[!!-~]Design[!!-~]Distinction_[!!-~]Maxmind[!!-~]GeoIP[!!-~]install[!!-~]setup[!!-~]tutorial[!!-~]using[!!-~]PHPMyAdmin.pdf -text
sources/Doku/Drucken[!!-~]-[!!-~]MaxMind[!!-~]Forum[!!-~]•[!!-~]View[!!-~]topic[!!-~]-[!!-~]Fast[!!-~]SQL[!!-~]Queries[!!-~]Using[!!-~]the[!!-~]CSV[!!-~]Database.pdf -text
sources/Doku/Drucken[!!-~]-[!!-~]On[!!-~]efficiently[!!-~]geo-referencing[!!-~]IPs[!!-~]with[!!-~]MaxMind[!!-~]GeoIP[!!-~]and[!!-~]MySQL[!!-~]GIS[!!-~]«[!!-~]Jeremy[!!-~]Cole.pdf -text svneol=unset#unset
sources/Doku/Drucken[!!-~]-[!!-~]Vincent[!!-~]de[!!-~]Lau_[!!-~]HOW-TO[!!-~]Import[!!-~]the[!!-~]MaxMind[!!-~]GeoIP[!!-~]Free[!!-~]Country[!!-~]CSV[!!-~]file[!!-~]into[!!-~]MySQL[!!-~]and[!!-~]save[!!-~]diskspace.pdf -text svneol=unset#unset
sources/GeoIP-Installation.docx -text
sources/ -text
sources/GeoIPv6.csv/GeoIPv6-20120304.csv -text
@ -1,218 +1,218 @@
class d3_country_geoip extends oxAdminView
protected $_sDefSort = 'sort';
protected $_sThisTemplate = 'd3_country_geoip.tpl';
private $_oSet;
private $_sModId = 'd3_geoip';
public function render()
$this->_oSet = d3_cfg_mod::get($this->_sModId);
$myConfig = $this->getConfig();
if ( !$myConfig->getConfigParam( 'blAllowSharedEdit' ) )
$this->_aViewData['readonly'] = true;
$ret = parent::render();
$soxId = oxConfig::getParameter( "oxid");
// check if we right now saved a new entry
$sSavedID = oxConfig::getParameter( "saved_oxid");
if ( ($soxId == "-1" || !isset( $soxId)) && isset( $sSavedID) ) {
$soxId = $sSavedID;
oxSession::deleteVar( "saved_oxid");
$this->_aViewData["oxid"] = $soxId;
// for reloading upper frame
$this->_aViewData["updatelist"] = "1";
if ( $soxId != "-1" && isset( $soxId)) {
// load object
$oCountry = oxNew( "oxcountry" );
$oCountry->loadInLang( $this->_iEditLang, $soxId );
if ($oCountry->isForeignCountry()) {
$this->_aViewData["blForeignCountry"] = true;
} else {
$this->_aViewData["blForeignCountry"] = false;
$oOtherLang = $oCountry->getAvailableInLangs();
if (!isset($oOtherLang[$this->_iEditLang])) {
// echo "language entry doesn't exist! using: ".key($oOtherLang);
$oCountry->loadInLang( key($oOtherLang), $soxId );
$this->_aViewData["edit"] = $this->oCountry = $oCountry;
// remove already created languages
$aLang = array_diff (oxLang::getInstance()->getLanguageNames(), $oOtherLang );
if ( count( $aLang))
$this->_aViewData["posslang"] = $aLang;
foreach ( $oOtherLang as $id => $language) {
$oLang= new oxStdClass();
$oLang->sLangDesc = $language;
$oLang->selected = ($id == $this->_iEditLang);
$this->_aViewData["otherlang"][$id] = clone $oLang;
} else {
$this->_aViewData["blForeignCountry"] = true;
$this->oShopList = &oxNew('oxshoplist');
$oShop = &oxNew('oxshop');
$sSelect = "SELECT * FROM ".$oShop->getViewName()." WHERE ".$oShop->getSqlActiveSnippet();
return $ret;
public function getModCfgValue($sIdent)
$this->_oSet = d3_cfg_mod::get($this->_sModId);
return $this->_oSet->getValue($sIdent);
public function saveshop()
$_POST['editval']['oxcountry__d3geoiplang'] = '-1';
$_POST['editval']['oxcountry__d3geoipcur'] = '-1';
public function save()
$myConfig = $this->getConfig();
//allow malladmin only to perform this action
if ( !$myConfig->getConfigParam( 'blAllowSharedEdit' ) )
$soxId = oxConfig::getParameter( "oxid");
$aParams = oxConfig::getParameter( "editval" );
$oCountry = oxNew( "oxcountry" );
if ( $soxId != "-1") {
$oCountry->loadInLang( $this->_iEditLang, $soxId );
} else {
$aParams['oxcountry__oxid'] = null;
//$aParams = $oCountry->ConvertNameArray2Idx( $aParams);
$oCountry->assign( $aParams );
$oCountry = oxUtilsFile::getInstance()->processFiles( $oCountry );
$this->_aViewData["updatelist"] = "1";
// set oxid if inserted
if ( $soxId == "-1")
oxSession::setVar( "saved_oxid", $oCountry->oxcountry__oxid->value);
public function getShopList()
return $this->oShopList;
public function getCurList()
$aCurrencies = array();
$sQ = "select DECODE( oxvarvalue, '".$this->getConfig()->getConfigParam( 'sConfigKey' )."') as oxvarvalue from oxconfig where oxshopid = '".$this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop')."' AND oxvarname = 'aCurrencies'";
$sCurs = oxDb::getDb(1)->getOne($sQ);
foreach (unserialize($sCurs) as $sKey => $sValue)
$aFields = explode('@', $sValue);
$aCurrencies[$sKey]->id = $sKey;
$aCurrencies[$sKey]->name = $aFields[0];
$aCurrencies[$sKey]->sign = $aFields[4];
return $aCurrencies;
public function getLangList()
$aLanguages = array();
$aLangParams = $this->getConfig()->getShopConfVar('aLanguageParams', $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop'));
$aConfLanguages = $this->getConfig()->getShopConfVar('aLanguages', $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop'));
if ( is_array( $aConfLanguages ) ) {
$i = 0;
reset( $aConfLanguages );
while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $aConfLanguages ) ) {
if ( $blOnlyActive && is_array($aLangParams) ) {
//skipping non active languages
if ( !$aLangParams[$key]['active'] ) {
if ( $val) {
$oLang = new oxStdClass();
if ( isset($aLangParams[$key]['baseId']) ) {
$oLang->id = $aLangParams[$key]['baseId'];
} else {
$oLang->id = $i;
$oLang->oxid = $key;
$oLang->abbr = $key;
$oLang->name = $val;
if ( is_array($aLangParams) ) {
$oLang->active = $aLangParams[$key]['active'];
$oLang->sort = $aLangParams[$key]['sort'];
if ( isset( $iLanguage ) && $oLang->id == $iLanguage ) {
$oLang->selected = 1;
} else {
$oLang->selected = 0;
if ($oLang->active)
$aLanguages[$oLang->id] = $oLang;
if ( $blSort && is_array($aLangParams) ) {
uasort( $aLanguages, array($this, '_sortLanguagesCallback') );
return $aLanguages;
protected function _sortLanguagesCallback( $oLang1, $oLang2 )
$sSortParam = $this->_sDefSort;
$sVal1 = is_string($oLang1->$sSortParam) ? strtolower( $oLang1->$sSortParam ) : $oLang1->$sSortParam;
$sVal2 = is_string($oLang2->$sSortParam) ? strtolower( $oLang2->$sSortParam ) : $oLang2->$sSortParam;
if ( $this->_sDefSortOrder == 'asc' ) {
return ($sVal1 < $sVal2) ? -1 : 1;
} else {
return ($sVal1 > $sVal2) ? -1 : 1;
class d3_country_geoip extends oxAdminView
protected $_sDefSort = 'sort';
protected $_sThisTemplate = 'd3_country_geoip.tpl';
private $_oSet;
private $_sModId = 'd3_geoip';
public function render()
$this->_oSet = d3_cfg_mod::get($this->_sModId);
$myConfig = $this->getConfig();
if ( !$myConfig->getConfigParam( 'blAllowSharedEdit' ) )
$this->_aViewData['readonly'] = true;
$ret = parent::render();
$soxId = oxConfig::getParameter( "oxid");
// check if we right now saved a new entry
$sSavedID = oxConfig::getParameter( "saved_oxid");
if ( ($soxId == "-1" || !isset( $soxId)) && isset( $sSavedID) ) {
$soxId = $sSavedID;
oxSession::deleteVar( "saved_oxid");
$this->_aViewData["oxid"] = $soxId;
// for reloading upper frame
$this->_aViewData["updatelist"] = "1";
if ( $soxId != "-1" && isset( $soxId)) {
// load object
$oCountry = oxNew( "oxcountry" );
$oCountry->loadInLang( $this->_iEditLang, $soxId );
if ($oCountry->isForeignCountry()) {
$this->_aViewData["blForeignCountry"] = true;
} else {
$this->_aViewData["blForeignCountry"] = false;
$oOtherLang = $oCountry->getAvailableInLangs();
if (!isset($oOtherLang[$this->_iEditLang])) {
// echo "language entry doesn't exist! using: ".key($oOtherLang);
$oCountry->loadInLang( key($oOtherLang), $soxId );
$this->_aViewData["edit"] = $this->oCountry = $oCountry;
// remove already created languages
$aLang = array_diff (oxLang::getInstance()->getLanguageNames(), $oOtherLang );
if ( count( $aLang))
$this->_aViewData["posslang"] = $aLang;
foreach ( $oOtherLang as $id => $language) {
$oLang= new oxStdClass();
$oLang->sLangDesc = $language;
$oLang->selected = ($id == $this->_iEditLang);
$this->_aViewData["otherlang"][$id] = clone $oLang;
} else {
$this->_aViewData["blForeignCountry"] = true;
$this->oShopList = &oxNew('oxshoplist');
$oShop = &oxNew('oxshop');
$sSelect = "SELECT * FROM ".$oShop->getViewName()." WHERE ".$oShop->getSqlActiveSnippet();
return $ret;
public function getModCfgValue($sIdent)
$this->_oSet = d3_cfg_mod::get($this->_sModId);
return $this->_oSet->getValue($sIdent);
public function saveshop()
$_POST['editval']['oxcountry__d3geoiplang'] = '-1';
$_POST['editval']['oxcountry__d3geoipcur'] = '-1';
public function save()
$myConfig = $this->getConfig();
//allow malladmin only to perform this action
if ( !$myConfig->getConfigParam( 'blAllowSharedEdit' ) )
$soxId = oxConfig::getParameter( "oxid");
$aParams = oxConfig::getParameter( "editval" );
$oCountry = oxNew( "oxcountry" );
if ( $soxId != "-1") {
$oCountry->loadInLang( $this->_iEditLang, $soxId );
} else {
$aParams['oxcountry__oxid'] = null;
//$aParams = $oCountry->ConvertNameArray2Idx( $aParams);
$oCountry->assign( $aParams );
$oCountry = oxUtilsFile::getInstance()->processFiles( $oCountry );
$this->_aViewData["updatelist"] = "1";
// set oxid if inserted
if ( $soxId == "-1")
oxSession::setVar( "saved_oxid", $oCountry->oxcountry__oxid->value);
public function getShopList()
return $this->oShopList;
public function getCurList()
$aCurrencies = array();
$sQ = "select DECODE( oxvarvalue, '".$this->getConfig()->getConfigParam( 'sConfigKey' )."') as oxvarvalue from oxconfig where oxshopid = '".$this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop')."' AND oxvarname = 'aCurrencies'";
$sCurs = oxDb::getDb(2)->getOne($sQ);
foreach (unserialize($sCurs) as $sKey => $sValue)
$aFields = explode('@', $sValue);
$aCurrencies[$sKey]->id = $sKey;
$aCurrencies[$sKey]->name = $aFields[0];
$aCurrencies[$sKey]->sign = $aFields[4];
return $aCurrencies;
public function getLangList()
$aLanguages = array();
$aLangParams = $this->getConfig()->getShopConfVar('aLanguageParams', $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop'));
$aConfLanguages = $this->getConfig()->getShopConfVar('aLanguages', $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop'));
if ( is_array( $aConfLanguages ) ) {
$i = 0;
reset( $aConfLanguages );
while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $aConfLanguages ) ) {
if ( $blOnlyActive && is_array($aLangParams) ) {
//skipping non active languages
if ( !$aLangParams[$key]['active'] ) {
if ( $val) {
$oLang = new oxStdClass();
if ( isset($aLangParams[$key]['baseId']) ) {
$oLang->id = $aLangParams[$key]['baseId'];
} else {
$oLang->id = $i;
$oLang->oxid = $key;
$oLang->abbr = $key;
$oLang->name = $val;
if ( is_array($aLangParams) ) {
$oLang->active = $aLangParams[$key]['active'];
$oLang->sort = $aLangParams[$key]['sort'];
if ( isset( $iLanguage ) && $oLang->id == $iLanguage ) {
$oLang->selected = 1;
} else {
$oLang->selected = 0;
if ($oLang->active)
$aLanguages[$oLang->id] = $oLang;
if ( $blSort && is_array($aLangParams) ) {
uasort( $aLanguages, array($this, '_sortLanguagesCallback') );
return $aLanguages;
protected function _sortLanguagesCallback( $oLang1, $oLang2 )
$sSortParam = $this->_sDefSort;
$sVal1 = is_string($oLang1->$sSortParam) ? strtolower( $oLang1->$sSortParam ) : $oLang1->$sSortParam;
$sVal2 = is_string($oLang2->$sSortParam) ? strtolower( $oLang2->$sSortParam ) : $oLang2->$sSortParam;
if ( $this->_sDefSortOrder == 'asc' ) {
return ($sVal1 < $sVal2) ? -1 : 1;
} else {
return ($sVal1 > $sVal2) ? -1 : 1;
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user