* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com */ namespace D3\GeoIp\Setup; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Install\d3install_updatebase; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Installwizzard\d3installdbfield; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Installwizzard\d3installdbrecord; use d3\modcfg\Application\Model\d3database; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Installwizzard\d3installdbtable; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Model\Shop; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\DatabaseProvider; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry; use OxidEsales\Facts\Facts; class d3geoip_update extends d3install_updatebase { public $sModKey = 'd3_geoip'; public $sModName = 'GeoIP'; public $sModVersion = ''; public $sModRevision = '3100'; public $sBaseConf = '9qGv2==ZmhGbXhxSWUvZ25tSjFMV3J5aTExOTdhdWg2QkdrdHJBT09CajlXUzRDOGdMZ0YraEp1N0xPc WkyOGhMZDBKMmwyUldaOXVrNDNjOWtMRW9BZEJ3VjY5NWQyMmZ3VG9qdHhRSVF4NXYvUGZqUmpxZm1Td i9HbkxNZDRxVzNRRlZrRForU0RMSHVNR25hR1ROMkt0ZUM0SXpnKzBYUHJnc0Y1dDJYaDNIMEsrWE9uR 1FkbmJ4VUlMSGd1UEYxT0pPdGJhazQ4b1l6WDBBRElkM1dTWFM4VFg4S0didCs1aG1lNG9QYTh4YmVZe XhDL3N0aXFncEhHWDJqNFFyQ0VDTFlkWUFVR20zU2RuZ05NUnREZythR2x1Z2VQOTYvbXNHZVVHMW9zN UUrZ3pOeW9TUmo3MDg4dGx0RkRUK0wzb2k='; public $sRequirements = ''; public $sBaseValue = ''; public $sMinModCfgVersion = ''; protected $_aUpdateMethods = array( array('check' => 'checkGeoIpTableExist', 'do' => 'updateGeoIpTableExist'), array('check' => 'checkModCfgItemExist', 'do' => 'updateModCfgItemExist'), array('check' => 'hasDeleteGeoIpTableFields', 'do' => 'deleteGeoIpTableFields'), array('check' => 'checkGeoIpFields', 'do' => 'fixGeoIpFields'), array('check' => 'checkIndizes', 'do' => 'fixIndizes'), array('check' => 'checkGeoIpTableEngine', 'do' => 'updateGeoIpTableEngine'), array('check' => 'checkGeoIpItems', 'do' => 'updateGeoIpItems'), array('check' => 'hasUnregisteredFiles', 'do' => 'showUnregisteredFiles'), array('check' => 'checkRegisteredComponent', 'do' => 'unregisterComponent'), array('check' => 'checkModCfgSameRevision', 'do' => 'updateModCfgSameRevision'), ); // Standardwerte für checkMultiLangTables() und fixRegisterMultiLangTables() public $aMultiLangTables = array(); public $aFields = array( 'D3GEOIPSHOP' => array( 'sTableName' => 'oxcountry', 'sFieldName' => 'D3GEOIPSHOP', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(10)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => 'oxbaseshop', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3GEOIPLANG' => array( 'sTableName' => 'oxcountry', 'sFieldName' => 'D3GEOIPLANG', 'sType' => 'TINYINT(2)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '-1', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3GEOIPCUR' => array( 'sTableName' => 'oxcountry', 'sFieldName' => 'D3GEOIPCUR', 'sType' => 'TINYINT(2)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '-1', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3GEOIPURL' => array( 'sTableName' => 'oxcountry', 'sFieldName' => 'D3GEOIPURL', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3IP' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3IP', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(45)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3STARTIP' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3STARTIP', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(39)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3ENDIP' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3ENDIP', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(39)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3STARTIPNUM' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3STARTIPBIN', 'sType' => 'VARBINARY(16)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3ENDIPNUM' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3ENDIPBIN', 'sType' => 'VARBINARY(16)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3ISO' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3ISO', 'sType' => 'CHAR(2)', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3COUNTRYNAME' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3COUNTRYNAME', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(50)', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3CONTINENTCODE' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3CONTINENTCODE', 'sType' => 'CHAR(2)', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ), ); public $aIndizes = array( 'PRIMARY' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sType' => 'PRIMARY', 'sName' => 'PRIMARY', 'aFields' => array( 'D3IP' => 'D3IP', ), ), 'IPBIN' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sType' => 'INDEX', 'sName' => 'IPBIN', 'aFields' => array( 'D3STARTIPNUM' => 'D3STARTIPBIN', 'D3ENDIPNUM' => 'D3ENDIPBIN', ), ), 'D3ISO' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sType' => 'INDEX', 'sName' => 'D3ISO', 'aFields' => array( 'D3ISO' => 'D3ISO', ), ), ); public $aDeleteFields = array( 'D3STARTIPNUM' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3STARTIPNUM', 'blMultilang' => false, ), 'D3ENDIPNUM' => array( 'sTableName' => 'd3geoip', 'sFieldName' => 'D3ENDIPNUM', 'blMultilang' => false, ), ); /** * @return bool */ public function checkGeoIpTableExist() { return $this->_checkTableNotExist('d3geoip'); } /** * @return bool */ public function updateGeoIpTableExist() { $blRet = false; if ($this->checkGeoIpTableExist()) { $blRet = $this->_addTable2('d3geoip', $this->aFields, $this->aIndizes, 'GeoIP', 'InnoDB'); } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool * @throws oxSystemComponentException */ public function hasDeleteGeoIpTableFields() { /** @var d3installdbfield $oInstallDbField */ $oInstallDbField = oxNew(d3installdbfield::class, $this); return $oInstallDbField->checkDeleteFields(); } /** * @return bool * @throws oxSystemComponentException */ public function deleteGeoIpTableFields() { $blRet = false; if ($this->hasDeleteGeoIpTableFields()) { /** @var d3installdbfield $oInstallDbField */ $oInstallDbField = oxNew(d3installdbfield::class, $this); $blRet = $oInstallDbField->fixDeleteFields(__METHOD__); } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool true, if table has wrong engine * @throws oxSystemComponentException */ public function checkGeoIpTableEngine() { /** @var d3installdbtable $oDbTable */ $oDbTable = oxNew(d3installdbtable::class, $this); $aData = $oDbTable->getTableData('d3geoip'); if (isset($aData) && count($aData) && isset($aData['ENGINE']) && $aData['ENGINE'] == 'InnoDB') { return false; } return true; } /** * @return bool * @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException * @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException */ public function updateGeoIpTableEngine() { /** @var d3installdbtable $oDbTable */ $oDbTable = oxNew(d3installdbtable::class, $this); $blRet = $oDbTable->changeTableEngine('d3geoip', 'InnoDB'); return $blRet; } /** * @return bool */ public function checkGeoIpItems() { $aWhere = array( 'D3ISO' => 'DE', ); $blRet = $this->_checkTableItemNotExist('d3geoip', $aWhere); return $blRet; } /** * @return bool */ public function updateGeoIpItems() { return $this->_confirmMessage('D3_GEOIP_UPDATE_ITEMINSTALL'); } /** * @return bool * @throws \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException * @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException */ public function checkModCfgItemExist() { $blRet = false; foreach ($this->getShopList() as $oShop) { /** @var $oShop oxshop */ $aWhere = array( 'oxmodid' => $this->sModKey, 'oxnewrevision' => $this->sModRevision, 'oxshopid' => $oShop->getId(), ); $blRet = $this->_checkTableItemNotExist('d3_cfg_mod', $aWhere); if ($blRet) { return $blRet; } } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool */ public function updateModCfgItemExist() { $blRet = false; if ($this->checkModCfgItemExist()) { foreach ($this->getShopList() as $oShop) { /** @var $oShop oxshop */ $aWhere = array( 'oxmodid' => $this->sModKey, 'oxshopid' => $oShop->getId(), 'oxnewrevision' => $this->sModRevision, ); if ($this->_checkTableItemNotExist('d3_cfg_mod', $aWhere)) { // update don't use this property unset($aWhere['oxnewrevision']); $aInsertFields = array( array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXID', 'content' => "md5('" . $this->sModKey . " " . $oShop->getId() . " de')", 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => false, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXSHOPID', 'content' => $oShop->getId(), 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXMODID', 'content' => $this->sModKey, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXNAME', 'content' => $this->sModName, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXACTIVE', 'content' => "0", 'force_update' => false, 'use_quote' => false, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXBASECONFIG', 'content' => $this->sBaseConf, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXSERIAL', 'content' => "", 'force_update' => false, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXINSTALLDATE', 'content' => "NOW()", 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => false, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXVERSION', 'content' => $this->sModVersion, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXSHOPVERSION', 'content' => Registry::getConfig()->getEdition(), 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array ( 'fieldname' => 'OXREQUIREMENTS', 'content' => $this->sRequirements, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array( 'fieldname' => 'OXVALUE', 'content' => $this->sBaseValue, 'force_update' => false, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ), array( 'fieldname' => 'OXNEWREVISION', 'content' => $this->sModRevision, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, 'use_multilang' => false, ) ); $blRet = $this->_updateTableItem2('d3_cfg_mod', $aInsertFields, $aWhere); if ($this->getStepByStepMode()) { break; } } } } return $blRet; } /** * change default value for shop id in EE * @return bool */ public function checkGeoIpFields() { /** @var $oShop oxshop */ $oShop = $this->getShopList()->current(); $this->aFields['D3GEOIPSHOP']['sDefault'] = $oShop->getId(); return $this->checkFields(); } /** * change default value for shop id in EE * @return bool */ public function fixGeoIpFields() { /** @var $oShop oxshop */ $oShop = $this->getShopList()->current(); $this->aFields['D3GEOIPSHOP']['sDefault'] = $oShop->getId(); return $this->fixFields(); } /** * @return bool */ public function hasUnregisteredFiles() { return $this->_hasUnregisteredFiles('d3geoip', array('d3FileRegister')); } /** * @return bool */ public function showUnregisteredFiles() { return $this->_showUnregisteredFiles('d3geoip', array('d3FileRegister')); } /** * @return bool * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function checkRegisteredComponent() { /** @var $oShop Shop */ foreach ($this->getShopListByActiveModule('d3geoip') as $oShop) { $aUserComponents = $this->_d3GetUserComponentsFromDb($oShop); if (is_array($aUserComponents) && in_array('d3cmp_geoip', array_keys($aUserComponents)) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return bool * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function unregisterComponent() { $blRet = true; $sVarName = 'aUserComponentNames'; /** @var $oShop oxshop */ foreach ($this->getShopList() as $oShop) { $aUserComponents = $this->_d3GetUserComponentsFromDb($oShop); if (is_array($aUserComponents) && in_array('d3cmp_geoip', array_keys($aUserComponents)) ) { unset($aUserComponents['d3cmp_geoip']); if (false == count($aUserComponents)) { $aUserComponents = null; } $this->fixOxconfigVariable($sVarName, $oShop->getId(), '', $aUserComponents, 'arr'); } } return $blRet; } /** * @param Shop $oShop * * @return array|null * @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException * @throws \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException */ protected function _d3GetUserComponentsFromDb(Shop $oShop) { $sVarName = 'aUserComponentNames'; $sModuleId = ''; $oDb = DatabaseProvider::getDb(DatabaseProvider::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sSelect = "SELECT oxvartype as type, ".Registry::getConfig()->getDecodeValueQuery(). " as value FROM `oxconfig` WHERE oxshopid = ".$oDb->quote($oShop->getId()). " AND oxvarname = ".$oDb->quote($sVarName). " AND oxmodule = ".$oDb->quote($sModuleId); $aResult = $oDb->getAll($sSelect); $aUserComponents = is_array($aResult) && count($aResult) ? Registry::getConfig()->decodeValue($aResult[0]['type'], $aResult[0]['value']) : null; return $aUserComponents; } }