* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com */ class d3_country_geoip extends oxAdminView { protected $_sDefSort = 'sort'; protected $_sDefSortOrder = 'asc'; protected $_sThisTemplate = 'd3_country_geoip.tpl'; private $_sModId = 'd3_geoip'; /** @var oxcountry */ public $oCountry; /** @var oxshoplist */ public $oShopList; /** * @return string */ public function render() { if (false == oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('blAllowSharedEdit')) { $this->addTplParam('readonly', true); } $ret = parent::render(); $soxId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("oxid"); // check if we right now saved a new entry $sSavedID = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("saved_oxid"); if (($soxId == "-1" || !isset($soxId)) && isset($sSavedID)) { $soxId = $sSavedID; oxRegistry::getSession()->deleteVariable("saved_oxid"); $this->addTplParam("oxid", $soxId); // for reloading upper frame $this->addTplParam("updatelist", "1"); } if ($soxId != "-1" && isset($soxId)) { // load object /** @var $oCountry oxcountry */ $oCountry = oxNew("oxcountry"); $oCountry->loadInLang($this->_iEditLang, $soxId); if ($oCountry->isForeignCountry()) { $this->addTplParam("blForeignCountry", true); } else { $this->addTplParam("blForeignCountry", false); } $oOtherLang = $oCountry->getAvailableInLangs(); if (!isset($oOtherLang[$this->_iEditLang])) { $oCountry->loadInLang(key($oOtherLang), $soxId); } $this->oCountry = $oCountry; $this->addTplParam("edit", $oCountry); // remove already created languages $aLang = array_diff(oxRegistry::getLang()->getLanguageNames(), $oOtherLang); if (count($aLang)) { $this->addTplParam("posslang", $aLang); } foreach ($oOtherLang as $id => $language) { $oLang= new stdClass(); $oLang->sLangDesc = $language; $oLang->selected = ($id == $this->_iEditLang); $this->_aViewData["otherlang"][$id] = clone $oLang; } } else { $this->addTplParam("blForeignCountry", true); } $this->oShopList = oxNew('oxshoplist'); /** @var $oShop oxshop */ $oShop = oxNew('oxshop'); $sSelect = "SELECT * FROM ".$oShop->getViewName()." WHERE ".$oShop->getSqlActiveSnippet(); $this->oShopList->selectString($sSelect); $this->getLangList(); return $ret; } /** * @param $sIdent * @return mixed */ public function getModCfgValue($sIdent) { return d3_cfg_mod::get($this->_sModId)->getValue($sIdent); } public function saveshop() { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $_POST['editval']['oxcountry__d3geoiplang'] = '-1'; $_POST['editval']['oxcountry__d3geoipcur'] = '-1'; } $this->save(); } public function save() { //allow malladmin only to perform this action if (false == oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('blAllowSharedEdit')) { return; } $soxId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("oxid"); $aParams = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("editval"); /** @var $oCountry oxcountry */ $oCountry = oxNew("oxcountry"); if ($soxId != "-1") { $oCountry->loadInLang($this->_iEditLang, $soxId); } else { $aParams['oxcountry__oxid'] = null; } $oCountry->setLanguage(0); $oCountry->assign($aParams); $oCountry->setLanguage($this->_iEditLang); $oCountry = oxRegistry::get('oxUtilsFile')->processFiles($oCountry); $oCountry->save(); $this->addTplParam("updatelist", "1"); // set oxid if inserted if ($soxId == "-1") { oxRegistry::getSession()->setVariable("saved_oxid", $oCountry->getId()); } } /** * @return oxshoplist */ public function getShopList() { return $this->oShopList; } /** * @return array */ public function getCurList() { if ($this->getModCfgValue('blChangeShop') && $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop') && $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop') > 0 // -1 is user choice ) { $sShopId = $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop'); } else { $sShopId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->getViewConfig()->getActiveShopId(); } $sQ = "select DECODE( oxvarvalue, '".oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sConfigKey'). "') as oxvarvalue from oxconfig where oxshopid = '".$sShopId."' AND oxvarname = 'aCurrencies'"; $sCurs = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC)->getOne($sQ); return $this->d3ExtractCurList($sCurs); } /** * @param $sCurrencies * * @return array */ public function d3ExtractCurList($sCurrencies) { $aCurrencies = array(); if ($sCurrencies) { foreach (unserialize($sCurrencies) as $sKey => $sValue) { $aFields = explode('@', $sValue); $aCurrencies[$sKey]->id = trim($sKey); $aCurrencies[$sKey]->name = trim($aFields[0]); $aCurrencies[$sKey]->sign = trim($aFields[4]); } } return $aCurrencies; } /** * ToDo: has to be refactored * @return array */ public function getLangList() { if ($this->getModCfgValue('blChangeShop') && $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop') && $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop') > 0 // -1 is user choice ) { $sShopId = $this->oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop'); } else { $sShopId = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->getViewConfig()->getActiveShopId(); } $aLanguages = array(); $aLangParams = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('aLanguageParams', $sShopId); $aConfLanguages = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getShopConfVar('aLanguages', $sShopId); if (is_array($aConfLanguages)) { $i = 0; reset($aConfLanguages); while ((list($key, $val) = each($aConfLanguages))) { if (is_array($aLangParams)) { //skipping non active languages if (false == $aLangParams[$key]['active']) { $i++; continue; } } if ($val) { $oLang = new stdClass(); if (isset($aLangParams[$key]['baseId'])) { $oLang->id = $aLangParams[$key]['baseId']; } else { $oLang->id = $i; } $oLang->oxid = $key; $oLang->abbr = $key; $oLang->name = $val; if (is_array($aLangParams)) { $oLang->active = $aLangParams[$key]['active']; $oLang->sort = $aLangParams[$key]['sort']; } if ($oLang->active) { $aLanguages[$oLang->id] = $oLang; } } ++$i; } } if (is_array($aLangParams)) { uasort($aLanguages, array($this, '_sortLanguagesCallback')); } return $aLanguages; } /** * @param $oLang1 * @param $oLang2 * @return int */ protected function _sortLanguagesCallback($oLang1, $oLang2) { $sSortParam = $this->_sDefSort; $sVal1 = is_string($oLang1->$sSortParam) ? strtolower($oLang1->$sSortParam) : $oLang1->$sSortParam; $sVal2 = is_string($oLang2->$sSortParam) ? strtolower($oLang2->$sSortParam) : $oLang2->$sSortParam; if ($this->_sDefSortOrder == 'asc') { return ($sVal1 < $sVal2) ? -1 : 1; } else { return ($sVal1 > $sVal2) ? -1 : 1; } } }