* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com */ class d3GeoIP extends oxbase { protected $_sClassName = 'd3geoip'; private $_sModId = 'd3_geoip'; public $oCountry; public $oD3Log; /** * Class constructor, initiates parent constructor (parent::oxI18n()). */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->init('d3geoip'); } /** * get oxcountry object by given IP address (optional) * * @param string $sIP optional * @return oxcountry */ public function getUserLocationCountryObject($sIP = null) { if (!$this->oCountry) { startProfile(__METHOD__); if (!$sIP) { $sIP = $this->getIP(); } $iIPNum = $this->_getNumIp( oxRegistry::getConfig()->checkParamSpecialChars( str_replace(' ', '', $sIP) ) ); $sISOAlpha = $this->loadByIPNum($iIPNum); if (!$sISOAlpha) { $this->_getLog()->log( d3log::ERROR, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'get ISO by IP failed', $sIP ); $this->oCountry = $this->getCountryFallBackObject(); } else { $this->_getLog()->log( d3log::INFO, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'get ISO by IP', $sIP." => ".$sISOAlpha ); $this->oCountry = $this->getCountryObject($sISOAlpha); } stopProfile(__METHOD__); } return $this->oCountry; } /** * get IP address from client or set test IP address * * @return string */ public function getIP() { startProfile(__METHOD__); if ($this->_getModConfig()->getValue('blUseTestIp') && $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('sTestIp') ) { $sIP = $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('sTestIp'); } elseif ($this->_getModConfig()->getValue('blUseTestCountry') && $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('sTestCountryIp') ) { $sIP = $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('sTestCountryIp'); } else { if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])) { $sIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; } else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP'])) { $sIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']; } else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) { $sIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $sIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED'])) { $sIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'])) { $sIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'])) { $sIP = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']; } else if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $sIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } else { $sIP = 'UNKNOWN'; } } stopProfile(__METHOD__); return oxRegistry::getConfig()->checkParamSpecialChars(str_replace(' ', '', $sIP)); } /** * get IP number by IP address * @param $sIP * @return bool * @throws Exception|int */ protected function _getNumIp($sIP) { // make sure it is an ip if (filter_var($sIP, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP) === false) { return false; } startProfile(__METHOD__); $parts = unpack('N*', inet_pton($sIP)); if (strpos($sIP, '.') !== false) { $parts = array(1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0, 4=>$parts[1]); } foreach ($parts as &$part) { if ($part < 0) { $part += 4294967296; } } if (function_exists('bcadd')) { $dIP = $parts[4]; $dIP = bcadd($dIP, bcmul($parts[3], '4294967296')); $dIP = bcadd($dIP, bcmul($parts[2], '18446744073709551616')); $dIP = bcadd($dIP, bcmul($parts[1], '79228162514264337593543950336')); } else { throw new Exception('extension BCMath is required'); } $aIP = explode('.', $dIP); stopProfile(__METHOD__); return $aIP[0]; } /** * get ISO alpha 2 ID by IP number * * @param int $iIPNum IP number * @return string */ public function loadByIPNum($iIPNum) { startProfile(__METHOD__); $sSelect = "SELECT d3iso FROM ".$this->_sClassName." WHERE $iIPNum BETWEEN d3startipnum AND d3endipnum"; $sISO = oxDb::getDb()->getOne($sSelect); stopProfile(__METHOD__); return $sISO; } /** * get oxcountry object by ISO alpha 2 ID * * @param string $sISOAlpha * @return oxcountry */ public function getCountryObject($sISOAlpha) { startProfile(__METHOD__); $oCountry = oxNew('oxcountry'); $sSelect = "SELECT oxid FROM ".$oCountry->getViewName(). " WHERE OXISOALPHA2 = '".$sISOAlpha."' AND OXACTIVE = '1'"; $oCountry->load(oxDb::getDb()->getOne($sSelect)); stopProfile(__METHOD__); return $oCountry; } /** * get oxcountry object for fallback, if set * * @return oxcountry */ public function getCountryFallBackObject() { startProfile(__METHOD__); $oCountry = oxNew('oxcountry'); if ($this->_getModConfig()->getValue('blUseFallback') && $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('sFallbackCountryId') ) { $oCountry->Load($this->_getModConfig()->getValue('sFallbackCountryId')); } stopProfile(__METHOD__); return $oCountry; } /** * check module active state and set user country specific language * */ public function setCountryLanguage() { startProfile(__METHOD__); $this->performURLSwitch(); $this->performShopSwitch(); if (!$this->_getModConfig()->isActive() || false == $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('blChangeLang')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); return; } $oCountry = $this->getUserLocationCountryObject(); if (!$this->isAdmin() && oxRegistry::getUtils()->isSearchEngine() === false && oxRegistry::getSession()->getVariable('d3isSetLang') === null && $oCountry->getId() && $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang') > -1 ) { $this->_getLog()->log( d3log::INFO, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'set language', $this->getIP().' => '.$oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang') ); oxRegistry::getLang()->setTplLanguage((int) $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang')); oxRegistry::getLang()->setBaseLanguage((int) $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang')); oxRegistry::getSession()->setVariable('d3isSetLang', true); } stopProfile(__METHOD__); } /** * check module active state and set user country specific currency * */ public function setCountryCurrency() { if (!$this->_getModConfig()->isActive() || false == $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('blChangeCurr') ) { return; } startProfile(__METHOD__); $oCountry = $this->getUserLocationCountryObject(); if (!$this->isAdmin() && oxRegistry::getUtils()->isSearchEngine() === false && !oxRegistry::getSession()->getVariable('d3isSetCurr') && $oCountry->getId() && $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipcur') > -1 ) { $this->_getLog()->log( d3log::INFO, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'set currency', $this->getIP().' => '.$oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipcur') ); oxRegistry::getConfig()->setActShopCurrency((int) $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipcur')); oxRegistry::getSession()->setVariable('d3isSetCurr', true); } stopProfile(__METHOD__); } /** * check module active state and perform switching to user country specific shop (EE only) * */ public function performShopSwitch() { if (!$this->_getModConfig()->isActive() || !$this->_getModConfig()->getValue('blChangeShop')) { return; } startProfile(__METHOD__); $oCountry = $this->getUserLocationCountryObject(); $iNewShop = $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipshop'); if (oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('d3redirect') != 1 && false == $this->isAdmin() && oxRegistry::getUtils()->isSearchEngine() === false && $oCountry->getId() && $this->getConfig()->isMall() && $iNewShop > -1 && ( $iNewShop != $this->getConfig()->getShopId() || strtolower($this->getConfig()->getActiveView()->getClassName()) == 'mallstart' ) ) { $oNewConf = new oxConfig(); $oNewConf->setShopId($iNewShop); $oNewConf->init(); $this->getConfig()->onShopChange(); if (!oxRegistry::getSession()->getVariable('d3isSetLang') && $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('blChangeLang') && $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang') > -1 ) { $sLangId = $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoiplang'); } else { $sLangId = ''; } /** @var $oStr d3str */ $oStr = oxRegistry::get('d3str'); $aParams = array( 'd3redirect' => '1', 'fnc' => oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('fnc'), 'shp' => $iNewShop ); $sUrl = str_replace( '&', '&', $oStr->generateParameterUrl($oNewConf->getShopHomeUrl($sLangId), $aParams) ); $this->_getLog()->log( d3log::INFO, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'change shop', $this->getIP().' => '.$sUrl ); header("Location: ".$sUrl); exit(); } stopProfile(__METHOD__); } /** * check module active state and perform switching to user country specific url * */ public function performURLSwitch() { if (!$this->_getModConfig()->isActive() || false == $this->_getModConfig()->getValue('blChangeURL')) { return; } startProfile(__METHOD__); $oCountry = $this->getUserLocationCountryObject(); if (false == $this->isAdmin() && oxRegistry::getUtils()->isSearchEngine() === false && $oCountry->getId() && $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipurl') && strlen(trim($oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipurl'))) > 0 ) { $sNewUrl = $oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipurl'); $this->_getLog()->log( d3log::INFO, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, 'change url', $this->getIP().' => '.$oCountry->getFieldData('d3geoipurl') ); header("Location: ".$sNewUrl); exit(); } stopProfile(__METHOD__); } /** * get all shop urls * * @return array */ public function getShopUrls() { startProfile(__METHOD__); $oShoplist = oxNew('oxshoplist'); $oShoplist->getList(); $aShopUrls = array(); foreach ($oShoplist->arrayKeys() as $sId) { $aShopUrls[$sId] = $this->getConfig()->getShopConfVar('sMallShopURL', $sId); } stopProfile(__METHOD__); return $aShopUrls; } /** * get modcfg instance * * @return d3_cfg_mod */ protected function _getModConfig() { return d3_cfg_mod::get($this->_sModId); } /** * get d3log instance * * @return d3log */ protected function _getLog() { if (!$this->oD3Log) { $this->oD3Log = $this->_getModConfig()->d3getLog(); } return $this->oD3Log; } }