RayEhrhardt ecef4feded #3246
2014-11-20 11:04:23 +00:00

2106 lignes
86 KiB

* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @author D3 Data Development - <>
* @link
* Alle Anforderungen sind über $this->_aCheck konfigurierbar. Manche Anforderungen haben dazu noch weitergehende
* Informationen. Die Struktur dieser Requirementbeschreibungen:
* array(
* 'blExec' => 1, // obligatorisch: 0 = keine Prüfung, 1 = Püfung wird ausgeführt
* 'aParams' => array(...), // optional, Inhalt ist von jeweiliger Prüfung abhängig
* )
* "Desc1": Diese Struktur kann allein eine Bedingung beschreiben. Wenn mehrere dieser Bedingungen
* nötig sind (z.B. bei unterschiedlichen Bibliotheksanforderungen), kann diese Struktur als
* Arrayelemente auch mehrfach genannt werden (kaskadierbar). Grundsätzlich sind alle Requirements
* kaskadierbar, jedoch ergibt dies nicht bei allen Sinn. :) Eine Kaskadierung sieht so aus:
* array(
* array(
* 'blExec' => 1,
* ...
* ),
* array(
* 'blExec' => 1,
* ...
* )
* )
* Unbedingt zu vermeiden sind Änderungen in der Scriptlogik, da diese bei Updates nur schwer zu übernehmen sind.
class requConfig
public $sModName = 'D³ Google Services';
public $sModId = 'd3_googleanalytics';
public $sModVersion = '';
/********************** check configuration section ************************/
public $aCheck = array(
// kleinste erlaubte PHP-Version
'hasMinPhpVersion' => array(
'blExec' => 0,
'aParams' => array(
'version' => '5.2.0'
// größte erlaubte PHP-Version
'hasMaxPhpVersion' => array(
'blExec' => 0,
'aParams' => array(
'version' => '5.4.200'
// PHP-Version zwischen 'from' und 'to'
'hasFromToPhpVersion' => array(
'blExec' => 1,
'aParams' => array(
'from' => '5.2.0',
'to' => '5.4.200',
// benötigt Zend Optimizer (PHP 5.2) bzw. Zend Guard Loader (> PHP 5.2)
'hasZendLoaderOptimizer' => array(
'blExec' => 1,
// benötigt IonCubeLoader
'hasIonCubeLoader' => array(
'blExec' => 0,
// benötigt PHP-Extension (kaskadierbar (siehe "Desc1"))
'hasExtension' => array(
'blExec' => 0,
'aParams' => array(
'type' => 'curl',
'blExec' => 0,
'aParams' => array(
'type' => 'soap'
// minimal benötigte Shopversion (editionsgetrennt), wird (sofern möglich) Remote aktualisiert
'hasMinShopVersion' => array(
'blExec' => 1,
'aParams' => array(
'PE' => '4.7.0',
'CE' => '4.7.0',
'EE' => '5.0.0'
// maximal verwendbare Shopversion (editionsgetrennt), wird (sofern möglich) Remote aktualisiert
'hasMaxShopVersion' => array(
'blExec' => 1,
'aParams' => array(
'PE' => '4.9.0',
'CE' => '4.9.0',
'EE' => '5.2.0'
// verfügbar für diese Shopeditionen, wird (sofern möglich) Remote aktualisiert
'isShopEdition' => array(
'blExec' => 1,
'aParams' => array(
// benötigt Modul-Connector
'hasModCfg' => array('blExec' => 1),
// benötigt mindestens diese Erweiterungen / Version lt. d3_cfg_mod (kaskadierbar (siehe "Desc1"))
'hasMinModCfgVersion' => array(
'blExec' => 1,
'aParams' => array(
'id' => 'd3modcfg_lib',
'name' => 'Modul-Connector',
'version' => '',
// verwendbar bis zu diesen Erweiterungen / Version lt. d3_cfg_mod (kaskadierbar (siehe "Desc1"))
'hasMaxModCfgVersion' => array(
'blExec' => 0,
'aParams' => array(
'id' => 'd3modcfg_lib',
'name' => 'Modul-Connector',
'version' => '',
// benötigt neuen Lizenzschlüssel
'requireNewLicence' => array(
'blExec' => 0,
'aParams' => array(
'checkVersion' => true, // soll Versionsnummer des installierten Moduls gegengeprüft werden?
'remainingDigits' => 2, // zu prüfende Stellen für neue Lizenz
/********* don't change content from here **********************/
* Class requcheck
class requCheck
public $sVersion = '4.3';
protected $_db = false;
public $dbHost;
public $dbUser;
public $dbPwd;
public $dbName;
/** @var requConfig */
public $oConfig;
/** @var requLayout */
public $oLayout;
protected $_sInFolderFileName = 'd3precheckinfolder.php';
/********************** functional section ************************/
public $blGlobalResult = true;
public function __construct()
$this->oConfig = new requConfig();
$this->oLayout = new requLayout($this, $this->oConfig);
$this->oRemote = new requRemote();
* @param string $sName
* @param array $aArguments
public function __call ($sName, $aArguments)
public function startCheck()
$oCheckTransformation = new requTransformation($this);
$this->oConfig->aCheck = $oCheckTransformation->transformCheckList($this->oConfig->aCheck);
* traversable requirement check
* @param $aCheckList
* @param string $sForceCheckType
protected function _runThroughChecks($aCheckList, $sForceCheckType = '')
foreach ($aCheckList as $sCheckType => $aConf) {
if (array_key_exists('blExec', $aConf)) {
if ($aConf['blExec']) {
if (strlen($sForceCheckType)) {
$sCheckType = $sForceCheckType;
$this->displayCheck($sCheckType, $aConf);
} else {
$this->_runThroughChecks($aConf, $sCheckType);
* @param $sMethodName
* @param null $aArguments
* @return array
public function checkInSubDirs($sMethodName, $aArguments = null)
$sFolder = '.';
$aCheckScripts = $this->_walkThroughDirs($sFolder);
$aReturn = $this->_checkScripts($aCheckScripts, $sMethodName, $aArguments);
return $aReturn;
* @param $sFolder
* @return array
protected function _walkThroughDirs($sFolder)
$aIgnoreDirItems = array('.', '..');
$aCheckScripts = array();
/** @var SplFileInfo $oFileInfo */
foreach (new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sFolder) as $oFileInfo) {
if (!in_array($oFileInfo->getFileName(), $aIgnoreDirItems) && $oFileInfo->isDir()) {
$aCheckScripts = array_merge($aCheckScripts, $this->_walkThroughDirs($oFileInfo->getRealPath()));
} elseif ($oFileInfo->isFile()) {
if (strtolower($oFileInfo->getFilename()) == $this->_sInFolderFileName) {
$aCheckScripts[] = str_replace('\\', '/', $oFileInfo->getRealPath());
return $aCheckScripts;
* @param $aScriptList
* @param $sMethodName
* @param $aArguments
* @return array
protected function _checkScripts($aScriptList, $sMethodName, $aArguments)
$aReturn = array();
foreach ($aScriptList as $sScriptPath) {
$sUrl = $this->_getFolderCheckUrl(
$sContent = serialize(null);
if ($this->_hasCurl()) {
$sContent = $this->_getContentByCurl($sUrl);
} elseif ($this->_hasAllowUrlFopen()) {
$sContent = file_get_contents($sUrl);
$aReturn[$this->getBasePath($sScriptPath)] = unserialize($sContent);
return $aReturn;
* @return bool
protected function _hasCurl()
if (extension_loaded('curl') && function_exists('curl_init')) {
return true;
return false;
* @return bool
protected function _hasAllowUrlFopen()
if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
return true;
return false;
* @param $sUrl
* @return bool|mixed
protected function _getContentByCurl($sUrl)
$ch = curl_init();
$sCurl_URL = preg_replace('@^((http|https)://)@', '', $sUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $sCurl_URL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
$sContent = curl_exec($ch);
if (false == $sContent ||
strstr(strtolower($sContent), strtolower('Request Entity Too Large')) ||
strstr(strtolower($sContent), strtolower('not allow request data with POST requests'))
) {
return false;
return $sContent;
* @param $sScriptPath
* @param $sMethodName
* @param $aArguments
* @return string
protected function _getFolderCheckUrl($sScriptPath, $sMethodName, $aArguments)
$sBaseDir = str_replace(
array(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), '\\'),
array('', '/'),
$sUrlAdd = str_replace($sBaseDir, '', $sScriptPath);
$sBaseUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . str_replace(
$sUrl = $sBaseUrl . $sUrlAdd . '?fnc=' . $sMethodName . '&params=' . urlencode(serialize($aArguments));
return $sUrl;
* @param null $sFolder
* @return mixed
public function getBasePath($sFolder = null)
if (!$sFolder) {
$sScriptFileName = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']));
$sSearch = substr(str_replace(basename($sScriptFileName), '', $sScriptFileName), 0, -1);
$sFolder = str_replace('\\', '/', realpath($sFolder));
return str_replace(array(basename($sFolder), $sSearch), '', $sFolder);
* @param $aResult
* @return bool
protected function _hasFalseInResult($aResult)
if (is_array($aResult)) {
foreach ($aResult as $blResult) {
if (false === $blResult) {
$this->blGlobalResult = false;
return true;
return false;
if (false === $aResult) {
$this->blGlobalResult = false;
return !$aResult;
* @param $aResult
* @return bool
protected function _hasNullInResult($aResult)
if (is_array($aResult)) {
foreach ($aResult as $blResult) {
if ($blResult === null) {
$this->blGlobalResult = false;
return true;
return false;
if ($aResult === null) {
$this->blGlobalResult = false;
return !$aResult;
* @param $aResult
* @return bool
protected function _hasNoticeInResult($aResult)
if (is_array($aResult)) {
foreach ($aResult as $blResult) {
if ($blResult === 'notice') {
return true;
return false;
if ($aResult === 'notice') {
return true;
return false;
/********************** conversion function section ************************/
* @param $mParam
public function aTos(&$mParam)
if (is_array($mParam)) {
$mParam = implode($this->oLayout->translate('or'), $mParam);
* @return string
public function getLang()
if (isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
return strtolower($_REQUEST['lang']);
return 'de';
* @return bool|resource
public function getDb()
if (!$this->_db) {
if (file_exists('')) {
$this->_db = mysql_connect($this->dbHost, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPwd);
mysql_select_db($this->dbName, $this->_db);
return $this->_db;
* @param $version
* @param int $iUnsetPart
* @return string
public function versionToInt($version, $iUnsetPart = 0)
$match = explode('.', $version);
return sprintf(
$this->_getVersionDigit($match[0], $iUnsetPart),
$this->_getVersionDigit($match[1], $iUnsetPart),
$this->_getVersionDigit($match[2], $iUnsetPart),
$this->_getVersionDigit($match[3], $iUnsetPart)
* @param $sMatch
* @param $iUnsetPart
* @return int
protected function _getVersionDigit($sMatch, $iUnsetPart)
return intval($sMatch !== null ? $sMatch : $iUnsetPart);
/********************** layout function section ************************/
public function deleteme()
$sFolder = '.';
if (is_file($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
} else {
* @param $sFolder
protected function _checkDelFilesInDir($sFolder)
$aIgnoreDirItems = array('.', '..');
/** @var SplFileInfo $oFileInfo */
foreach (new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($sFolder) as $oFileInfo) {
if (!in_array($oFileInfo->getFileName(), $aIgnoreDirItems) && $oFileInfo->isDir()) {
} elseif ($oFileInfo->isFile()) {
if (strtolower($oFileInfo->getFilename()) == $this->_sInFolderFileName) {
$this->_delFile(str_replace('\\', '/', $oFileInfo->getRealPath()));
* @param $sPath
protected function _delFile($sPath)
* @param $sCheckType
* @param $aConfiguration
public function displayCheck($sCheckType, &$aConfiguration)
$sGenCheckType = preg_replace("@(\_[0-9]$)@", "", $sCheckType);
$oTests = new requTests($this, $this->oConfig, $this->getDb(), $this->oRemote);
if (method_exists($oTests, $sGenCheckType)) {
$this->_checkResult($oTests, $sGenCheckType, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration);
} else {
$this->oLayout->getUncheckableItem($sCheckType, $aConfiguration);
$this->blGlobalResult = false;
* @param $oTests
* @param $sGenCheckType
* @param $sCheckType
* @param $aConfiguration
protected function _checkResult($oTests, $sGenCheckType, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration)
$aResult = $oTests->{$sGenCheckType}($aConfiguration);
$sElementId = (md5($sGenCheckType . serialize($aConfiguration)));
if ($this->_hasNoticeInResult($aResult)) {
$this->oLayout->getUnknownItem($aResult, $sElementId, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration);
} elseif ($this->_hasNullInResult($aResult)) {
$this->oLayout->getUnknownItem($aResult, $sElementId, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration);
} elseif ($this->_hasFalseInResult($aResult)) {
$this->oLayout->getNoSuccessItem($aResult, $sElementId, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration);
} else {
$this->oLayout->getSuccessItem($aResult, $sElementId, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration);
public function showinfo()
* Class requLayout
class requLayout
public $oBase;
public $oConfig;
* @param requCheck $oBase
* @param requConfig $oConfig
public function __construct(requCheck $oBase, requConfig $oConfig)
$this->oBase = $oBase;
$this->oConfig = $oConfig;
public function getHTMLHeader()
$sScriptName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$sTranslRequCheck = $this->translate('RequCheck');
$sModName = $this->oConfig->sModName;
$sModVersion = $this->oConfig->sModVersion;
echo <<< EOT
$sTranslRequCheck "$sModName" $sModVersion
<style type="text/css">
body {
background: #FFF url($sScriptName?fnc=getGifBg) repeat-x;
font: 13px Trebuchet MS,Tahoma,Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
.btn_1 {
background: url($sScriptName?fnc=getPngButton) no-repeat scroll right 0;
height: 22px; padding: 0 3px 0 0; float: left; margin-bottom: 10px;
.btn_2 {
background: url($sScriptName?fnc=getPngButton) no-repeat;
height: 22px; color: white; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1;
display: block; padding: 4px 5px 0px; text-decoration: none;
font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px;
#logo {position: absolute; top: 10px; right: 30px;}
.box_warning {
text-align: center; background-color: DarkRed; border: 1px solid black;
color: white; font-weight: normal; padding: 1px;
.box_ok {
text-align: center; background-color: DarkGreen; border: 1px solid black;
color: white; font-weight: normal; padding: 1px;
.box_warning a, .box_ok a {font-weight: bold; color: white;}
.squ_bullet {
float: left; height: 10px; width: 10px; border: 1px solid black;
margin: 0 5px 0 50px; display: inline-block;
.squ_toggle {
font-size: 15px; line-height: 0.5; cursor: pointer; float: left;
height: 10px; width: 9px; padding-left: 1px; border: 1px solid black;
margin: 0 5px 0 3px; display: inline-block;
.squ_desc {
position: relative; font-size: 11px; line-height: 1; cursor: help;
height: 10px; width: 5px; padding: 0 3px; border: 1px solid black;
margin: 0 5px 0 3px; display: inline-block;
.squ_desc div {
font-size: 13px; background-color: white; border: 1px solid black;
box-shadow: 4px 3px 7px #c9c9c9; display: none; left: 30px;
padding: 20px; position: absolute; top: -25px; width: 400px;
z-index: 2500;
.squ_desc:hover div {display: block;}
.squ_desc:hover div div {
display: inline-block; position: unset; border: none; box-shadow: none;
padding: 0; margin: 5px 0; line-height: normal;
.squ_desc:hover div div.squ_bullet {
border: 1px solid black; display: inline-block; padding: 0; position: unset; width: 10px;
margin: 0 5px; box-shadow: none;
.desc_box {width: 400px; position: absolute; left: 400px;}
<a href="">
<img id="logo" src="$sScriptName?fnc=getPngLogo">
<a href="$sScriptName?lang=de">
<img src="$sScriptName?fnc=getGifDe">
<a href="$sScriptName?lang=en">
<img src="$sScriptName?fnc=getGifEn">
echo "<h3>" . $this->translate('RequCheck') . ' "' . $this->oConfig->sModName . ' ' . $sModVersion . '"</h3>';
echo '<p>' . $this->translate('ExecNotice') . '</p>' . PHP_EOL;
public function getHTMLFooter()
$sScriptName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
$sTranslShopPhpInfo = $this->translate('showPhpInfo');
$sTranslDependent = $this->translate('dependentoffurther');
if ($this->oBase->blGlobalResult) {
echo '<p class="box_ok"><b>' . $this->translate('globalSuccess') . '</b>' .
$this->translate('deleteFile1') . $sScriptName . $this->translate('deleteFile2') . '</p>';
} else {
echo '<p class="box_warning"><b>' . $this->translate('globalNotSuccess') . '</b>' .
$this->translate('deleteFile1') . $sScriptName . $this->translate('deleteFile2') . '</p>';
echo <<< EOT
<span class="btn_1">
<a href="#" class="btn_2"
onClick="document.getElementById('phpinfo').style.display =
document.getElementById('phpinfo').style.display == 'none' ? 'block' : 'none';">
<iframe id="phpinfo" src="$sScriptName?fnc=showinfo" style="display:none; width: 100%; height: 700px;">
* @param $aResult
* @param $sElementId
* @param $sCheckType
* @param $aConfiguration
public function getNoSuccessItem($aResult, $sElementId, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration)
echo "<div class='squ_bullet' style='background-color: red;' title='" .
$this->translate('RequNotSucc') . "'></div>" .
$this->_addToggleScript($aResult, $sElementId) .
$this->translate($sCheckType, $aConfiguration) .
$this->_addDescBox($sCheckType.'_DESC', $aConfiguration) .
"<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$this->getSubDirItems($aResult, $sElementId);
* @param $aResult
* @param $sElementId
* @param $sCheckType
* @param $aConfiguration
public function getSuccessItem($aResult, $sElementId, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration)
echo "<div class='squ_bullet' style='background-color: green;' title='" .
$this->translate('RequSucc') . "'></div>" .
$this->_addToggleScript($aResult, $sElementId) .
$this->translate($sCheckType, $aConfiguration) .
$this->_addDescBox($sCheckType.'_DESC', $aConfiguration) .
"<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$this->getSubDirItems($aResult, $sElementId);
* @param $aResult
* @param $sElementId
* @param $sCheckType
* @param $aConfiguration
public function getUnknownItem($aResult, $sElementId, $sCheckType, $aConfiguration)
echo "<div class='squ_bullet' style='background-color: orange;' title='" .
$this->translate('RequUnknown') . "'></div>" .
$this->_addToggleScript($aResult, $sElementId) .
$this->translate($sCheckType, $aConfiguration) .
$this->_addDescBox($sCheckType.'_DESC', $aConfiguration) .
"<br>" . PHP_EOL;
$this->getSubDirItems($aResult, $sElementId);
* @param $sCheckType
* @param $aConfiguration
public function getUncheckableItem($sCheckType, $aConfiguration)
echo "<div class='squ_bullet' style='background-color: orange;' title='" .
$this->translate('RequNotCheckable') . "'></div>" .
$this->translate($sCheckType, $aConfiguration) . " (" . $this->translate('RequNotCheckable') . ")" .
$this->_addDescBox($sCheckType.'_DESC', $aConfiguration) .
"<br>" . PHP_EOL;
* @param $aResult
* @param $sElementId
public function getSubDirItems($aResult, $sElementId)
if (is_array($aResult) && count($aResult)) {
echo "<div style='margin-left: 20px; display: none;' id='" . $sElementId . "'>";
foreach ($aResult as $sPath => $blResult) {
if (false === $blResult) {
echo "<div class='squ_bullet' style='background-color: red;' title='" .
$this->translate('RequNotSucc') . "'></div>" . $sPath . "<br>";
} elseif (null === $blResult) {
echo "<div class='squ_bullet' style='background-color: orange;' title='" .
$this->translate('RequUnknown') . "'></div>" . $sPath . "<br>";
} else {
echo "<div class='squ_bullet' style='background-color: green;' title='" .
$this->translate('RequSucc') . "'></div>" . $sPath . "<br>";
echo "</div>" . PHP_EOL;
* @param $aResult
* @param $sElementId
* @return string
protected function _addToggleScript($aResult, $sElementId)
if (is_array($aResult) && count($aResult)) {
$sScript = "<div class='squ_toggle' title='" .
$this->translate('toggleswitch') .
"' onClick='document.getElementById(\"" . $sElementId . "\").style.display =
document.getElementById(\"" . $sElementId . "\").style.display == \"none\" ?
\"block\" : \"none\"; this.innerHTML =
document.getElementById(\"" . $sElementId . "\").style.display == \"none\" ?
\"+\" : \"&minus;\";'>+</div>";
} else {
$sScript = "";
return $sScript;
* @param $sTextIdent
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return string
protected function _addDescBox($sTextIdent, $aConfiguration)
$sContent = "<div class='squ_desc'>?".
"<div>".$this->translate($sTextIdent, $aConfiguration)."</div>".
return $sContent;
* @param $sIdent
* @param array $aConfiguration
* @return mixed|string
public function translate($sIdent, $aConfiguration = array())
$sGenIdent = preg_replace("@(\_[0-9]$)@", "", $sIdent);
$oTranslations = new requTranslations();
$aTransl = $oTranslations->getTranslations();
if (isset($aConfiguration['aParams']) && is_array($aConfiguration['aParams'])) {
array_walk($aConfiguration['aParams'], array($this->oBase, 'aTos'), $sIdent);
if (isset($aTransl[$this->oBase->getLang()][$sGenIdent])
&& ($sTranslation = $aTransl[$this->oBase->getLang()][$sGenIdent])
) {
if (isset($aConfiguration['aParams'])) {
return vsprintf($sTranslation, $aConfiguration['aParams']);
} else {
return $sTranslation;
} else {
return $sGenIdent;
public function getPngButton()
header("Content-type: image/png");
echo base64_decode($sImg);
public function getPngLogo()
header("Content-type: image/png");
echo base64_decode($sImg);
public function getGifBg()
$sImg = "R0lGODlhCgAyANUAANHo+pfK85rM8/X6/vb6/v///5jL85bJ8+Hv/KbS9dzt+87m+qTR9fH4/er1/b7e+MTh+P3+/63V9u/3/".
header("Content-type: image/Gif");
echo base64_decode($sImg);
public function getGifDe()
header("Content-type: image/Gif");
echo base64_decode($sImg);
public function getGifEn()
$sImg = "R0lGODlhEgANAOfRANzd6P9LQP7//93e6ba32v8HB/J4ef//+/85Of8fFVddwP8aFq+13P8aFPr////f3f8XE/n//62s3fQuL".
header("Content-type: image/Gif");
echo base64_decode($sImg);
* Class requTranslations
class requTranslations
* @return array
public function getTranslations()
return array(
'de' => array(
'RequCheck' => 'Mindestanforderungspr&uuml;fung',
'ExecNotice' => 'F&uuml;hren Sie diese Pr&uuml;fung immer aus dem Stammverzeichnis '.
'Ihres Shops aus. Nur dann k&ouml;nnen die Pr&uuml;fungen erfolgreich durchgef&uuml;hrt werden.',
'RequSucc' => 'Bedingung erf&uuml;llt',
'RequNotSucc' => 'Bedingung nicht erf&uuml;llt',
'RequUnknown' => 'Bedingung nicht pr&uuml;fbar',
'RequNotCheckable' => 'Bedingung nicht pr&uuml;fbar',
'hasMinPhpVersion' => 'mindestens PHP Version %1$s',
'hasMinPhpVersion_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul erfordert eine PHP-Version die nicht kleiner ist '.
'als %1$s.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Die passende PHP-Version '.
'ist auf Ihrem Server aktiv.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann in '.
'PHP-Versionen kleiner als %1$s nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt werden. Fragen Sie Ihren Serverprovider '.
'nach der Anpassung der PHP-Installation.</div>'.
'<div>&Uuml;ber den [+]-Button k&ouml;nnen Sie Ergebnisse zu den getesteten Verzeichnissen '.
'abrufen. Je nach Servereinstellung k&ouml;nnen die Ergebnisse abweichen. Nur die rot markierten '.
'Verzeichnisse erfordern eine Anpassung.</div>'.
'<div>Details zu Ihrer Serverinstallation sehen Sie durch Klick auf den Button "PHPInfo anzeigen".'.
'hasMaxPhpVersion' => 'maximal PHP Version %1$s',
'hasMaxPhpVersion_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul erfordert eine PHP-Version die nicht h&ouml;her ist '.
'als %1$s.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Die passende PHP-Version '.
'ist auf Ihrem Server aktiv.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann in '.
'PHP-Versionen h&ouml;her als %1$s nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt werden. Fragen Sie Ihren Serverprovider '.
'nach der Anpassung der PHP-Installation.</div>'.
'<div>&Uuml;ber den [+]-Button k&ouml;nnen Sie Ergebnisse zu den getesteten Verzeichnissen '.
'abrufen. Je nach Servereinstellung k&ouml;nnen die Ergebnisse abweichen. Nur die rot markierten '.
'Verzeichnisse erfordern eine Anpassung.</div>'.
'<div>Details zu Ihrer Serverinstallation sehen Sie durch Klick auf den Button "PHPInfo anzeigen".'.
'hasFromToPhpVersion' => 'Server verwendet PHP Version zwischen %1$s und %2$s',
'hasFromToPhpVersion_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul erfordert eine PHP-Version zwischen %1$s und %2$s.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Die passende PHP-Version '.
'ist auf Ihrem Server aktiv.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann '.
'au&szlig;erhalb der PHP-Versionen nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt werden. Fragen Sie Ihren Serverprovider '.
'nach der Anpassung der PHP-Installation.</div>'.
'<div>&Uuml;ber den [+]-Button k&ouml;nnen Sie Ergebnisse zu den getesteten Verzeichnissen '.
'abrufen. Je nach Servereinstellung k&ouml;nnen die Ergebnisse abweichen. Nur die rot markierten '.
'Verzeichnisse erfordern eine Anpassung.</div>'.
'<div>Details zu Ihrer Serverinstallation sehen Sie durch Klick auf den Button "PHPInfo anzeigen".'.
'hasExtension' => '%1$s-Erweiterung verf&uuml;gbar',
'hasExtension_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul erfordert die %1$s-Servererweiterung.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Die %1$s-Erweiterung ist '.
'auf Ihrem Server vorhanden.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann ohne die '.
'%1$s-Erweiterung nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt werden. Fragen Sie bei Ihrem Serverprovider nach der '.
'Installation dieser Erweiterung.</div>'.
'<div>&Uuml;ber den [+]-Button k&ouml;nnen Sie Ergebnisse zu den getesteten Verzeichnissen '.
'abrufen. Je nach Servereinstellung k&ouml;nnen die Ergebnisse abweichen. Nur die rot markierten '.
'Verzeichnisse erfordern eine Anpassung.</div>'.
'<div>Details zu Ihrer Serverinstallation sehen Sie durch Klick auf den Button "PHPInfo anzeigen".'.
'hasMinShopVersion' => 'mindestens Shop Version %1$s',
'hasMinShopVersion_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul ist ab Shopversion %1$s freigegeben.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Die Shopsoftware ist in '.
'passender Version installiert.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann in dieser '.
'Version der Shopsoftware nicht installiert werden. Fragen Sie nach einer fr&uuml;heren '.
'Modulversion, die f&uuml;r Ihre Shopversion getestet wurde.</div>'.
'<div>Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an <a href="">'.
'hasMaxShopVersion' => 'maximal Shop Version %1$s',
'hasMaxShopVersion_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul ist bis zur Shopversion %1$s freigegeben.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Die Shopsoftware ist in '.
'passender Version installiert.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann in dieser '.
'Version der Shopsoftware nicht installiert werden. Fragen Sie nach einer aktuelleren '.
'Modulversion, die f&uuml;r Ihren Shop passt.</div>'.
'<div>Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an <a href="">'.
'hasMinModCfgVersion' => '%2$s (ModCfg-Eintrag "%1$s") mindestens in Version %3$s',
'hasMinModCfgVersion_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul ben&ouml;tigt die Zusatzsoftware "%2$s" mindestens in '.
'Version %3$s </div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Die Software ist in '.
'passender Version installiert.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Die Zusatzsoftware ist '.
'm&ouml;glicherweise gar nicht oder in falscher Version installiert. Bitte installieren Sie die '.
'Zusatzsoftware, bevor Sie diese Installation fortsetzen.</div>'.
'<div>Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an <a href="">'.
'hasMaxModCfgVersion' => '%2$s (ModCfg-Eintrag "%1$s") maximal in Version %3$s',
'hasMaxModCfgVersion_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul ben&ouml;tigt die Zusatzsoftware "%2$s" h&ouml;chstens '.
'in Version %3$s </div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Die Software ist in '.
'passender Version installiert.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Die Zusatzsoftware ist '.
'm&ouml;glicherweise gar nicht oder in falscher Version installiert. Bitte installieren Sie die '.
'Zusatzsoftware, bevor Sie diese Installation fortsetzen.</div>'.
'<div>Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an <a href="">'.
'requireNewLicence' => 'bisheriger Lizenzschl&uuml;ssel kann verwendet werden',
'requireNewLicence_DESC' => '<div>Diese Pr&uuml;fung versucht zu ermitteln, ob Sie f&uuml;r den '.
'Einsatz dieses Moduls einen aktuellen Lizenzschl&uuml;ssel ben&ouml;tigen:</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Sie haben f&uuml;r dieses '.
'Modul einen Lizenzschl&uuml;ssel hinterlegt, der wahrscheinlich auch f&uuml;r die neue '.
'Modulversion geeignet ist.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: orange;"></div> Sie ben&ouml;tigen '.
'f&uuml;r dieses Modul wahrscheinlich einen neuen Lizenzschl&uuml;ssel. Haben Sie diesen schon '.
'vorliegen, f&uuml;hren Sie die Installation aus und tragen den Lizenzschl&uuml;ssel dann im '.
'Adminbereich Ihres Shops ein. Ansonsten k&ouml;nnen Sie den Lizenzschl&uuml;ssel in unserem Shop '.
'<a href="" target=""></a> erwerben oder '.
'sich ebenfalls im Adminbereich Ihres Shops einen kostenfreien Test-Lizenzschl&uuml;ssel '.
'<div>F&uuml;r Details wenden Sie sich bitte an <a href="">'.
'hasModCfg' => '<a href="" target="Connector">Modul-'.
'Connector</a> installiert',
'hasModCfg_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul erfordert zwingend den D<sup>3</sup> Modul-Connector.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Der Modul-Connector ist '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann ohne den Modul-'.
'Connector nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt werden. Bitte laden Sie sich diesen kostenfrei aus unserem Shop '.
'unter <a href="" target="connector">'.
'connector/</a> und installieren diesen vorab.</div>'.
'<div>Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an <a href="">'.
'isShopEdition' => 'ist Shopedition %1$s',
'isShopEdition_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul erfordert eine dieser Shopeditionen: %1$s</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Der Shop ist in der '.
'passenden Edition installiert.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann in Ihrer '.
'Shopedition nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt werden. Bitte fragen Sie nach einer Modulversion f&uuml;r Ihre '.
'<div>Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an <a href="">'.
'hasZendLoaderOptimizer' => 'Zend Optimizer (PHP 5.2) oder Zend Guard Loader (PHP 5.3, 5.4) '.
'hasZendLoaderOptimizer_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul erfordert (je nach PHP-Version) den Zend Optimizer '.
'bzw. den Zend Guard Loader.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Der passende Decoder ist '.
'auf Ihrem Server installiert.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann ohne den '.
'passenden Decoder nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt werden. Fragen Sie Ihren Serverprovider nach der '.
'Installation des passenden Zend-Decoders.</div>'.
'<div>&Uuml;ber den [+]-Button k&ouml;nnen Sie Ergebnisse zu den getesteten Verzeichnissen '.
'abrufen. Je nach Servereinstellung k&ouml;nnen die Ergebnisse abweichen. Nur die rot markierten '.
'Verzeichnisse erfordern eine Anpassung.</div>'.
'<div>Details zu Ihrer Serverinstallation sehen Sie durch Klick auf den Button "PHPInfo anzeigen".'.
'hasIonCubeLoader' => 'ionCube Loader installiert',
'hasIonCubeLoader_DESC' => '<div>Das Modul erfordert den IonCube Loader.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> Der passende Decoder ist '.
'auf Ihrem Server installiert.</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> Das Modul kann ohne den '.
'passenden Decoder nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt werden. Fragen Sie Ihren Serverprovider nach der '.
'Installation des IonCube Loaders.</div>'.
'<div>&Uuml;ber den [+]-Button k&ouml;nnen Sie Ergebnisse zu den getesteten Verzeichnissen '.
'abrufen. Je nach Servereinstellung k&ouml;nnen die Ergebnisse abweichen. Nur die rot markierten '.
'Verzeichnisse erfordern eine Anpassung.</div>'.
'<div>Details zu Ihrer Serverinstallation sehen Sie durch Klick auf den Button "PHPInfo anzeigen".'.
'globalSuccess' => 'Die technische Pr&uuml;fung war erfolgreich. Sie k&ouml;nnen das Modul '.
'globalNotSuccess' => 'Die technische Pr&uuml;fung war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte kontrollieren '.
'Sie die rot '.
'markierten Bedingungen.<br><br>',
'deleteFile1' => 'L&ouml;schen Sie diese Datei nach der Verwendung bitte unbedingt wieder von '.
'Ihrem Server! Klicken Sie <a href="',
'deleteFile2' => '?fnc=deleteme">hier</a>, um diese Datei zu l&ouml;schen.',
'showPhpInfo' => 'PHPinfo anzeigen',
'dependentoffurther' => '* abh&auml;ngig von ungepr&uuml;ften Voraussetzungen',
'oneandonedescription' => '** gepr&uuml;ft wurde das Ausf&uuml;hrungsverzeichnis, '.
'providerabh&auml;ngig m&uuml;ssen Unterverzeichnisse separat gepr&uuml;ft werden (z.B. bei 1&1)',
'or' => ' oder ',
'toggleswitch' => 'Klick f&uuml;r Details zur Pr&uuml;fung',
'unableDeleteFile' => 'Datei konnte nicht gel&ouml;scht werden. Bitte l&ouml;schen Sie diese '.
'goodBye' => 'Auf Wiedersehen.',
'en' => array(
'RequCheck' => 'Requirement check',
'ExecNotice' => 'Execute this check script in the root directory of your shop. In this '.
'case only checks can executed succesfully.',
'RequSucc' => 'condition is fulfilled',
'RequNotSucc' => 'condition isn\'t fulfilled',
'RequUnknown' => 'condition isn\'t checkable',
'RequNotCheckable' => 'condition isn\'t checkable',
'hasMinPhpVersion' => 'at least PHP version %1$s',
'hasMinPhpVersion_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasMaxPhpVersion' => 'not more than PHP version %1$s',
'hasMaxPhpVersion_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasFromToPhpVersion' => 'server use PHP version between %1$s and %2$s',
'hasFromToPhpVersion_DESC'=> '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasExtension' => '%1$s extension is available',
'hasExtension_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasMinShopVersion' => 'at least shop version %1$s',
'hasMinShopVersion_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasMaxShopVersion' => 'not more than shop version %1$s',
'hasMaxShopVersion_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasMinModCfgVersion' => '%2$s (ModCfg item "%1$s") has at least version %3$s',
'hasMinModCfgVersion_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasMaxModCfgVersion' => '%2$s (ModCfg item "%1$s") has not more than version %3$s',
'hasMaxModCfgVersion_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'requireNewLicence' => 'former licence key can be used',
'requireNewLicence_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasModCfg' => '<a href="" target="Connector">Module '.
'Connector</a> installed',
'hasModCfg_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'isShopEdition' => 'shop edition is %1$s',
'isShopEdition_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasZendLoaderOptimizer' => 'Zend Optimizer (PHP 5.2) or Zend Guard Loader (PHP 5.3, 5.4) installed',
'hasZendLoaderOptimizer_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'hasIonCubeLoader' => 'ionCube loader installed',
'hasonCubeLoader_DESC' => '<div>requirement check result</div>'.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: green;"></div> This requirement is '.
'<div><div class="squ_bullet" style="background-color: red;"></div> This requirement isn\'t '.
'fulfilled. The module can\'t installed or executed.</div>'.
'<div>The [+] button show details for all tested directories. If you have any questions, please '.
'contact us at</div>',
'globalSuccess' => 'The technical test was successful. Your server is ready for installing '.
'the module.*<br><br>',
'globalNotSuccess' => 'The technical test wasn\'t successfull. Please check the red marked '.
'deleteFile1' => 'Please delete this file after use on your server! Click <a href="',
'deleteFile2' => '?fnc=deleteme">here</a>, to delete this file.',
'showPhpInfo' => 'show PHPinfo',
'dependentoffurther' => '* dependent of further unchecked conditions',
'oneandonedescription' => '** this check use execution directory only, provider dependend '.
'subdirectories have to check separately (e.g. at 1&1)',
'or' => ' or ',
'toggleswitch' => 'click for details',
'unableDeleteFile' => 'Unable to delete file. Please delete it manually.',
'goodBye' => 'Good Bye.',
* Class requRemote
class requRemote
public $blUseRemote = true;
public $oModuleData;
* @param $sModId
* @param $sModVersion
* @param $sShopEdition
* @return bool|array
public function getShopEdition($sModId, $sModVersion, $sShopEdition)
$sUrl = "moduleversion/";
$sUrl .= 'modid/' . urlencode($sModId) . '/';
$sUrl .= 'forcemodversion/' . urlencode($sModVersion) . '/';
$sUrl .= 'edition/' . urlencode($sShopEdition) . '/';
/** @var stdClass $oModuleData */
$oModuleData = $this->_getRemoteServerData($sUrl);
if ($oModuleData->status == 'OK' && isset($oModuleData->moduleversion->compatible_release)) {
return explode(',', $oModuleData->moduleversion->compatible_release->shopedition);
return false;
* @param $sModId
* @param $sModVersion
* @param $sShopEdition
* @return bool|string
public function getMinShopVersion($sModId, $sModVersion, $sShopEdition)
$sUrl = "moduleversion/";
$sUrl .= 'modid/' . urlencode($sModId) . '/';
$sUrl .= 'forcemodversion/' . urlencode($sModVersion) . '/';
$sUrl .= 'edition/' . urlencode($sShopEdition) . '/';
/** @var stdClass $oModuleData */
$oModuleData = $this->_getRemoteServerData($sUrl);
if ($oModuleData->status == 'OK' && isset($oModuleData->moduleversion->compatible_release)) {
return $this->shortenVersion($oModuleData->moduleversion->compatible_release->fromshopversion);
return false;
* @param $sModId
* @param $sModVersion
* @param $sShopEdition
* @return bool|string
public function getMaxShopVersion($sModId, $sModVersion, $sShopEdition)
$sUrl = "moduleversion/";
$sUrl .= 'modid/' . urlencode($sModId) . '/';
$sUrl .= 'forcemodversion/' . urlencode($sModVersion) . '/';
$sUrl .= 'edition/' . urlencode($sShopEdition) . '/';
/** @var stdClass $oModuleData */
$oModuleData = $this->_getRemoteServerData($sUrl);
if ($oModuleData->status == 'OK' && isset($oModuleData->moduleversion->compatible_release)) {
return $this->shortenVersion($oModuleData->moduleversion->compatible_release->toshopversion);
return false;
* @param $sUrl
* @return stdClass
protected function _getRemoteServerData($sUrl)
if (isset($this->oModuleData[$sUrl])) {
return $this->oModuleData[$sUrl];
$oFailureData = new stdClass();
$oFailureData->status = 'NOK';
if (false === $this->blUseRemote) {
return $oFailureData;
$sHost = "";
$sData = $this->curlConnect($sHost . '/serialized/' . $sUrl);
$oData = unserialize($sData);
if (false == $oData) {
return $oFailureData;
$this->oModuleData[$sUrl] = $oData;
return $this->oModuleData[$sUrl];
* @param $sFilePath
* @return string
public function curlConnect($sFilePath)
$sContent = '';
if (($ch = $this->_hasCurl())) {
$sCurl_URL = preg_replace('@^((http|https)://)@', '', $sFilePath);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $sCurl_URL);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
$sContent = curl_exec($ch);
return $sContent;
* @return null|resource
protected function _hasCurl()
if (extension_loaded('curl')
&& function_exists('curl_init')
&& function_exists('curl_exec')
) {
return curl_init();
return null;
* @param $sVersion
* @return string
public function shortenVersion($sVersion)
$aVersion = explode('.', $sVersion);
return implode('.', $aVersion);
* Class requTests
* contains test functions
class requTests
public $oBase;
public $oDb;
public $oConfig;
public $blGlobalResult = false;
* @param requCheck $oCheckInstance
* @param requConfig $oConfig
* @param $oDb
* @param requRemote $oRemote
public function __construct(requCheck $oCheckInstance, requConfig $oConfig, $oDb, requRemote $oRemote)
$this->oBase = $oCheckInstance;
$this->oConfig = $oConfig;
$this->oDb = $oDb;
$this->oRemote = $oRemote;
* @return requCheck
public function getBase()
return $this->oBase;
public function getDb()
return $this->oDb;
* @return string
public function getBasePath()
return $this->getBase()->getBasePath();
* @param bool $blResult
public function setGlobalResult($blResult)
$this->getBase()->blGlobalResult = $blResult;
* @param $sMethodName
* @param null $aArguments
* @return array
public function checkInSubDirs($sMethodName, $aArguments = null)
return $this->getBase()->checkInSubDirs($sMethodName, $aArguments);
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return array
public function hasMinPhpVersion(&$aConfiguration)
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = false;
if (version_compare(phpversion(), $aConfiguration['aParams']['version'], '>=')) {
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = true;
$aResult = array_merge($aResult, $this->checkInSubDirs(__FUNCTION__, $aConfiguration['aParams']));
return $aResult;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return array
public function hasFromToPhpVersion(&$aConfiguration)
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = false;
if ((version_compare(phpversion(), $aConfiguration['aParams']['from'], '>=')) &&
(version_compare(phpversion(), $aConfiguration['aParams']['to'], '<'))
) {
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = true;
$aResult = array_merge($aResult, $this->checkInSubDirs(__FUNCTION__, $aConfiguration['aParams']));
return $aResult;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return array
public function hasMaxPhpVersion(&$aConfiguration)
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = false;
if (version_compare(phpversion(), $aConfiguration['aParams']['version'], '<=')) {
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = true;
$aResult = array_merge($aResult, $this->checkInSubDirs(__FUNCTION__, $aConfiguration['aParams']));
return $aResult;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return array
public function hasExtension(&$aConfiguration)
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = false;
if (extension_loaded($aConfiguration['aParams']['type'])) {
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = true;
$aResult = array_merge($aResult, $this->checkInSubDirs(__FUNCTION__, $aConfiguration['aParams']));
return $aResult;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return bool
public function hasMinShopVersion(&$aConfiguration)
if ($this->getDb()) {
$sField = 'oxversion';
$sSelect = "SELECT " . $sField . " FROM oxshops WHERE 1 ORDER BY oxversion ASC LIMIT 1";
$rResult = mysql_query($sSelect, $this->getDb());
$oResult = mysql_fetch_object($rResult);
$oEditionResult = $this->_getShopEdition();
$sEdition = strtoupper($oEditionResult->oxedition);
$mMinRemoteVersion = $this->oRemote->getMinShopVersion(
if ($mMinRemoteVersion) {
$aConfiguration['aParams'] = array('version' => $mMinRemoteVersion);
} else {
$aConfiguration['aParams'] = array('version' => $aConfiguration['aParams'][$sEdition]);
if (version_compare($oResult->oxversion, $aConfiguration['aParams']['version'], '>=')) {
return true;
return false;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return bool
public function hasMaxShopVersion(&$aConfiguration)
if ($this->getDb()) {
$sField = 'oxversion';
$sSelect = "SELECT " . $sField . " FROM oxshops WHERE 1 ORDER BY oxversion DESC LIMIT 1";
$rResult = mysql_query($sSelect, $this->getDb());
$oResult = mysql_fetch_object($rResult);
$oEditionResult = $this->_getShopEdition();
$sEdition = strtoupper($oEditionResult->oxedition);
$mMaxRemoteVersion = $this->oRemote->getMaxShopVersion(
if ($mMaxRemoteVersion) {
$aConfiguration['aParams'] = array('version' => $mMaxRemoteVersion);
} else {
$aConfiguration['aParams'] = array('version' => $aConfiguration['aParams'][$sEdition]);
if (version_compare($oResult->oxversion, $aConfiguration['aParams']['version'], '<=')) {
return true;
return false;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return bool
public function isShopEdition(&$aConfiguration)
if ($this->getDb()) {
$oResult = $this->_getShopEdition();
$mRemoteShopEditions = $this->oRemote->getShopEdition(
if (is_array($mRemoteShopEditions)) {
$aConfiguration['aParams'][0] = $mRemoteShopEditions;
if (in_array(strtoupper($oResult->oxedition), $aConfiguration['aParams'][0])) {
$aConfiguration['aParams'][0] = strtoupper($oResult->oxedition);
return true;
return false;
* @return bool|object|stdClass
protected function _getShopEdition()
if ($this->getDb()) {
$sField = 'oxedition';
$sSelect = "SELECT " . $sField . " FROM oxshops WHERE 1 LIMIT 1";
$rResult = mysql_query($sSelect, $this->getDb());
$oResult = mysql_fetch_object($rResult);
return $oResult;
return false;
* @return bool
public function hasModCfg()
if ($this->getDb()) {
$sModId = 'd3modcfg_lib';
$sSelect = "SELECT 1 as result FROM d3_cfg_mod WHERE oxmodid = '" . $sModId . "' LIMIT 1";
$rResult = mysql_query($sSelect, $this->getDb());
if (is_resource($rResult)) {
$oResult = mysql_fetch_object($rResult);
if ($oResult->result) {
return true;
return false;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return bool|int
public function hasMinModCfgVersion(&$aConfiguration)
if ($this->getDb()) {
$sSelect = "SELECT IF ".
"(INET_ATON(oxversion) >= INET_ATON('" . $aConfiguration['aParams']['version'] . "'), 1, 0) AS result ".
"FROM d3_cfg_mod ".
oxmodid = '" . $aConfiguration['aParams']['id'] . "' AND
oxversion != 'basic'
ORDER BY oxversion ASC LIMIT 1";
$rResult = mysql_query($sSelect, $this->getDb());
$aResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult);
if (!(int)$aResult['result']) {
return (int)$aResult['result'];
return false;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return bool|int
public function hasMaxModCfgVersion(&$aConfiguration)
if ($this->getDb()) {
$sSelect = "SELECT
IF (INET_ATON(oxversion) <= INET_ATON('" . $aConfiguration['aParams']['version'] . "'), 1, 0) AS result
FROM d3_cfg_mod WHERE
oxmodid = '" . $aConfiguration['aParams']['id'] . "' AND
oxversion != 'basic'
ORDER BY oxversion ASC LIMIT 1";
$rResult = mysql_query($sSelect, $this->getDb());
$aResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult);
if (!(int)$aResult['result']) {
return (int)$aResult['result'];
return false;
* @param $aConfiguration
* @return bool
public function requireNewLicence(&$aConfiguration)
if ($this->getDb()) {
$sSelect = "SELECT
oxversion as oxversion
FROM d3_cfg_mod WHERE
oxmodid = '" . $this->oConfig->sModId . "'
ORDER BY oxversion ASC LIMIT 1";
$rResult = mysql_query($sSelect, $this->getDb());
$aResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($rResult);
if (isset($aResult)
&& is_array($aResult)
&& count($aResult)
&& isset($aResult['oxversion'])
&& $aConfiguration['aParams']['checkVersion']
) {
$sInstalledVersion = $this->_getConvertedVersion(
$sNewVersion = $this->_getConvertedVersion(
if (version_compare($sInstalledVersion, $sNewVersion, '>=')) {
return true;
return 'notice';
* cut not used version digits
* @param string $sVersion
* @param int $iRemainingDigits
* @return string
protected function _getConvertedVersion($sVersion, $iRemainingDigits)
$aInstalledVersion = explode('.', $sVersion);
return implode('.', array_slice($aInstalledVersion, 0, $iRemainingDigits));
* @return array
public function hasZendLoaderOptimizer()
$aResult = array($this->getBasePath() => false);
if ((version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.0', '>=') &&
version_compare(phpversion(), '5.2.900', '<') &&
) || (
version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>=') &&
version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.900', '<') &&
) {
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = true;
$aResult = array_merge($aResult, $this->checkInSubDirs(__FUNCTION__));
return $aResult;
* @return array
public function hasIonCubeLoader()
$aResult = array($this->getBasePath() => false);
if (function_exists('ioncube_loader_version')) {
$aResult[$this->getBasePath()] = true;
$aResult = array_merge($aResult, $this->checkInSubDirs(__FUNCTION__));
return $aResult;
* Class requTransformation
class requTransformation
public $oCheck;
* @param requCheck $oCheck
public function __construct(requCheck $oCheck)
$this->oCheck = $oCheck;
* @param $aCheckList
public function transformCheckList($aCheckList)
return $aCheckList;
* @param array $aCheck
protected function _removeDeprecatedLibs(&$aCheck)
$blDelOldLibs = false;
$sCheckVersion = 0;
if (is_array($aCheck)) {
$sSelect = "SELECT oxversion as result ".
"FROM d3_cfg_mod ".
"WHERE oxmodid = 'd3modcfg_lib' LIMIT 1";
$rResult = mysql_query($sSelect, $this->oCheck->getDb());
if (is_resource($rResult)) {
$oResult = mysql_fetch_object($rResult);
if ($oResult->result) {
$sCheckVersion = $oResult->result;
foreach ($aCheck as $aModCfgCheck) {
if (isset($aModCfgCheck['aParams']['id']) &&
strtolower($aModCfgCheck['aParams']['id']) == 'd3modcfg_lib' &&
version_compare($sCheckVersion, '', '>=')
) {
$blDelOldLibs = true;
if ($blDelOldLibs) {
$aOldLibs = array('d3install_lib', 'd3log_lib', 'd3clrtmp_lib');
foreach ($aCheck as $sKey => $aModCfgCheck) {
if (isset($aModCfgCheck['aParams']['id']) &&
in_array(strtolower($aModCfgCheck['aParams']['id']), $aOldLibs)
) {
* @param $mVar
function dumpvar($mVar)
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
$oRequCheck = new requcheck;
if (isset($_REQUEST['fnc']) && $_REQUEST['fnc']) {
} else {