* @link https://www.oxidmodule.com */ namespace D3\ModCfg\setup; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Controller\Admin\RolesBackendMain; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Constants; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\d3database; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Install\d3install_updatebase; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Shopcompatibility\d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterHandler; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Shopcompatibility\d3shopversionconverter; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Installwizzard\d3installdbtable; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Installwizzard\d3installdbrecord; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception as DBALDriverException; use Exception; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Container\ContainerFactory; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Database\ConnectionProviderInterface; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Database\QueryBuilderFactoryInterface; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Module\Setup\Bridge\ModuleActivationBridge; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Module\Setup\Bridge\ModuleActivationBridgeInterface; use OxidEsales\Facts\Facts; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\ShopVersion; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Module\Module; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Model\Shop; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\ConnectionException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception as DBALException; use Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface; use Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface; class d3_cfg_mod_update extends d3install_updatebase { protected $_aUpdateMethods = [ ['check' => 'isModCfgModuleInactive', 'do' => 'activateModCfgModule'], ['check' => 'checkModCfgMultiLangTable', 'do' => 'registerModCfgMultiLangTable'], ['check' => 'checkConvertModCfgToMultiLangTable', 'do' => 'convertModCfgToMultilangTable'], ['check' => 'checkModCfgTableExist', 'do' => 'addModCfgTable'], ['check' => 'checkModCfgTableEngine', 'do' => 'updateModCfgTableEngine'], ['check' => 'checkModprofileMultiLangTable', 'do' => 'registerModprofileMultiLangTable'], ['check' => 'checkOxarticlesMultiShopTable', 'do' => 'resetMultiShopTables'], ['check' => 'checkModprofileMultiShopTable', 'do' => 'registerModprofileMultiShopTable'], ['check' => 'checkConvertModprofileToMultiLangTable', 'do' => 'convertModprofileToMultilangTable'], ['check' => 'checkModProfileTableExist', 'do' => 'addModProfileTable'], ['check' => 'checkModProfileTableEngine', 'do' => 'updateModProfileTableEngine'], ['check' => 'checkModCfgVariantMultiLangTable', 'do' => 'registerModCfgVariantMultiLangTable'], ['check' => 'checkConvertModCfgVariantToMultiLangTable', 'do' => 'convertModCfgVariantToMultilangTable'], ['check' => 'checkModCfgVariantTableExist', 'do' => 'addModCfgVariantTable'], ['check' => 'checkModCfgVariantTableEngine', 'do' => 'updateModCfgVariantTableEngine'], ['check' => 'checkCacheTableExist', 'do' => 'addCacheTable'], ['check' => 'checkModCfgFields', 'do' => 'fixFields'], ['check' => 'checkIndizes', 'do' => 'fixIndizes'], ['check' => 'hasNoModCfgItem', 'do' => 'updateModCfgItem'], ['check' => 'hasModProfileExclInclItems', 'do' => 'updateModProfileExclInclItems'], ['check' => 'hasOldModuleFiles', 'do' => 'deleteOldModuleFiles'], ['check' => 'hasDuplicateBlockItem', 'do' => 'deleteDuplicateBlockItems'], ['check' => 'hasNonNamespacedRolesBemainExtension', 'do' => 'removeNonNamespacedRolesBemainExtension'], ['check' => 'hasModcfgMultilangSetting', 'do' => 'addModcfgMultilangSetting'], ['check' => 'checkModCfgSameRevision', 'do' => 'updateModCfgSameRevision'], ]; public $sModKey = 'd3modcfg_lib'; public $sModName = 'Modul-Connector'; public $sModVersion = ''; public $sBaseConf = 'wo3v2==SFF1TXJnblZTYkJLbWMwOVZZTU5FcWVYTXdMSlhHTUsvNXdSR2k0T2pEdnNOOEs0dmZneGhGK 3hldUxDc3c5aWx1WlRCbGI1U3FobzJ4VmN0YjZUcnNxMkdSekMzSERUaklKbjZuNXhhaGQ1S1hITlZqS U11VG14U0xubWdCZUVSNkFnckVROWxldm5YSGxaM0Q4dlJYZUkzWmQ2STdWWXdENGp0b0UvdlNKRklEd Dc2UWhBUjhaTjcwQ3RQQ2hWUnhxanJsVmZQdUVsaVIxTmErZGhjWHZXVFN2YjRaRzRVMHhjSk5vNDBGS EJsVDdjMTQvRmNwMjFFYTNoTlhEcWNTSVBHUTVDaSs3TE9MSitKWm96WFJwQnF0d2NndC9LYkhobFJTY lVUNlYwNmFYS1ZNY0VPY2NaK2UrVDRsd3Q='; public $sRequirements = ''; public $sBaseValue = ''; protected $_oModCfg; protected $_sLib = 'd3_cfg_mod'; protected $_sTblName = 'd3_cfg_mod'; // will set via specialized methods, change table name there public $aMultiLangTables = ['d3modprofile', 'd3_cfg_mod']; // will set via specialized methods, change table name there public $aMultiShopTables = ['d3modprofile']; public $aFields = [ 'OXID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXID', 'sType' => 'char(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXSHOPID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXSHOPID', 'sType' => 'varchar(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'module shopassignment', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXMODID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXMODID', 'sType' => 'varchar(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'module ident', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXNAME' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXNAME', 'sType' => 'varchar(255)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'module longname', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXACTIVE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXACTIVE', 'sType' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0', 'sComment' => 'active status', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXBASECONFIG' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXBASECONFIG', 'sType' => 'TEXT', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => 'module base configuration settings', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXACTIDENT' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXACTIDENT', 'sType' => 'CHAR(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'module activation ident', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXSERIAL' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXSERIAL', 'sType' => 'TEXT', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => 'module serial', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXINSTALLDATE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXINSTALLDATE', 'sType' => 'DATETIME', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'sComment' => 'install date', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXVERSION' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXVERSION', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(10)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'module version number', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXVERSIONNUM' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXVERSIONNUM', 'sType' => 'INT(10) UNSIGNED', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => 0, 'sComment' => 'numeric module version number', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXSHOPVERSION' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXSHOPVERSION', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(10)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'shop edition and major version', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXISMODULELOG' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXISMODULELOG', 'sType' => 'BIGINT(20)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '15', 'sComment' => 'module log setting', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXREQUIREMENTS' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXREQUIREMENTS', 'sType' => 'LONGTEXT', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => 'module requirements', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXVALUE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXVALUE', 'sType' => 'LONGTEXT', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => 'module settings', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'OXREVISION' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXREVISION', 'sType' => 'INT(5)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0', 'sComment' => 'installed revision', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXNEWREVISION' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXNEWREVISION', 'sType' => 'INT(5)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0', 'sComment' => 'revision after successful update', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'USEMULTILANG' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'USEMULTILANG', 'sType' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => 'NULL', 'sComment' => 'takes data from fields in other languages, if set', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXTIMESTAMP' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sFieldName' => 'OXTIMESTAMP', 'sType' => 'TIMESTAMP', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'sComment' => 'last change', 'sExtra' => 'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXID', 'sType' => 'char(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXSHOPID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXSHOPID', 'sType' => 'varchar(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'profile shop assignment', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXSHOPINCL' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXSHOPINCL', 'sType' => 'BIGINT(32) UNSIGNED', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => 'profile shop inclusion', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXSHOPEXCL' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXSHOPEXCL', 'sType' => 'BIGINT(32) UNSIGNED', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => 'profile shop exclusion', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXACTIVE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXACTIVE', 'sType' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0', 'sComment' => 'active status', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'PROF_OXACTIVEFROM' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXACTIVEFROM', 'sType' => 'DATETIME', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'sComment' => 'active from date', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'PROF_OXACTIVETO' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXACTIVETO', 'sType' => 'DATETIME', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'sComment' => 'active to date', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'PROF_OXMODID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXMODID', 'sType' => 'varchar(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'profile module assignment', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXTITLE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXTITLE', 'sType' => 'varchar(255)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'profile name', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'PROF_OXSHORTDESC' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXSHORTDESC', 'sType' => 'varchar(255)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'profile short description', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'PROF_OXCREATE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXCREATE', 'sType' => 'DATETIME', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'sComment' => 'create date', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXUPDATE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXUPDATE', 'sType' => 'DATETIME', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => 'NULL', 'sComment' => 'update date', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'PROF_OXMODVERSION' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXMODVERSION', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(10)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'module version number', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXLOG' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXLOG', 'sType' => 'BIGINT(20)', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => 'NULL', 'sComment' => 'profile log setting', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'PROF_OXVALUE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXVALUE', 'sType' => 'LONGTEXT', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => 'profile settings', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'PROF_OXFOLDER' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXFOLDER', 'sType' => 'VARCHAR(70)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => 'folder name', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXSORT' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXSORT', 'sType' => 'INT(5)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0', 'sComment' => 'sort ident', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXWRITEPROTECTION' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXWRITEPROTECTION', 'sType' => 'INT(1)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0', 'sComment' => 'write protection', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXDATATYPE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXDATATYPE', 'sType' => 'CHAR(10)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => 'default', 'sComment' => 'data type', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_MULTILANG' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'USEMULTILANG', 'sType' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => 'NULL', 'sComment' => 'takes data from fields in other languages, if set', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXTIMESTAMP' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sFieldName' => 'OXTIMESTAMP', 'sType' => 'TIMESTAMP', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'sComment' => 'last change', 'sExtra' => 'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'VARI_OXID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod_variant', 'sFieldName' => 'OXID', 'sType' => 'char(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'VARI_OXPARENTID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod_variant', 'sFieldName' => 'OXPARENTID', 'sType' => 'char(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'VARI_OXNAME' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod_variant', 'sFieldName' => 'OXNAME', 'sType' => 'varchar(255)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'VARI_OXVALUE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod_variant', 'sFieldName' => 'OXVALUE', 'sType' => 'longtext', 'blNull' => true, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => 'module settings', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => true, ], 'VARI_OXTIMESTAMP' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod_variant', 'sFieldName' => 'OXTIMESTAMP', 'sType' => 'TIMESTAMP', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'sComment' => 'last change', 'sExtra' => 'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'CACHE_OXID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3cache', 'sFieldName' => 'OXID', 'sType' => 'char(32)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'CACHE_OXVALUE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3cache', 'sFieldName' => 'OXVALUE', 'sType' => 'blob', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => false, 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'CACHE_OXTYPE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3cache', 'sFieldName' => 'OXTYPE', 'sType' => 'varchar(20)', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'CACHE_OXLASTCHANGE' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3cache', 'sFieldName' => 'OXLASTCHANGE', 'sType' => 'DATETIME', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'sComment' => '', 'sExtra' => '', 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'CACHE_TIMESTAMP' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3cache', 'sFieldName' => 'OXTIMESTAMP', 'sType' => 'TIMESTAMP', 'blNull' => false, 'sDefault' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'sComment' => 'last change', 'sExtra' => 'ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', 'blMultilang' => false, ], ]; public $aIndizes = [ 'PRIMARY' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sType' => d3database::INDEX_TYPE_PRIMARY, 'aFields' => [ 'OXID' => 'OXID', ], 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'OXSHOPID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod', 'sType' => d3database::INDEX_TYPE_UNIQUE, 'sName' => 'OXSHOPID', 'aFields' => [ 'OXSHOPID' => 'OXSHOPID', 'OXMODID' => 'OXMODID', ], 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_PRIMARY' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sType' => d3database::INDEX_TYPE_PRIMARY, 'aFields' => [ 'OXID' => 'OXID', ], 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'PROF_OXSHOPID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3modprofile', 'sType' => d3database::INDEX_TYPE_INDEX, 'sName' => 'OXMODSHOPID', 'aFields' => [ 'OXSHOPID' => 'OXSHOPID', 'OXMODID' => 'OXMODID', ], 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'VARI_PRIMARY' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod_variant', 'sType' => d3database::INDEX_TYPE_PRIMARY, 'aFields' => [ 'OXID' => 'OXID', ], 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'VARI_OXPARENTID' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3_cfg_mod_variant', 'sType' => d3database::INDEX_TYPE_INDEX, 'sName' => 'OXPARENTID', 'aFields' => [ 'OXPARENTID' => 'OXPARENTID', ], 'blMultilang' => false, ], 'CACHE_PRIMARY' => [ 'sTableName' => 'd3cache', 'sType' => d3database::INDEX_TYPE_PRIMARY, 'aFields' => [ 'OXID' => 'OXID', ], 'blMultilang' => false, ], ]; public $aOldModuleFiles = [ 'd3_modcfg_stub.php', 'models/d3modcfg_cleanup.php', 'models/d3_cfg_mod_update.php', 'views/admin/tpl/d3_cfg_mod_bottom.tpl', 'views/admin/tpl/d3_cfg_mod_inc.tpl', ]; protected $_aRefreshMetaModuleIds = [Constants::OXID_MODULE_ID]; /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException */ public function checkModCfgMultiLangTable() { return $this->checkMultiLangTables('d3_cfg_mod'); } /** * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkConvertModCfgToMultiLangTable() { return $this->checkConvertToMultiLangTable('d3_cfg_mod'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function registerModCfgMultiLangTable() { return $this->fixRegisterMultiLangTables('d3_cfg_mod'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function convertModCfgToMultilangTable() { return $this->convertToMultilangTable('d3_cfg_mod'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException */ public function checkModprofileMultiLangTable() { return $this->checkMultiLangTables('d3modprofile'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function registerModprofileMultiLangTable() { return $this->fixRegisterMultiLangTables('d3modprofile'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException */ public function checkModCfgVariantMultiLangTable() { return $this->checkMultiLangTables('d3_cfg_mod_variant'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function registerModCfgVariantMultiLangTable() { return $this->fixRegisterMultiLangTables('d3_cfg_mod_variant'); } /** * Bugfix for empty multishoptables from rev. 1244 in * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws Exception */ public function checkOxarticlesMultiShopTable() { $blRet = false; if (in_array(oxNew(Facts::class)->getEdition(), ['B2B', 'EE'])) { $sCurrentShopId = Registry::getConfig()->getShopId(); /** @var Shop $oShop */ foreach ($this->getShopList() as $oShop) { $this->_changeToShop($oShop->getId()); if (false == in_array('oxarticles', Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('aMultiShopTables'))) { $blRet = true; break; } } $this->_changeToShop($sCurrentShopId); } return $blRet; } /** * Bugfix for empty multishoptables from rev. 1244 in * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws Exception */ public function resetMultiShopTables() { $sCurrentShopId = Registry::getConfig()->getShopId(); if (in_array(oxNew(Facts::class)->getEdition(), ['B2B', 'EE'])) { /** @var Shop $oShop */ foreach ($this->getShopList() as $oShop) { $this->_changeToShop($oShop->getId()); if (false == in_array('oxarticles', Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('aMultiShopTables'))) { $this->deleteMultiShopTables($oShop->getId()); } } } $this->_changeToShop($sCurrentShopId); return true; } /** * @return bool */ public function checkModprofileMultiShopTable() { return $this->checkMultiShopTables('d3modprofile'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function registerModProfileMultiShopTable() { return $this->fixRegisterMultiShopTables('d3modprofile'); } /** * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkConvertModprofileToMultiLangTable() { return $this->checkConvertToMultiLangTable('d3modprofile'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function convertModprofileToMultilangTable() { return $this->convertToMultilangTable('d3modprofile'); } /** * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkConvertModCfgVariantToMultiLangTable() { return $this->checkConvertToMultiLangTable('d3_cfg_mod_variant'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function convertModCfgVariantToMultilangTable() { return $this->convertToMultilangTable('d3_cfg_mod_variant'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws Exception */ public function checkModCfgFields() { $this->fixFieldsToDefaultEdition(); return $this->checkFields(); } /** * @return bool */ public function isModCfgModuleInactive() { /** @var Module $oModule */ $oModule = oxNew(Module::class); $oModule->load($this->sModKey); if (false == $oModule->isActive()) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return bool|mixed * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function activateModCfgModule() { $blRet = true; if ($this->isModCfgModuleInactive()) { if ($this->hasExecute()) { $container = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer(); /** @var ModuleActivationBridge $moduleActivationBridge */ $moduleActivationBridge = $container->get(ModuleActivationBridgeInterface::class); $moduleActivationBridge->activate( $this->sModKey, Registry::getConfig()->getShopId() ); } $this->setActionLog( 'MSG', Registry::getLang()->translateString('D3_UPDATE_MSG_DISABLED_MODCFGMODULE'), $this->getInitialExecMethod(__METHOD__) ); $this->setUpdateBreak(true); } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool true, if table is missing * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkModCfgTableExist() { return $this->_checkTableNotExist('d3_cfg_mod'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function addModCfgTable() { $this->setInitialExecMethod(__METHOD__); return $this->_addTable2( 'd3_cfg_mod', $this->aFields, $this->aIndizes, 'module configuration', 'InnoDB' ); } /** * @return bool true, if table has wrong engine * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkModCfgTableEngine() { /** @var d3installdbtable $oDbTable */ $oDbTable = oxNew(d3installdbtable::class, $this); $aData = $oDbTable->getTableData('d3_cfg_mod'); return !(count($aData) && isset($aData['ENGINE']) && $aData['ENGINE'] == 'InnoDB'); } /** * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function updateModCfgTableEngine() { /** @var d3installdbtable $oDbTable */ $oDbTable = oxNew(d3installdbtable::class, $this); return $oDbTable->changeTableEngine('d3_cfg_mod', 'InnoDB'); } /** * @return bool true, if table has wrong engine * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkModProfileTableEngine() { /** @var d3installdbtable $oDbTable */ $oDbTable = oxNew(d3installdbtable::class, $this); $aData = $oDbTable->getTableData('d3modprofile'); return !(count($aData) && isset($aData['ENGINE']) && $aData['ENGINE'] == 'InnoDB'); } /** * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function updateModProfileTableEngine() { /** @var d3installdbtable $oDbTable */ $oDbTable = oxNew(d3installdbtable::class, $this); return $oDbTable->changeTableEngine('d3modprofile', 'InnoDB'); } /** * @return bool true, if table has wrong engine * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkModCfgVariantTableEngine() { /** @var d3installdbtable $oDbTable */ $oDbTable = oxNew(d3installdbtable::class, $this); $aData = $oDbTable->getTableData('d3_cfg_mod_variant'); return !(count($aData) && isset($aData['ENGINE']) && $aData['ENGINE'] == 'InnoDB'); } /** * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function updateModCfgVariantTableEngine() { /** @var d3installdbtable $oDbTable */ $oDbTable = oxNew(d3installdbtable::class, $this); return $oDbTable->changeTableEngine('d3_cfg_mod_variant', 'InnoDB'); } /** * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function hasModProfileExclInclItems() { return $this->_hasMoveExclInclItemsTo2Shop('d3modprofile'); } /** * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function updateModProfileExclInclItems() { $blRet = true; if ($this->hasModProfileExclInclItems()) { $blRet = $this->_moveExclInclItemsTo2ShopRelation('d3modprofile'); } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function hasNoModCfgItem() { /** @var d3installdbrecord $oDbRecord */ $oDbRecord = oxNew(d3installdbrecord::class, $this); /** @var Shop $oShop */ foreach ($this->getShopList() as $oShop) { $aWhere = [ 'oxmodid' => $this->sModKey, 'oxversion' => $this->sModVersion, 'oxshopid' => $oShop->getId(), ]; if ($oDbRecord->checkTableRecordNotExist('d3_cfg_mod', $aWhere)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface * @throws DBALException */ public function updateModCfgItem() { $blRet = false; if ($this->hasNoModCfgItem()) { /** @var d3installdbrecord $oDbRecord */ $oDbRecord = oxNew(d3installdbrecord::class, $this); $this->setInitialExecMethod(__METHOD__); /** @var Shop $oShop */ foreach ($this->getShopList() as $oShop) { $aWhere = [ 'oxmodid' => $this->sModKey, 'oxshopid' => $oShop->getId(), 'oxversion' => $this->sModVersion, ]; if ($oDbRecord->checkTableRecordNotExist('d3_cfg_mod', $aWhere)) { // update don't use this property unset($aWhere['oxversion']); /** @var d3shopversionconverter $oShopVersionConverter */ $oShopVersionConverter = oxNew(d3shopversionconverter::class); $aInsertFields = [ 'OXID' => [ 'content' => "md5('" . $this->sModKey . " " . $oShop->getId() . " de')", 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => false, ], 'OXSHOPID' => [ 'content' => $oShop->getId(), 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, ], 'OXMODID' => [ 'content' => $this->sModKey, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, ], 'OXNAME' => [ 'content' => $this->sModName, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, ], 'OXACTIVE' => [ 'content' => "1", 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => false, ], 'OXBASECONFIG' => [ 'content' => $this->sBaseConf, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, ], 'OXSERIAL' => [ 'content' => "", 'force_update' => false, 'use_quote' => true, ], 'OXINSTALLDATE' => [ 'content' => "NOW()", 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => false, ], 'OXVERSION' => [ 'content' => $this->sModVersion, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, ], 'OXSHOPVERSION' => [ 'content' => $oShopVersionConverter->fixEditionToDefaultEdition(oxNew(Facts::class)->getEdition()), 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, ], 'OXREQUIREMENTS' => [ 'content' => $this->sRequirements, 'force_update' => true, 'use_quote' => true, ], 'OXVALUE' => [ 'content' => $this->sBaseValue, 'force_update' => false, 'use_quote' => true, ], ]; $this->setInitialExecMethod(__METHOD__); $blRet = $this->_updateTableItem2('d3_cfg_mod', $aInsertFields, $aWhere); } } } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool true, if table is missing * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkModProfileTableExist() { return $this->_checkTableNotExist('d3modprofile'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws Exception */ public function addModProfileTable() { $blRet = true; if ($this->checkModProfileTableExist()) { $this->setInitialExecMethod(__METHOD__); $this->fixFieldsToDefaultEdition(); $blRet = $this->_addTable2( 'd3modprofile', $this->aFields, $this->aIndizes, 'module profiles', 'InnoDB' ); } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool true, if table is missing * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkModCfgVariantTableExist() { return $this->_checkTableNotExist('d3_cfg_mod_variant'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function addModCfgVariantTable() { $blRet = true; if ($this->checkModCfgVariantTableExist()) { $this->setInitialExecMethod(__METHOD__); $blRet = $this->_addTable2( 'd3_cfg_mod_variant', $this->aFields, $this->aIndizes, 'alternative module profile settings', 'InnoDB' ); } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool true, if table is missing * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function checkCacheTableExist() { return $this->_checkTableNotExist('d3cache'); } /** * @return bool * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function addCacheTable() { $blRet = true; if ($this->checkCacheTableExist()) { $this->setInitialExecMethod(__METHOD__); $blRet = $this->_addTable2( 'd3cache', $this->aFields, $this->aIndizes, '', 'InnoDB' ); } return $blRet; } /** * @return bool * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function hasDuplicateBlockItem() { $oQB = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(QueryBuilderFactoryInterface::class)->create(); $oQB->select(1) ->from('oxtplblocks', 'tbl1') ->innerJoin('tbl1', 'oxtplblocks', 'tbl2', 'tbl2.oxshopid = tbl1.oxshopid AND tbl2.oxtemplate = tbl1.oxtemplate AND tbl2.oxblockname = tbl1.oxblockname AND tbl2.oxtheme = tbl1.oxtheme AND tbl2.oxfile = tbl1.oxfile AND tbl2.oxmodule = tbl1.oxmodule AND tbl2.oxid != tbl1.oxid') ->groupBy(1) ->setMaxResults(1); return (bool) $oQB->execute()->fetchOne(); } /** * @return bool * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface * @throws DBALDriverException * @throws DBALException */ public function deleteDuplicateBlockItems() { $blRet = true; if (!$this->hasDuplicateBlockItem()) { return $blRet; } $sMessage = '# '.Registry::getLang()->translateString('D3_CFG_MOD_UPDATE_JOB_SQL').PHP_EOL; /** @var Connection $db */ $db = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(ConnectionProviderInterface::class)->get(); if (!count($db->prepare("SHOW INDEX FROM oxtplblocks WHERE Column_name = 'D3DELETEID'")->executeQuery()->fetchAllAssociative())) { $sMessage .= " ALTER TABLE oxtplblocks ADD `D3DELETEID` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`D3DELETEID`); "; } $sMessage .= " DELETE tbl1 FROM `oxtplblocks` tbl1 INNER JOIN `oxtplblocks` tbl2 ON tbl2.oxshopid = tbl1.oxshopid AND tbl2.oxtheme = tbl1.oxtheme AND tbl2.oxtemplate = tbl1.oxtemplate AND tbl2.oxblockname = tbl1.oxblockname AND tbl2.oxfile = tbl1.oxfile AND tbl2.oxmodule = tbl1.oxmodule AND tbl2.oxid != tbl1.oxid WHERE tbl1.D3DELETEID > tbl2.D3DELETEID; ALTER TABLE `oxtplblocks` DROP COLUMN `D3DELETEID`, DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`OXID`); "; $blRet = $this->sqlExecute($sMessage); $this->setActionLog('SQL', $sMessage, __METHOD__); return $blRet; } /** * @return bool */ public function hasNonNamespacedRolesBemainExtension() { $aModules = Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('aModules'); if (is_array($aModules) && isset($aModules[RolesBackendMain::class]) && stristr($aModules[RolesBackendMain::class], 'd3/modcfg/Modules/Application/Controller/Admin/d3_roles_bemain_rolesrights') ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @throws ConnectionException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException */ public function removeNonNamespacedRolesBemainExtension() { $oConfig = Registry::getConfig(); /** @var Shop $activeShop */ $activeShop = $oConfig->getActiveShop(); $sCurrentShopId = $activeShop->getId(); if ($this->hasNonNamespacedRolesBemainExtension()) { /** @var Shop $oShop */ foreach ($this->getShopList() as $oShop) { $this->_changeToShop($oShop->getId()); $aModules = $oConfig->getConfigParam('aModules'); $aExtensions = array_flip(explode('&', $aModules[RolesBackendMain::class])); unset($aExtensions['d3/modcfg/Modules/Application/Controller/Admin/d3_roles_bemain_rolesrights']); $aModules[RolesBackendMain::class] = implode('&', array_flip($aExtensions)); $this->fixOxconfigVariable( 'aModules', $oShop->getId(), '', $aModules, 'aarr' ); if ($this->hasExecute()) { $oConfig->setConfigParam('aModules', $aModules); } } $this->_changeToShop($sCurrentShopId); } } /** * @throws Exception */ public function fixFieldsToDefaultEdition() { /** @var d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterHandler $oCompatibilityAdapter */ $oCompatibilityAdapter = oxNew(d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterHandler::class); /** @var d3shopversionconverter $oShopVersionConverter */ $oShopVersionConverter = oxNew(d3shopversionconverter::class); $sVersion = $oCompatibilityAdapter->getWOBetaShopVersion( $oShopVersionConverter->fixVersionToDefaultEdition(ShopVersion::getVersion()) ); if (strtoupper($oShopVersionConverter->fixEditionToDefaultEdition(oxNew(Facts::class)->getEdition())) == 'EE' && version_compare($sVersion, '5.2.0', '>=') ) { unset($this->aFields['PROF_OXSHOPINCL']); unset($this->aFields['PROF_OXSHOPEXCL']); } } }