{% include "headitem.html.twig" with {title: "D3TPLBLOCK_MAIN_TITLE"|translate} %} {% if readonly %} {% set readonly = "readonly disabled" %} {% else %} {% set readonly = "" %} {% endif %}
{{ oViewConf.getHiddenSid()|raw }}
{{ oViewConf.getHiddenSid()|raw }}
{% block admin_d3tplblocks_extend_form %} {% if oView.hasTplBlocks() %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}

{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3TPLBLOCKS_REMBLOCKS_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3TPLBLOCKS_REMBLOCKS_DESC")} %} {#
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_CLRTMP_TPLBLOCKS_REQUACT" }) }} #}
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3TPLBLOCKS_DEACTBLOCKS_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3TPLBLOCKS_DEACTBLOCKS_DESC")} %}
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3TPLBLOCKS_ACTBLOCKS_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3TPLBLOCKS_ACTBLOCKS_DESC")} %}
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3TPLBLOCKS_REFBLOCKS_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3TPLBLOCKS_REFBLOCKS_DESC")} %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3TPLBLOCKS_NOBLOCKS" }) }}
  {% block admin_d3tplblocks_extend_editor %} {% if oView.hasTplBlocks() %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3TPLBLOCKS_CLEARDUPLICATES_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3TPLBLOCKS_CLEARDUPLICATES_DESC")} %}
{% include "@d3modcfg_lib/admin/inc/inc.html.twig" %}