* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com */ namespace D3\ModCfg\Application\Controller\Admin; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Configuration\d3modprofile; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Constants; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception as DBALException; use DOMAttr; use DOMElement; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Controller\Admin\AdminListController; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Model\ListModel; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\StrMb; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\TableViewNameGenerator; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Request; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\StrRegular; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Str; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Container\ContainerFactory; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Database\ConnectionProviderInterface; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Database\QueryBuilderFactoryInterface; use Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface; use Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface; class d3_cfg_mod_list extends AdminListController { protected $_sThisTemplate = '@'.Constants::OXID_MODULE_ID.'/admin/base_list'; protected $_sModId = ''; protected $_sMenuItemTitle = 'd3mxcfg'; protected $_sMenuSubItemTitle = 'd3mxlibs'; protected $_blUpdateMain = null; // enable language depended configuration protected $_blD3ShowLangSwitch = true; protected $_blShowListItems = false; protected $_sListClass = d3modprofile::class; protected $_sDefSortField = 'oxsort'; protected $_blDesc = false; /** * constructor */ public function __construct() { $this->addTplParam('actlocation', false); $this->addTplParam('Errors', false); $this->addTplParam('box', 'box'); $this->addTplParam('readonly', false); $this->addTplParam('shop', Registry::getConfig()->getActiveShop()); $this->addTplParam('art_category', null); $this->addTplParam('_act', null); $this->addTplParam('readonly', false); $this->addTplParam('lstrt', false); $this->addTplParam('updatenav', false); $this->addTplParam('delshopid', false); $this->addTplParam('issubvariant', false); parent::__construct(); if ($this->_sListClass) { /** @var d3modprofile $oListObject */ $oListObject = oxNew($this->_sListClass); if (method_exists($oListObject, 'd3IsMultilang')) { $this->_blD3ShowLangSwitch = $oListObject->d3IsMultilang(); } } } /** * @return string */ public function render() { $sRet = parent::render(); // default page number 1 $this->addTplParam('oxid', Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('oxid')); if (false == $this->getViewDataElement('oxid')) { $this->addTplParam('oxid', 1); } if ($this->getViewDataElement('oxid') == -1 && ( false == $this->_sListClass or ( $this->_sListClass == d3modprofile::class && false == $this->d3getModId() ) ) ) { // wenn kein Eintrag gewaehlt und keine Liste gezeigt wird $this->addTplParam('oxid', 1); } // disabled because of errors while delete list items //$this->addTplParam('default_edit', d3_cfg_mod_main::class); $this->addTplParam('updatemain', $this->_blUpdateMain); $this->addTplParam('blShowLangSwitch', $this->_blD3ShowLangSwitch); /* if (Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('listitems') && $this->getViewDataElement('where')) { $aWhere = $this->getViewDataElement('where'); } */ if ($this->d3getShowListItems()) { $sFolder = Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter("folder"); $sFolder = $sFolder ?: -1; $this->addTplParam("folder", $sFolder); } $this->d3FixNamespaceNavigation(); return $sRet; } /** * escape namespace slashes for javascript use */ public function d3FixNamespaceNavigation() { /** @var DOMElement $oNavi */ foreach ($this->getViewDataElement('editnavi') as $oNavi) { /** @var DOMAttr $oAttribute */ foreach ($oNavi->attributes as $oAttribute) { if (strtolower($oAttribute->name) == 'cl' && strstr($oAttribute->nodeValue, '\\') && !str_contains($oAttribute->nodeValue, '\\\\') ) { $oAttribute->nodeValue = addslashes($oAttribute->nodeValue); } } } } /** * @param array $aWhere * @param string $sqlFull * @return string * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ protected function prepareWhereQuery($aWhere, $sqlFull) { /** @var Connection $db */ $db = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(ConnectionProviderInterface::class)->get(); $sQ = parent::prepareWhereQuery($aWhere, $sqlFull); $oProfiles = $this->d3getListItemObject(); if ($this->_sListClass != d3modprofile::class) { $sSqlActiveSnippet = $oProfiles->getSqlActiveSnippet(); if ($sSqlActiveSnippet) { $sQ .= " AND (".$sSqlActiveSnippet.") "; } } $sFolder = Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('folder'); //searchong for empty oxfolder fields if ($sFolder && $sFolder != '-1') { $sQ .= " and ( ".$oProfiles->getViewName().".oxfolder = ".$db->quote($sFolder)." ) "; } return $sQ; } /** * Calculates list items count * * @param string $sSql SQL query used co select list items * * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface * @throws Exception * @throws DBALException */ protected function _calcListItemsCount($sSql) { /** @var StrMb|StrRegular $oStr */ $oStr = Str::getStr(); // count SQL $oQB = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(QueryBuilderFactoryInterface::class)->create(); /** @var Connection $db */ $db = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(ConnectionProviderInterface::class)->get(); $oQB->select('count(*)')->from(''); $sSql = $oStr->preg_replace('/select .*? from/i', $oQB->getSQL(), $sSql); // removing order by $sSql = $oStr->preg_replace('/order by .*$/i', '', $sSql); $sSql .= ' LIMIT 1'; // con of list items which fits current search conditions $this->_iListSize = (int) $db->prepare($sSql)->executeQuery()->fetchOne(); // set it into session that other frames know about size of DB Registry::getSession()->setVariable('iArtCnt', $this->_iListSize); } /** * @return array */ public function d3getAdditionalFormParams() { return []; } /** * @return string */ public function d3GetMenuItemTitle() { return $this->_sMenuItemTitle; } /** * @return string */ public function d3GetMenuSubItemTitle() { return $this->_sMenuSubItemTitle; } /** * @return string */ public function d3getModId() { return $this->_sModId; } /** * @return bool */ public function d3getShowListItems() { return $this->_blShowListItems; } /** * @return string */ public function d3getListItemClass() { return $this->_sListClass; } /** * @return d3modprofile */ public function d3getListItemObject() { $oObject = oxNew($this->d3getListItemClass()); return $oObject; } /** * @return mixed * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function getSelectableFolderList() { $oProfile = $this->d3getListItemObject(); return $oProfile->d3getSelectableFolderList(); } /** * @return bool */ public function getIsOrderStep() { return false; } /** * @return string */ public function getLink() { return ''; } /** * @param null $sSql * bugfix for OXID error (EE521): * @return null|string * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ protected function _prepareOrderByQuery($sSql = null) { // sorting $aSortFields = $this->getListSorting(); /** @var Connection $db */ $db = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(ConnectionProviderInterface::class)->get(); if (is_array($aSortFields) && count($aSortFields)) { // only add order by at full sql not for count(*) $sSql .= ' order by '; $blSep = false; $oListItem = $this->getItemListBaseObject(); $iLangId = $oListItem->isMultilang() ? $oListItem->getLanguage() : Registry::getLang()->getBaseLanguage(); $descending = Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('adminorder'); $descending = $descending !== null ? (bool)$descending : $this->_blDesc; foreach ($aSortFields as $sTable => $aFieldData) { if ($sTable && isset($this->_sListClass) && class_exists($this->_sListClass)) { $oListObject = oxNew($this->_sListClass); $sTable = $oListObject->getViewName() . '.'; } else { /** @var TableViewNameGenerator $oViewNameGenerator */ $oViewNameGenerator = oxNew(TableViewNameGenerator::class); $sTable = $sTable ? ($oViewNameGenerator->getViewName($sTable, $iLangId) . '.') : ''; } foreach ($aFieldData as $sColumn => $sSortDir) { $sField = $sTable . $sColumn; //add table name to column name if no table name found attached to column name $sSql .= ((($blSep) ? ', ' : '')) . $db->quoteIdentifier($sField); //V oxActive field search always DESC $this->addTplParam("nextSortDir", "desc"); if ($descending || $sColumn == "oxactive" || strcasecmp($sSortDir, 'desc') == 0) { $sSql .= ' desc '; $this->addTplParam("nextSortDir", "asc"); } $blSep = true; } } } return $sSql; } /** * @return ListModel */ public function getItemList() { if (false == $this->_blShowListItems) { $oList = oxNew($this->_sListType); return $oList; } return parent::getItemList(); } }