* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com */ namespace D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Log; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\d3bitmask; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\d3database; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Configuration\d3_cfg_mod; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Parametercontainer\Registry as D3ModCfgRegistry; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Exception\d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Exception\d3_cfg_mod_exception; use D3\ModCfg\Modules\Application\Controller\d3_oxshopcontrol_modcfg_extension; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception as DBALDriverException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Query\QueryBuilder; use Exception; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Model\Shop; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\ConfigFile; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\StandardException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Request; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Model\BaseModel; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Email; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\ShopControl; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception as DBALException; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Container\ContainerFactory; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Database\ConnectionProviderInterface; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Database\QueryBuilderFactoryInterface; use Psr\Container\ContainerExceptionInterface; use Psr\Container\NotFoundExceptionInterface; use Psr\Log\LoggerTrait; class d3log extends BaseModel implements d3LogInterface { use LoggerTrait; // single log levels public const EMERGENCY = d3LogLevel::EMERGENCY; // Int 0, Bit 1 public const ALERT = d3LogLevel::ALERT; // Int 1, Bit 2 public const CRITICAL = d3LogLevel::CRITICAL; // Int 2, Bit 4 public const ERROR = d3LogLevel::ERROR; // Int 3 Bit 8 public const WARNING = d3LogLevel::WARNING; // Int 4 Bit 16 public const NOTICE = d3LogLevel::NOTICE; // Int 5 Bit 32 public const INFO = d3LogLevel::INFO; // Int 6 Bit 64 public const DEBUG = d3LogLevel::DEBUG; // Int 7 Bit 128 public const TEST = d3LogLevel::TEST; // Int 8 Bit 256 public const NONE = d3LogLevel::NONE; // Int 12 Bit 4096 // ranged log levels public const ERROR_AND_ABOVE = d3LogLevel::ERROR_AND_ABOVE; // Bit 15; public const WARNING_AND_ABOVE = d3LogLevel::WARNING_AND_ABOVE; // Bit 31; public const NOTICE_AND_ABOVE = d3LogLevel::NOTICE_AND_ABOVE; // Bit 63; public const INFO_AND_ABOVE = d3LogLevel::INFO_AND_ABOVE; // Bit 127; public const ALL = d3LogLevel::ALL; // Bit 4095 // accept 3 additional levels public $aLogTypes = [ 'EMERGENCY' => d3LogLevel::EMERGENCY, 'ALERT' => d3LogLevel::ALERT, 'CRITICAL' => d3LogLevel::CRITICAL, 'ERROR' => d3LogLevel::ERROR, 'WARNING' => d3LogLevel::WARNING, 'NOTICE' => d3LogLevel::NOTICE, 'INFO' => d3LogLevel::INFO, 'DEBUG' => d3LogLevel::DEBUG, 'TEST' => d3LogLevel::TEST, ]; public $aLogGroups = [ 'info' => [ 'INFO' => true, 'NOTICE' => true, 'WARNING' => true, 'EMERGENCY' => true, 'ALERT' => true, 'CRITICAL' => true, 'ERROR' => true, ], 'notice' => [ 'NOTICE' => true, 'WARNING' => true, 'EMERGENCY' => true, 'ALERT' => true, 'CRITICAL' => true, 'ERROR' => true, ], 'warning' => [ 'WARNING' => true, 'EMERGENCY' => true, 'ALERT' => true, 'CRITICAL' => true, 'ERROR' => true, ], 'error' => [ 'EMERGENCY' => true, 'ALERT' => true, 'CRITICAL' => true, 'ERROR' => true, ], 'none' => [ ], ]; /** * Object registry provides storage for shared objects * * @var array */ protected static $_aRegistry = []; protected $_blStandAloneUse = false; // set this, if other libraries aren't available protected $_sClassName = self::class; protected $_sCoreTbl = 'd3log'; // bc protected $_sCoreTable = 'd3log'; protected static $_sD3CoreTable = 'd3log'; public $_iLogType = d3LogLevel::EMERGENCY; private string $_sLogSetId = 'd3modcfg_lib'; public $sModID; public $sProfileID; public $aD3TypeList = []; public $aD3ModIdList = []; public $aD3ClassList = []; protected $_aSkipSaveFields = ['oxcounter', 'oxtimestamp']; protected $_iInfoMailLogMessageLength = 40; public $pwrsearchval; /** * Adds a new variable to the Registry. * * @param string $key Name of the variable * @param mixed $value Value of the variable * * @return bool */ public static function set($key, $value) { self::$_aRegistry[$key] = $value; return true; } /** * Tests if given $key exists in registry * * @param string $key * * @return bool */ public static function has($key) { return isset(self::$_aRegistry[$key]); } /** * Returns the value of the specified $key in the Registry. * * @param string $sModId * @param int|null $iLogType * * @return d3log|false * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public static function get(string $sModId, ?int $iLogType = null) { if (Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { startProfile(__METHOD__); } if (! self::isCallable()) { return false; } if (self::has($sModId)) { if (Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); } return self::$_aRegistry[$sModId]; } else { /** @var d3log $oLog */ $oLog =oxNew(d3log::class, $sModId); if ($iLogType === false) { $iLogType = $oLog->getLogType(); } $oLog->setModId($sModId); $oLog->setLogType($iLogType); self::set($sModId, $oLog); if (Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); } return self::$_aRegistry[$sModId]; } } /** * Returns the whole Registry as an array. * * @return array Whole Registry */ public static function getAll() { return self::$_aRegistry; } /** * Removes a variable from the Registry. * * @param string $key Name of the variable * * @return bool */ public static function remove($key) { if (self::has($key)) { unset(self::$_aRegistry[$key]); return true; } return false; } /** * Removes all variables from the Registry. * * @return void */ public static function removeAll() { self::$_aRegistry = []; return; } /** * constructor */ public function __construct() { if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { startProfile(__METHOD__); } parent::__construct(); $this->init($this->_sCoreTable); if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); } } /** * @param string $sModId * * @return d3log */ public function setModId($sModId) { $this->sModID = $sModId; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function d3getModId() { return $this->sModID; } /** * @param string $sProfileId * * @return d3log */ public function setProfileId($sProfileId) { $this->sProfileID = $sProfileId; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function d3getProfileId() { return $this->sProfileID; } /** * getLogType(d3log::INFO) * getLogType(d3log::INFO, d3log::ERROR); * * @param int $iLogType1 * @param int|null $iLogType2 * @param int|null $iLogType3 * * @return d3log */ public function setLogType($iLogType1, $iLogType2 = null, $iLogType3 = null) { $aArgs = func_get_args(); $bitmask = oxNew(d3bitmask::class); unset($iLogType1); unset($iLogType2); unset($iLogType3); $aLog = []; foreach ($aArgs as $iLogType) { // espacially for combined logtypes foreach ($this->aLogTypes as $iGenLogType) { if ($bitmask->isBitSet($iLogType, $this->getLogBit($iGenLogType))) { $aLog[$this->getErrorModeName($iGenLogType)] = 1; } } } if (count($aLog)) { $this->_iLogType = $this->getLogTypeByArray($aLog); } return $this; } /** * @param int $range * * @return array */ public function getLogTypeListByRange($range = d3LogLevel::ALL) { $bitmask = oxNew(d3bitmask::class); $types = []; foreach ($this->aLogTypes as $iGenLogType) { if ($bitmask->isBitSet($range, $this->getLogBit($iGenLogType))) { $types[] = $this->getErrorModeName($iGenLogType); } } return $types; } /** * @return int */ public function getLogType() { return $this->_iLogType; } /** * @param int $iLogType * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param string|null $sAction * @param string|null $mText * @param bool $blDie * * @return d3log */ public function log( $iLogType = d3LogLevel::EMERGENCY, $sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false ) { if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { startProfile(__METHOD__); } try { $sSessID = Registry::getSession()->getId(); $this->sModID ? $sModID = $this->sModID : $sModID = 'empty'; $mText = is_string($mText) ? $mText : print_r($mText, true); //$this->sModID definiert den Namen des Moduls, das geloggt werden soll -> tabellenfeld oxmodid // Beide Objektwerte sollten immer nach der Objekterstellung nach 'oxNew' gesetzt werden if ($this->getErrorMode($iLogType)) { $this->setId(); $aContent = [ 'oxshopid' => Registry::getConfig()->getShopId(), 'oxsessid' => $sSessID, 'oxlogtype' => strtolower($this->getErrorModeName($iLogType)), 'oxtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'oxmodid' => $sModID, 'oxprofileid' => $this->d3getProfileId() ?: 'none', 'oxclass' => $sClass, 'oxfnc' => $sFnc, 'oxline' => $iLine, 'oxaction' => $sAction, 'oxtext' => $mText, ]; $this->assign($aContent); $this->insert(); $this->_handleMailMessage(); D3ModCfgRegistry::getInstance()->add($this); } } catch (DBALException|DatabaseConnectionException|DatabaseErrorException|d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException|d3_cfg_mod_exception $e) { Registry::getLogger()->error($e->getMessage(), [$e]); } try { $this->_handleDie($mText, $blDie); } catch (StandardException $e) { Registry::getLogger()->error($e->getMessage(), [$e]); } if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); } return $this; } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * @return d3log */ public function emergency($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::EMERGENCY, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * @return d3log */ public function alert($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::ALERT, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * @return d3log */ public function critical($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::CRITICAL, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * @return d3log */ public function error($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::ERROR, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * @return d3log */ public function warning($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::WARNING, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * @return d3log */ public function notice($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::NOTICE, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * * @return d3log */ public function info($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::INFO, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * @return d3log */ public function debug($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::DEBUG, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param string $sClass * @param string $sFnc * @param int $iLine * @param null $sAction * @param null $mText * @param bool $blDie * @return d3log */ public function test($sClass = self::class, $sFnc = __FUNCTION__, $iLine = __LINE__, $sAction = null, $mText = null, $blDie = false) { return $this->log(d3LogLevel::TEST, $sClass, $sFnc, $iLine, $sAction, $mText, $blDie); } /** * @param int $iLogType * * @return int */ public function getLogBit($iLogType) { return oxNew(d3bitmask::class)->getIntByBitPosition($iLogType); } /** * @return array */ public function getErrorModes() { // $iError = $this->getLogType(); $aLogTypeStatus = []; foreach ($this->aLogTypes as $sLogType => $iLogType) { $aLogTypeStatus[$sLogType] = $this->getErrorMode($iLogType); } return $aLogTypeStatus; } /** * @param int $iErrorMode * * @return bool */ public function getErrorMode($iErrorMode) { if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { startProfile(__METHOD__); } $iError = $this->getLogType(); $iLogBit = $this->getLogBit($iErrorMode); $blReturn = oxNew(d3bitmask::class)->isBitSet($iError, $iLogBit); if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); } return $blReturn; } /** * @param $sStatus * @param $oSet * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function getLogStatus($sStatus, $oSet = false) { unset($oSet); if (is_int($sStatus)) { $flipped = array_flip($this->aLogTypes); $sStatus = $flipped[$sStatus]; } if ($this->getLogSet()->getValue('blLog_useExtendedLogging')) { return $this->_getLogStatusExtended($sStatus); } else { if (strtoupper($sStatus) == 'DEBUG' || strtoupper($sStatus) == 'TEST' ) { return $this->_getLogStatusExtended($sStatus); } $aLogLevelArray = $this->_convertLogLevelToModeArray($sStatus); $aLogLevelKeys = array_keys($aLogLevelArray); foreach ($this->getAllLogTypes() as $sErrorName => $iLogType) { if (in_array($sErrorName, $aLogLevelKeys) && false == $this->getErrorMode($iLogType)) { return false; } elseif (false == in_array($sErrorName, $aLogLevelKeys) && $this->getErrorMode($iLogType)) { return false; } } return true; } } /** * @param string $sStatus * * @return bool */ protected function _getLogStatusExtended($sStatus) { $iErrorMode = $this->getErrorModeId($sStatus); return $this->getErrorMode($iErrorMode); } /** * @param int $iErrorMode * * @return string */ public function getErrorModeName($iErrorMode) { $aModTypeList = array_keys($this->aLogTypes); return $aModTypeList[$iErrorMode]; } /** * @param string $sErrorName * * @return int */ public function getErrorModeId($sErrorName) { $aModTypeList = array_keys($this->aLogTypes); $iErrorMode = array_search(strtoupper($sErrorName), $aModTypeList); return $iErrorMode; } /** * @param array $aErrorModes * * @return int */ public function getLogTypeByArray($aErrorModes = []) { $aErrorModes = $this->_resolveArrayByLogTypes($aErrorModes); return oxNew(d3bitmask::class)->getIntByBitMask($aErrorModes); } /** * @param array $aErrorModes * * @return array */ protected function _resolveArrayByLogTypes($aErrorModes) { $aNewTypeArray = []; $aErrorModes = array_change_key_case($aErrorModes, CASE_UPPER); foreach (array_keys($this->aLogTypes) as $sTypeName) { if (isset($aErrorModes[strtoupper($sTypeName)])) { $aNewTypeArray[$sTypeName] = $aErrorModes[strtoupper($sTypeName)]; } else { $aNewTypeArray[$sTypeName] = false; } } return $aNewTypeArray; } /** * @param int $iType * * @return int */ public function addLogType($iType) { $this->setLogType(oxNew(d3bitmask::class)->addBit($this->getLogType(), $this->getLogBit($iType))); return $this->getLogType(); } /** * @param int $iType * * @return int */ public function removeLogType($iType) { $this->setLogType(oxNew(d3bitmask::class)->removeBit($this->getLogType(), $this->getLogBit($iType))); return $this->getLogType(); } /** * @return int|false * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function convertAdminLogSettings() { $aLog = []; if ($this->getLogSet()->getValue('blLog_useExtendedLogging') && Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('logtypes') && is_array(Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('logtypes')) ) { foreach (Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('logtypes') as $iType => $blStatus) { $aLog[$this->getErrorModeName($iType)] = (bool)$blStatus; } } elseif (Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('loglevel') !== null) { $aLog = $this->_convertLogLevelToModeArray(Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('loglevel')); $aLogTypes = Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('logtypes'); /** set DEBUG mode */ if ($aLogTypes && is_array($aLogTypes) && isset($aLogTypes['7'])) { $aLog['DEBUG'] = $aLogTypes['7'] ? true : false; } /** set TEST mode */ if ($aLogTypes && is_array($aLogTypes) && isset($aLogTypes['8'])) { $aLog['TEST'] = $aLogTypes['8'] ? true : false; } } else { return false; } if (count($aLog)) { return $this->getLogTypeByArray($aLog); } return 0; } /** * @param string $sLogLevel * * @return array */ protected function _convertLogLevelToModeArray($sLogLevel) { if (!$sLogLevel) { return []; } $aLog = $this->aLogGroups[strtolower($sLogLevel)]; if (!is_array($aLog)) { $aLog = []; } return $aLog; } /** * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws StandardException * @throws d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException * @throws d3_cfg_mod_exception */ public function setBacktraceLog() { $this->Log(); debug_print_backtrace(); } /** * @param bool $forceCoreTable * * @return string */ public function getSqlActiveSnippet($forceCoreTable = false) { unset($forceCoreTable); return "1"; } /** * check, if mailsend has to be intitiated * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ protected function _checkMailMessage() { if ($this->_checkMailMessageSlot(1) || $this->_checkMailMessageSlot(2)) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param $iSlot * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ protected function _checkMailMessageSlot($iSlot) { if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { startProfile(__METHOD__); } $sAdrFieldName = 'sLog_messageadr'.$iSlot; $sErrLevelFieldName = 'sLog_messageerrlevel'.$iSlot; $sTimeStampFieldName = 'sLog_messagetimestamp'.$iSlot; if ($this->getLogSet()->getValue($sAdrFieldName) && $this->getLogSet()->getValue($sErrLevelFieldName) && ( false == $this->getLogSet()->getValue($sTimeStampFieldName) || ($this->getLogSet()->getValue($sTimeStampFieldName) < $this->_getLastReqMailTimeStamp($iSlot)) ) ) { if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); } return true; } if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); } return false; } /** * @return array * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function getUsedMailMessageSlots() { $sAdrBaseFieldName = 'sLog_messageadr'; $aSlots = []; for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++) { $sAdrFieldName = $sAdrBaseFieldName.$i; if (strlen($this->getLogSet()->getValue($sAdrFieldName))) { $aSlots[] = $i; } else { break; }; } return $aSlots; } /** * get timestamp of last required mailsend time * @param $iSlot * @return int * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ protected function _getLastReqMailTimeStamp($iSlot) { $iDiff = match ($this->getLogSet()->getValue('sLog_messageintervaltype' . $iSlot)) { 'hour' => 60 * 60, 'day' => 60 * 60 * 24, 'minute' => 60, default => 0, }; $iDiff *= $this->getLogSet()->getValue('sLog_messageinterval' . $iSlot); return time() - $iDiff; } /** * send info mail to setted mail adresses * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DBALDriverException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface * @throws StandardException * @throws d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException * @throws d3_cfg_mod_exception */ protected function _sendMailMessage() { if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { startProfile(__METHOD__); } /** @var Connection $db */ $db = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(ConnectionProviderInterface::class)->get(); foreach ($this->getUsedMailMessageSlots() as $iSlotId) { if ($this->_checkMailMessageSlot($iSlotId)) { $aErrorStatus = $db->prepare($this->_getMailDataSelect($iSlotId))->executeQuery()->fetchAllAssociative(); if (count($aErrorStatus)) { /** @var Email $oEMail */ $oEMail = oxNew(Email::class); $this->_sendLogInfoMail( $oEMail, $this->getLogSet()->getValue('sLog_messageadr'.$iSlotId), $this->_getMailSubject(), $this->_getMailContent($aErrorStatus) ); $this->getLogSet()->setValue('sLog_messagetimestamp'.$iSlotId, time()); $this->getLogSet()->save(); } } } if ((bool) Registry::get(ConfigFile::class)->getVar('iDebug')) { stopProfile(__METHOD__); } } /** * @param Email $oEmail * @param $sTo * @param $sSubject * @param $sBody */ protected function _sendLogInfoMail($oEmail, $sTo, $sSubject, $sBody) { /** @var Shop $oShop */ $oShop = Registry::getConfig()->getActiveShop(); if (! ($sFromAddress = Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sLogInfoMailFromAddress'))) { $sFromAddress = $oShop->getFieldData('oxorderemail'); } $oEmail->setFrom($sFromAddress, $oShop->__get('oxshops__oxname')->getRawValue()); $oEmail->setSmtp($oShop); if (is_array($sTo)) { foreach ($sTo as $sAddress) { $oEmail->setRecipient($sAddress, ""); $oEmail->setReplyTo($sAddress, ""); } } else { $oEmail->setRecipient($sTo, ""); $oEmail->setReplyTo($sTo, ""); } //may be changed later $oEmail->isHTML(true); $oEmail->setSubject($sSubject); $oEmail->setBody($sBody); $oEmail->send(); } /** * create select to get status overview from database * * @param int $iSlot mail send configuration slot * * @return string * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ protected function _getMailDataSelect($iSlot) { /** @var Connection $db */ $db = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(ConnectionProviderInterface::class)->get(); $sWhere = $this->getLogSet()->getValue('sLog_messagetimestamp' . $iSlot) ? "oxtime > " . $db->quote( date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->getLogSet()->getValue('sLog_messagetimestamp' . $iSlot)) ) . " " : '1 '; $aLevelFilter = []; switch ($this->getLogSet()->getValue('sLog_messageerrlevel' . $iSlot)) { case 'warning': $aLevelFilter = ['emergency', 'alert', 'critical', 'error', 'warning']; break; case 'error': $aLevelFilter = ['emergency', 'alert', 'critical', 'error']; break; case 'critical': $aLevelFilter = ['emergency', 'alert', 'critical']; break; case 'alert': $aLevelFilter = ['emergency', 'alert']; break; case 'emergency': $aLevelFilter = ['emergency']; break; } if (count($aLevelFilter)) { $sWhere .= ' AND oxlogtype IN ("' . implode('","', $aLevelFilter) . '") '; } $sSelect = "SELECT count(oxlogtype) as counter, oxlogtype, oxmodid, CONCAT(substr(oxtext, 1, ".$this->_iInfoMailLogMessageLength."),'...') as text FROM " . $this->getViewName() . " WHERE " . $sWhere . " AND oxlogtype IS NOT NULL GROUP BY oxmodid, oxlogtype, text ORDER BY FIELD(oxlogtype,".$this->getLogTypePriorityList4Query()."), counter DESC"; return $sSelect; } /** * generate subject for owner info mail * * @return string */ protected function _getMailSubject() { /** @var Shop $oShop */ $oShop = Registry::getConfig()->getActiveShop(); $iDefaultLang = Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sDefaultLang'); $oLang = Registry::getLang(); $sText = sprintf( $oLang->translateString('D3_LOGMAIL_SUBJECT', $iDefaultLang, true), $oShop->getFieldData('oxname'), $oShop->getFieldData('oxurl') ); return $sText; } /** * generate content by database data for owner info mail * * @param array $aStatus status data * * @return string */ protected function _getMailContent($aStatus) { $iDefaultLang = Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sDefaultLang'); $oLang = Registry::getLang(); $sText = $oLang->translateString('D3_LOGMAIL_HEADLINE', $iDefaultLang, true); $sText .= "

"; $sText .= ""; foreach ($aStatus as $aUniqueStatus) { $aUniqueStatus = array_change_key_case($aUniqueStatus, CASE_UPPER); $sText .= ""; $sText .= ""; $sText .= ""; $sText .= ""; } $sText .= "
".$aUniqueStatus['COUNTER']."x".$aUniqueStatus['OXLOGTYPE']."".sprintf( $oLang->translateString('D3_LOGMAIL_INMODULE', $iDefaultLang, true), $aUniqueStatus['OXMODID'] )."".str_replace([chr(10), chr(13)], '', $aUniqueStatus['TEXT'])."
"; $sText .= "
"; $sText .= $oLang->translateString('D3_LOGMAIL_DESC', $iDefaultLang, true)."

"; $sText .= $oLang->translateString('D3_LOGMAIL_LEGENDE', $iDefaultLang, true); $sText .= $oLang->translateString('D3_LOGTYPE_DESC', $iDefaultLang, true); return $sText; } /** * @param bool $blGetDebug * @param bool $blGetTestMode * * @return array */ public function getAllLogTypes($blGetDebug = false, $blGetTestMode = false) { $aTypes = $this->aLogTypes; if (false == $blGetDebug) { unset($aTypes['DEBUG']); } if (false == $blGetTestMode) { unset($aTypes['TEST']); } return $aTypes; } /** * @param string $sModId * @return array * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DBALDriverException * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function getLogTypeList($sModId = '') { if (false == $this->aD3TypeList || false == count($this->aD3TypeList)) { /** @var QueryBuilder $qb */ $qb = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(QueryBuilderFactoryInterface::class)->create(); $qb->select('DISTINCT oxlogtype') ->from($this->getCoreTableName()) ->orderBy('FIELD(oxlogtype,'.$this->getLogTypePriorityList4Query().')'); if ($sModId) { $qb->where( $qb->expr()->like('oxmodid', $qb->createNamedParameter('%'.$sModId.'%')) ); } $aRecords = $qb->execute()->fetchAllAssociative(); $this->aD3TypeList = []; if (count($aRecords)) { foreach ($aRecords as $aRecord) { $aRecord = array_change_key_case($aRecord, CASE_UPPER); $this->aD3TypeList[] = $aRecord['OXLOGTYPE']; } } } return $this->aD3TypeList; } public function getLogTypePriorityList() { return array_keys($this->aLogTypes); } /** * @return string * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function getLogTypePriorityList4Query(): string { /** @var Connection $db */ $db = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(ConnectionProviderInterface::class)->get(); return implode(',', array_map([$db, 'quote'], $this->getLogTypePriorityList())); } /** * @param string $sModId * @return array * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DBALDriverException * @throws DBALException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function getModIdList($sModId = '') { if (false == $this->aD3ModIdList || false == count($this->aD3ModIdList)) { /** @var QueryBuilder $qb */ $qb = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(QueryBuilderFactoryInterface::class)->create(); $qb->select('DISTINCT oxmodid') ->from($this->getCoreTableName()) ->orderBy('oxmodid'); if ($sModId) { $qb->where($qb->expr()->like('oxmodid', $qb->createNamedParameter('%'.$sModId.'%'))); } $aRecords = $qb->execute()->fetchAllAssociative(); $this->aD3ModIdList = []; if (count($aRecords)) { foreach ($aRecords as $aRecord) { $aRecord = array_change_key_case($aRecord, CASE_UPPER); $this->aD3ModIdList[] = $aRecord['OXMODID']; } } } return $this->aD3ModIdList; } /** * @param string $sModId * @return array * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DBALDriverException * @throws DBALException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function getClassList($sModId = '') { if (false == $this->aD3ClassList || false == count($this->aD3ClassList)) { /** @var QueryBuilder $qb */ $qb = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(QueryBuilderFactoryInterface::class)->create(); $qb->select('DISTINCT oxclass') ->from($this->getCoreTableName()) ->orderBy('oxclass'); if ($sModId) { $qb->where($qb->expr()->like('oxmodid', $qb->createNamedParameter('%'.$sModId.'%'))); } $aRecords = $qb->execute()->fetchAllAssociative(); $this->aD3ClassList = []; if (count($aRecords)) { foreach ($aRecords as $aRecord) { $aRecord = array_change_key_case($aRecord, CASE_UPPER); $this->aD3ClassList[] = $aRecord['OXCLASS']; } } } return $this->aD3ClassList; } /** * @param bool $sModId * @param bool $sType * @param bool $sFromTime * @param bool $sToTime * @return QueryBuilder * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ protected function _getDelSql($sModId = false, $sType = false, $sFromTime = false, $sToTime = false): QueryBuilder { /** @var QueryBuilder $qb */ $qb = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(QueryBuilderFactoryInterface::class)->create(); $qb->delete($this->getCoreTableName()) ->where($qb->expr()->eq('oxshopid', $qb->createNamedParameter(Registry::getConfig()->getShopId()))); $sModId = $sModId ?: Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('delete_oxmodid'); if ($sModId) { $qb->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('oxmodid', $qb->createNamedParameter($sModId))); } $sType = $sType ?: Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('delete_oxtype'); if ($sType) { $qb->andWhere($qb->expr()->eq('oxlogtype', $qb->createNamedParameter($sType))); } $sFromTime = $sFromTime ?: Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('delete_oxfromtime'); if ($sFromTime) { $qb->andWhere($qb->expr()->gt('oxtime', $qb->createNamedParameter($sFromTime))); } $sToTime = $sToTime ?: Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('delete_oxtotime'); if ($sToTime) { $qb->andWhere($qb->expr()->lt('oxtime', $qb->createNamedParameter($sToTime))); } return $qb; } /** * @param bool $sModId * @param bool $sType * @param bool $sFromTime * @param bool $sToTime * @return int * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws DBALException * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function delLog($sModId = false, $sType = false, $sFromTime = false, $sToTime = false) { $sql = $this->_getDelSql($sModId, $sType, $sFromTime, $sToTime); return $sql->execute(); } /** * @return array */ public function getSearchableFields() { $aSkipFields = ['oxid']; $aFields = array_diff(array_keys($this->_aFieldNames), $aSkipFields); return $aFields; } /** * get logging modcfg object * * @return d3_cfg_mod * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function getLogSet() { return d3_cfg_mod::get($this->_sLogSetId); } /** * register an error handler * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public function registerErrorHandler() { if (class_exists(d3_cfg_mod::class) && d3_cfg_mod::isCallable()) { try { if ($this->getLogSet()->getId() && $this->getLogSet()->getValue('blLog_enableErrorReporting')) { register_shutdown_function([$this, 'd3logShutDown']); // E_USER_ERROR will catched twice, no additional handling needed set_error_handler([$this, 'd3logError'], E_ALL ^ E_USER_ERROR); } } catch (Exception $e) { unset($e); return; } } } /** * log fatal error shutdowns * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws StandardException * @throws d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException * @throws d3_cfg_mod_exception */ public function d3logShutDown() { $aError = error_get_last(); if (is_array($aError) && isset($aError['message'])) { $this->d3logError($aError['type'], $aError['message'], $aError['file'], $aError['line']); } } /** * @param $errno * @param $errstr * @param $errfile * @param $errline * @return bool * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws StandardException * @throws d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException * @throws d3_cfg_mod_exception */ public function d3logError($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $sClass = null; $sFunction = null; $sLine = null; $sContent = null; if (self::_d3extractClassName($errfile) == self::class) { $aTrace = debug_backtrace(); $sClass = $aTrace[1]['class'] ?: self::_d3extractClassName($aTrace[1]['file']); $sFunction = $aTrace[1]['function']; $sLine = $aTrace[1]['line']; foreach (array_keys($aTrace) as $key) { if ($aTrace[$key]['object']) { unset($aTrace[$key]['object']); } } $sContent = trim(strip_tags($errstr)) . "\n\n"; $sContent .= print_r($aTrace, true); } else { $sClass = self::_d3extractClassName($errfile); $sFunction = 'unknown'; $sLine = $errline; $sContent = trim($errstr); } $this->Log( self::_d3getErrorStatus($errno), $sClass, $sFunction, $sLine, 'ErrorReporting', $sContent . PHP_EOL . print_r($_REQUEST, true) ); return false; } /** * @param $errno * * @return int */ private function _d3getErrorStatus($errno) { $sErrState = null; switch ((int)$errno) { case E_NOTICE: case E_USER_NOTICE: $sErrState = d3LogLevel::NOTICE; break; case E_WARNING: case E_USER_WARNING: $sErrState = d3LogLevel::WARNING; break; case E_ERROR: case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: case E_USER_ERROR: $sErrState = d3LogLevel::EMERGENCY; break; case E_STRICT: $sErrState = d3LogLevel::WARNING; break; case null: $sErrState = d3LogLevel::NONE; break; default: $sErrState = d3LogLevel::ERROR; } if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3', '>')) { switch ((int)$errno) { case E_DEPRECATED: case E_USER_DEPRECATED: $sErrState = d3LogLevel::WARNING; break; } } return $sErrState; } /** * @param $sFile * * @return string */ private function _d3extractClassName($sFile) { $sFile = basename($sFile); $iEnd = strrpos($sFile, '.'); return substr($sFile, 0, $iEnd); } /** * show profiling */ public function d3GetProfiling() { $view = Registry::getConfig()->getActiveView(); /** @var d3_oxshopcontrol_modcfg_extension $oShopControl */ $oShopControl = oxNew(ShopControl::class); $oShopControl->d3StopMonitoring($view); } /** * check, if modcfg can get items * * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException */ public static function isCallable() { if (class_exists(d3database::class) && ($oD3DataBase = d3database::getInstance()) && $oD3DataBase->checkTableExist(self::$_sD3CoreTable) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * @param $sLogType * * @return string */ public function getLogTypeTranslation($sLogType) { $sTranslationIdent = "D3_LOGTYPE_" . strtoupper($sLogType); $sTranslation = Registry::getLang()->translateString($sTranslationIdent); if ($sTranslation == $sTranslationIdent) { return $sLogType; } else { return $sTranslation; } } /** * @param string $sBaseModId * @return string * @throws DatabaseConnectionException */ public function d3BuildExportQuery($sBaseModId = '') { $aWhere = []; $sModId = Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('export_oxmodid'); if ($sModId) { $aWhere['oxmodid'] = $sModId; Registry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->addTplParam('oxmodid', $sModId); } $sTime = Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('export_oxtime'); if ($sTime) { $aWhere['oxtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($sTime)); Registry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->addTplParam('oxtime', $sTime); } $sSessid = trim(Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('export_oxsessid')); if ($sSessid) { $aWhere['oxsessid'] = $sSessid; Registry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->addTplParam('oxsessid', $sSessid); } $sClass = trim(Registry::get(Request::class)->getRequestEscapedParameter('export_oxclass')); if ($sClass) { $aWhere['oxclass'] = $sClass; Registry::getConfig()->getActiveView()->addTplParam('oxclass', $sClass); } $sSelect = $this->buildSelectString($aWhere); /** @var Connection $db */ $db = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(ConnectionProviderInterface::class)->get(); $aSearch = ['oxtime =']; $aReplace = ['oxtime >']; if ($sBaseModId) { $aSearch[] = ' where 1 '; $aReplace[] = ' where 1 AND oxmodid LIKE '.$db->quote('%'.$sBaseModId.'%'); } $sSelect = str_replace($aSearch, $aReplace, $sSelect); return $sSelect; } /** * @throws DBALException * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws StandardException * @throws d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException * @throws d3_cfg_mod_exception */ protected function _handleMailMessage() { if (false == $this->_blStandAloneUse) { if ($this->_checkMailMessage()) { $this->_sendMailMessage(); } } } /** * @param $mText * @param $blDie */ protected function _handleDie($mText, $blDie) { if ($blDie) { die($mText); } } /** * @param string $sModId * * @return string * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface */ public function getItemCount($sModId = '') { $oQB = ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer()->get(QueryBuilderFactoryInterface::class)->create(); $oQB->select('count(*)') ->from($this->getCoreTableName()) ->setMaxResults(1) ; if ($sModId) { $oQB->where('oxmodid LIKE '.$oQB->createNamedParameter('%' . $sModId . '%')); } return $oQB->execute()->fetchOne(); } }