{% include "headitem.html.twig" with {title: "GENERAL_ADMIN_TITLE"|translate} %}
{{ oViewConf.getHiddenSid()|raw }} {% if oView.isLicenseRequired() and oView.getNextStep() == 'getActivationType' %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_HEADLINE" }) }}

{% set listclass = "listitem2" %} {% if oModule.hasActIdent() %} {% set listclass = "listitem" %} {% endif %} {% set listclass = "listitem2" %} {% set listclass = "listitem" %} {% set listclass = "listitem2" %} {% set listclass = "listitem" %}
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_FOREIGN_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_FOREIGN_DESC")} %}
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_DEMO_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_DEMO_DESC")} %}
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_BUY_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_TYPE_BUY_DESC")} %}
{% set blBackStep = false %} {% set blNextStep = true %} {% elseif oView.isLicenseRequired() and oView.getNextStep() == 'getActivationData' %} {% if oView.getActivationType() == 'boughtoxidmodule' or oView.getActivationType() == 'requestagain' or oView.getActivationType() == 'usedemo' %} {% set oShop = oView.getSubmitLicenceShop() %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_HEADLINE" }) }}

{% set listclass = "listitem2" %} {% set listclass = "listitem" %} {% set listclass = "listitem2" %} {% set listclass = "listitem" %} {% set listclass = "listitem2" %} {% if oView.getActivationType() == 'boughtoxidmodule' %} {% set listclass = "listitem" %} {% endif %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODULE" }) }} {{ oModule.d3GetModId() }} ({{ oView.getModTitle(oModule) }}) {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODULE_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODULE_DESC")} %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODVERSION" }) }} {{ oModule.getModVersion() }} {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODVERSION_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_MODVERSION_DESC")} %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_DOMAIN" }) }} {{ oView.getSubmitLicenceDomain() }} {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_DOMAIN_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_DOMAIN_DESC")} %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_SHOP" }) }} {{ oShop.getId() }} ({{ oShop.getFieldData('oxname') }}) {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_SHOP_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_SHOP_DESC")} %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_EDITION" }) }} {{ oView.getSubmitShopEdition(0) }} ({{ oView.getSubmitShopEdition(1) }}) {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_EDITION_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_EDITION_DESC")} %}
{% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_VOUCHER_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_VOUCHER_DESC")} %}
{% if oView.getActivationType() == 'usedemo' %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_DATA_DEMO_DESC" }) }}

{% endif %}
{% set blBackStep = true %} {% set blNextStep = true %} {% elseif oView.getActivationType() == "boughtforeign" %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_FOREIGN_HEADLINE" }) }}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_FOREIGN_DESC" }) }}

{% set blBackStep = true %} {% set blNextStep = false %} {% elseif oView.getActivationType() == 'wantbuy' %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_BUY_HEADLINE" }) }}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_BUY_DESC_1" }) }} https://www.oxidmodule.com/index.php?cl=search&searchparam={{ oModule.d3GetModId() }} {{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_BUY_DESC_2" }) }}
{% set blBackStep = true %} {% set blNextStep = false %} {% elseif oView.getActivationType() == "notlisted" %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_NOTLISTED_HEADLINE" }) }}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_NOTLISTED_DESC" }) }}
{% set blBackStep = true %} {% set blNextStep = false %} {% endif %} {% elseif oView.isLicenseRequired() and oView.getNextStep() == 'submitData' %} {% if not oView.getSubmitStatus() %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SUBMIT_SUCCESS_HL" }) }}

{{ oView.getExpirationMessage() }}

{% set blBackStep = true %} {% set blNextStep = false %} {% else %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SUBMIT_NSUCCESS_HL" }) }}

{{ oView.getNotSuccessMessage() }}

{% set blBackStep = true %} {% set blNextStep = false %} {% endif %} {% elseif oView.getNextStep() == 'saveSerialSuccess' %}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SUBMIT_SUCCESS_HL" }) }}

{{ translate({ ident: "D3_CFG_MOD_ACTIVATION_SAVESERIALSUCC" }) }}

{% set blBackStep = false %} {% set blNextStep = false %} {% endif %} {% if blBackStep %} {% endif %} {% if blNextStep %} {% endif %}
{% include "@d3modcfg_lib/admin/inc/inc.html.twig" %} {% include "bottomitem.html.twig" %}