{% include "headitem.html.twig" with {title: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_OVERVIEW"|translate} %} {% set readonly = "readonly disabled" %}
{{ oViewConf.getHiddenSid()|raw }}
{% if oView.getDataOnDemand() %}
{{ oViewConf.getHiddenSid()|raw }} {% endif %} {% if edit.getId() and not edit.getLicenseActive() %} {% endif %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_ERROR_IEXECJOBSLIMIT" }) }}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_GENERAL_ORDERMANAGER_DESCRIPTION" }) }} {{ translate({ ident: "d3tbclordermanager_items_overview_desc" }) }}
{% if edit.getBasicRestrictionSettings() %}
{% endif %} {% if Errors.default is iterable and count(Errors.default)>0 %} {% else %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_OVERVIEW_STAT" }) }}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_FINISHED" }) }} {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_FINISHED_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_FINISHED_DESC")} %}
{% set mFinishedCount = oView.getFinishedCount() %} {{ mFinishedCount }} {% if oView.getDataOnDemand() %} {% if false == oView.hasRequestedData('finishedCount', 'getFinishedCount') %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_FINISHEDMONTH" }) }} {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_FINISHEDMONTH_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_FINISHEDMONTH_DESC")} %}
{% set mFinishedMonthCount = oView.getFinishedMonthCount() %} {{ mFinishedMonthCount }} {% if oView.getDataOnDemand() %} {% if false == oView.hasRequestedData('finishedMonthCount', 'getFinishedMonthCount') %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_TOFINISHED" }) }} {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_TOFINISHED_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_TOFINISHED_DESC")} %}
{% set mToFinishedCount = oView.getToFinishedCount() %} {{ mToFinishedCount }} {% if oView.getDataOnDemand() %} {% if false == oView.hasRequestedData('toFinishedCount', 'getToFinishedCount') %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_NOTFINISHED" }) }} {% include "inputhelp.html.twig" with {'sHelpId': help_id("D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_NOTFINISHED_DESC"), 'sHelpText': help_text("D3_ORDERMANAGER_STAT_NOTFINISHED_DESC")} %}
{% set mNotFinishedCount = oView.getNotFinishedCount() %} {{ mNotFinishedCount }} {% if oView.getDataOnDemand() %} {% if false == oView.hasRequestedData('notFinishedCount', 'getNotFinishedCount') %} {% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_OVERVIEW_REQU" }) }} {% set aRequList = oView.getRequirementList() %} {% set blActiveRequ = false %} {% for oRequ in aRequList %} {% if oRequ.isActive() %} {% include oRequ.getTplName() %} {% set blActiveRequ = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if blActiveRequ == false %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_OVERVIEW_NOREQUEST" }) }}
{% endif %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_OVERVIEW_ACTION" }) }} {% set aActionList = oView.getActionList() %} {% set blActiveAction = false %} {% for oAction in aActionList %} {% if oAction.isActive() %} {% include oAction.getTplName() %} {% set blActiveAction = true %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if blActiveAction == false %}
{{ translate({ ident: "D3_ORDERMANAGER_OVERVIEW_NOACTION" }) }}
{% endif %}
{% if oView.getDataOnDemand() %}
{% endif %} {% include "@d3modcfg_lib/admin/inc/inc.html.twig" %}