/ Markus G�rtner * @copyright (C) 2011, D3 Data Development * @see http://www.shopmodule.com */ namespace D3\Points\Modules\Application\Model; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Configuration\d3_cfg_mod; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Log\d3log; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Model\Voucher; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Model\VoucherSerie; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\VoucherException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\oxObjectException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\oxVoucherException; use D3\Points\Application\Model\d3points; /** * Class d3_oxvoucher_points */ class d3_oxvoucher_points extends d3_oxvoucher_points_parent { /** * @var string Name of current class */ protected $_sClassName = 'oxvoucher'; /** * Returns the discount value used. * * @param double $dPrice price to calculate discount on it * * @return double * @throws VoucherException */ public function getDiscountValue($dPrice) { /** @var Voucher $oSeries */ $oSeries = $this->getSerie(); if ($oSeries->getId() != $this->d3GetVoucherSeriesId()) { return parent::getDiscountValue($dPrice); } if ($oSeries->getFieldData('oxdiscounttype') == 'absolute') { $oCur = $this->getConfig()->getActShopCurrencyObject(); $dDiscount = $this->getFieldData('oxdiscount') * $oCur->rate; } else { $dDiscount = $this->getFieldData('oxdiscount') / 100 * $dPrice; } if ($dDiscount > $dPrice) { /* @var $oEx VoucherException */ $oEx = oxNew(VoucherException::class, 'ERROR_MESSAGE_VOUCHER_INCORRECTPRICE'); $oEx->setVoucherNr($this->getFieldData('oxvoucherNr')); throw $oEx; } return $dDiscount; } /** * Gibt die oxid der Gutscheinserien zurueck * * @return string */ public function d3GetVoucherSeriesId() { /* @var $od3_d3points_d3points d3points */ $od3_d3points_d3points = oxnew(d3points::class); return $od3_d3points_d3points->d3GetVoucherSeriesId(); } }