/ Markus Gärtner * @copyright (C) 2011, D3 Data Development * @see http://www.shopmodule.com * */ namespace D3\Points\Modules\Application\Model; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Configuration\d3_cfg_mod; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Exception\d3_cfg_mod_exception; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Exception\d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException; use D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Log\d3log; use Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException; use \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\DatabaseProvider; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Application\Model\User; use D3\Points\Application\Model\d3points; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseConnectionException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\DatabaseErrorException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\StandardException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\SystemComponentException; /** * Class d3_oxorder_d3points * * @package D3\Points\Modules\Application\Model */ class d3_oxorder_d3points extends d3_oxorder_d3points_parent { private $_sModId = 'd3points'; public $iD3UpdatedOrders = 0; public $iPointPayOutAmount = 0; public $iUserPointSum = 0; public $iNewPoints = 0; /** * Save Status d3issetpoints to oxorder * 0 = order is not processed by cronjob * 1 = order is processed by cronjob * * @param string $sOrderId * @param integer $iSetPoints * * @return bool */ public function d3UpdateOrderFieldD3isSetPoints(string $sOrderId, int $iSetPoints) { if ($this->load($sOrderId)) { $this->assign( array('d3issetpoints' => $iSetPoints) ); return $this->save(); } return false; } /** * Reset field d3issetpoints for alle orders * limit by Date * * @param integer $iStatus 0 / 1 * @param bool $blStatus extrac checkbox in templates * * @return bool * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @throws DatabaseErrorException * @throws d3ShopCompatibilityAdapterException * @throws DBALException * @throws StandardException * @throws d3_cfg_mod_exception */ public function d3ResetOrders(int $iStatus, bool $blStatus) { if ($blStatus) { if (!$iStatus) { $iStatus = 0; } $oDb = DatabaseProvider::getDb(DatabaseProvider::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); /* @var $od3points d3points */ $od3points = oxnew(d3points::class); $sD3PointsDateLimit = $od3points->d3GetDateLimitForOrders(); $sD3PointsTypeLimit = $od3points->d3GetDateLimitTypeForOrders(); $sDateSqlAdd = ''; if ($sD3PointsDateLimit > 0 && $sD3PointsTypeLimit != '--') { //todo: Umstellung auf Mysql Date_ADD $sDateSqlAdd = "WHERE oxorderdate >= {$oDb->quote(date("Y-m-d", strtotime('-' . $sD3PointsDateLimit . $sD3PointsTypeLimit)))}"; #$sDateSqlAdd = " AND oxorderdate >= DATE_ADD(NOW(), Interval - ". $iD3PointsDateLimit ." " .$sD3PointsTypeLimit. ")"; } $sSelect =<<_sCoreTable} {$sDateSqlAdd} AND OXSHOPID = {$oDb->quote($this->getConfig()->getShopId())} MYSQL; $this->iD3UpdatedOrders = $oDb->getone($sSelect); $sUpdate = <<_sCoreTable} SET d3issetpoints= {$oDb->quote($iStatus)} {$sDateSqlAdd} AND OXSHOPID ={$oDb->quote($this->getConfig()->getShopId())} MYSQL; d3_cfg_mod::get($this->_sModId)->d3getLog()->Log( d3log::INFO, __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, "Reset Orders ", "Query: " . PHP_EOL . $sUpdate ); #echo $sUpdate; $rs = $oDb->Execute($sUpdate); return $rs; } return false; } /** * @return User */ public function d3getOrderUser() { /** @var User $oUser */ $oUser = oxNew(User::class); $oUser->load($this->getFieldData('oxuserid')); return $oUser; } }