2020-09-02 15:52:53 +02:00
* This Software is the property of Data Development and is protected
* by copyright law - it is NOT Freeware.
* Any unauthorized use of this software without a valid license
* is a violation of the license agreement and will be prosecuted by
* civil and criminal law.
* http://www.shopmodule.com
* @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch)
* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
* Metadata version
$sMetadataVersion = '1.1';
* Module information
$aModule = array(
'id' => 'd3_remote',
'title' =>
'<svg style="height:1em;width:1em"><image xlink:href="https://logos.oxidmodule.com/d3logo.svg" style="height:1em;width:1em" /></svg> '.
'Login as Customer',
'description' => array(
'de' => 'Über den Admin kann man sich als Kunde im Shop-Frontend anmelden. '
.'Hier hat man dann die Möglichkeit Bestellungen für den Kunden durchzuführen.',
'en' => '',
'thumbnail' => 'picture.png',
'version' => '',
'author' => 'D³ Data Development (Inh.: Thomas Dartsch)',
'email' => 'support@shopmodule.com',
'url' => 'http://www.oxidmodule.com/',
'extend' => array(
'oxuser' => 'd3/d3_remote/modules/models/d3_oxuser_remotelogin',
'oxcmp_user' => 'd3/d3_remote/modules/components/d3_oxcmp_user_remotelogin',
'user_main' => 'd3/d3_remote/modules/controllers/admin/d3_user_main_remotelogin',
'files' => array(
'd3_remotelogin_update' => 'd3/d3_remote/models/d3_remotelogin_update.php',
'templates' => array(
'events' => array(
'onActivate' => '\D3\ModCfg\Application\Model\Install\d3install::checkUpdateStart',
'blocks' => array(
'template' => 'user_main.tpl',
'block' => 'd3_admin_user_main_aroundform',
'file' => 'views/admin/blocks/d3_remote_user_main.tpl'
'template' => 'usergroup_main.tpl',
'block' => 'admin_usergroup_main_form',
'file' => 'views/admin/blocks/d3_remote_usergroup_main.tpl'
'd3SetupClasses' => array(