# Patch to install the D3 Unzer plugin in OXID EE 6.5 Due to an error in the Enterprise Metapackage (https://bugs.oxid-esales.com/view.php?id=7349), the D3 Unzer plugin may not be installed. Composer then reports a version conflict with the `unzerdev/php-sdk` package. ## first add this to your main composer file ```composer require cweagans/composer-patches``` ## add this to your main composer file ``` "extra": { "patches": { "oxid-esales/oxideshop-metapackage-ee": { "Fixes dependencies bug for D3 Unzer plugin in OXID Metapackage EE 6.5": "https://git.d3data.de/D3Public/Unzer/raw/branch/Patch_EE65/0007349_Unzer_dependency.patch" } }, "enable-patching": true }, ``` ## run this command ```composer install``` Run the D3 Unzer installation steps again.