'UTF-8', 'd3mxheidelpay' => " Unzer", 'd3mxheidelpay_settings' => 'Settings', 'd3tbclheidelpay_settings' => 'Main', 'd3tbclheidelpay_support' => 'Support', 'd3mxheidelpaylog' => 'Logging', 'd3mxheidelpaytransactionlog' => 'Transaction Overview', 'D3_UNZER_UNSUPPORTED_INTERFACE' => 'The selected %s interface is no longer supported. The setting will be changed, please check the configuration.', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_ACTIVE' => 'Unzer module active', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_TESTMOD_ACTIVE' => 'test mode active', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_SECURITYSENDER' => 'sender ID', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_USERID' => 'Login', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_PASSWORD' => 'Password', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_CARDS_USE_RG' => 'use registration for card-based payment methods (credit card / debit card)', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_BOOKINGTYPE' => 'booking type card-based payment methods (credit card / debit card)', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_BOOKINGTYPE_DIRECT' => 'book amount immediately', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_BOOKINGTYPE_RESERVE' => 'reserve amount only', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_BOOKINGTYPE_FOREIGNRESERVE' => 'book domestic, reserve international', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_BOOKINGTYPE_PAYPAL' => 'booking type (PayPal)', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_BOOKINGTYPE_DIRECTDEBIT' => 'booking type (Unzer Direct Debit - direct debit with payment guarantee)', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_BOOKINGTYPE_MASTERPASS' => 'booking type (MasterPass)', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_STOREDDATA' => 'Offer stored data to the customer?', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_CURLTIMEOUT' => 'max. cUrl connection time to the server', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_CURLTIMEOUTSEK' => 'seconds', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_LOGPAYMENT' => 'log payment actions', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_SHOWERRORTEXTS' => 'show error messages in the shop', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_TESTSERVERTYPE' => 'test server type', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_TESTMOD_ERRORCODE' => 'test mode error code', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_TESTMOD_RETURNCODE' => 'test modus return code', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_INTERNALLOG' => 'D3 Logging', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_INTERNALLOG_INACTIVE' => 'not active', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_INTERNALLOG_ONLYERRORS' => 'errors only', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_INTERNALLOG_ALL' => 'all', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_NOCURL' => 'ATTENTION, module is not operational because PHP-CURL is missing!', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_DEBITUNMASK' => 'save account data completely', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_DEBITUNMASK_NO' => 'mask (same as credit card ***)', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_DEBITUNMASK_YES' => "don't mask", 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_ACTIVEPAYMENTS' => 'Unzer assigned payment methods', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_NOACTIVEPAYMENTS' => 'There are currently no payment methods assigned to Unzer!', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_CURRENTPAYMENTS' => 'These payment methods are currently processed via the Unzer module.', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PAYTYPE' => 'Unzer pay type:', 'D3_UNZER_RESTRICTIONINFO' => "You are using Unzer 'Basic', therefore some functions are not active. If you want to use all the possibilities of the module, please purchase Unzer 'Premium'.", 'd3_unzer_controllers_admin_order_unzer' => 'Unzer', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_SUBMIT' => 'send', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_IS_NOT_HEIDELPAY' => 'No Unzer transactions available.', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_CC' => 'Credit card', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_DD' => 'Direct debit', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_DC' => 'Debit card', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_VA' => 'Virtual account', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_OT' => 'Online transfer', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_IV' => 'Invoice', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_PP' => 'Prepayment', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_WT' => 'Masterpass', 'D3_UNZER_PAYMENT_HP' => 'easyCredit', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_RG' => 'Registration', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_PA' => 'Reservation', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_DB' => 'Debit', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_RF' => 'Refund', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_RB' => 'Rebill', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_CP' => 'Capture', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_RC' => 'Receipt', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_RV' => 'Reversal', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_FI' => 'Finalize', 'D3_UNZER_METHOD_IN' => 'Initialize', 'D3_UNZER_IS_DEMO' => 'Demo mode active! You can only use the module in test mode.
' . 'You can view and change the licence under "Module Connector -> Module Administration -> Unzer".', 'D3_UNZER_UPDATE_OXCONTENTITEMS' => 'CMS pages are available, which may need to be updated. ' . PHP_EOL . 'Unfortunately, the content cannot be updated automatically. ' . PHP_EOL . 'Please check them at:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Shopadmin -> Customer Info -> CMS Pages -> Idents: ' . PHP_EOL . '- d3_hp_vorkassemail_cust_text' . PHP_EOL . '- d3_hp_vorkassemail_cust_subject' . PHP_EOL . '- d3_hp_vorkassemail_cust_plain' . PHP_EOL . '- d3_hp_vorkassemail_owner_text' . PHP_EOL . '- d3_hp_vorkassemail_owner_subject' . PHP_EOL . '- d3_hp_vorkassemail_owner_plain' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'In the installation directory under setup+doku/CMS you will find ' . 'a TXT file for comparison, named after the ident of the corresponding CMS page.', 'D3_UNZER_UPDATE_CHANNELCONFIGURATIONS' => 'The configuration of the channel data has changed.' .PHP_EOL.'The existing configuration is migrated to a new admin area.' .PHP_EOL.'The new admin area can be found under Dł Modules -> Unzer -> Channel Configurations.' .PHP_EOL.'On our help page you will get an overview of which settings have changed: https://docs.oxidmodule.com/Unzer/' .'
', 'D3_UNZER_models_update_legacy_assigments_updatemessage' => 'In this step, the assignments from the shop payment types to Unzer are updated via a script.' . PHP_EOL . 'To continue, click on "Execute installation step...".' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Note: This step is only possible in the automatic installations.', Creditcard::class => 'Credit card', Debitcard::class => 'Debit card', Cards::class => 'card-based payment methods (credit cards / debit cards)', Directdebit::class => 'SEPA Direct Debit (without payment guarantee)', Secured::class => 'Unzer Direct Debit (Direct debit with payment guarantee - DE/AT)', Prepayment::class => 'Unzer Prepayment (autom. prepayment)', Postfinance::class => 'PostFinance E-Finance', Sofortueberweisung::class => 'Sofort', Ideal::class => 'iDeal', Giropay::class => 'Giropay', Eps::class => 'eps bank transfer', \D3\Unzer\Application\Model\payment\invoice\Secured::class => 'Unzer Invoice (secured invoice B2C - DE/AT)', Unsecured::class => 'unsecured invoice (B2B / B2C)', Paypal::class => 'PayPal', Przelewy24::class => 'Przelewy24', Masterpass::class => 'MasterPass', Easycredit::class => 'Easy Credit Instalment purchase', Btobbillpurchase::class => 'Unzer Invoice (secured invoice B2B - DE/AT)', FlexiPayDirect::class => 'Unzer Bank Transfer', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_CREDITCARD' => 'Credit card', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_DEBITCARD' => 'Debit card', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_CARDS' => 'Card-based payment methods (credit cards / debit cards)', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_DIRECTDEBITSECURED' => 'Unzer Direct Debit (direct debit with payment guarantee - DE/AT)', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_DIRECTDEBITUNSECURED' => 'SEPA Direct Debit (without payment guarantee)', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_EASYCREDIT' => 'Easy Credit instalment purchase', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_EPS' => 'eps bank transfer', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_SOFORT' => 'Sofort', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_GIROPAY' => 'Giropay', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_PREPAYMENT' => 'Unzer Prepayment (autom. prepayment)', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_IDEAL' => 'iDeal', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_INVOICESECURED' => 'Unzer Invoice (secured invoice B2C - DE/AT)', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_INVOICEUNSECURED' => 'unsecured invoice (B2B / B2C)', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_MASTERPASS' => 'MasterPass', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_PAYPAL' => 'PayPal', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_PRZELEWY24' => 'Przelewy24', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_POSTFINANCE' => 'PostFinance E-Finance', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_B2BBILLPURCHASE' => 'Unzer Invoice (secured invoice B2B - DE/AT)', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_FLEXIPAYDIRECT' => 'Unzer Bank Transfer', 'D3_UNZER_CHANNEL_NOTSELECTABLE' => 'not selectable payment type', 'D3_UNZER_RESTRICTIONINFO_ORDER' => 'You are using Unzer "Basic", therefore the payment options ("Refund" etc.) will be shown to you, but will not execute a transaction.
If you want to use all the possibilities of the module, please purchase Unzer "Premium".', 'D3_UNZER_UPDATE_CHANGE_HAENDLERKONTO' => 'Important notes on your Unzer dealer contract (concerns updates from smaller to current module version)' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Only relevant for payment type "Immediately". ' . PHP_EOL . 'The module uses a special option of the Unzer configuration for Sofort. The end customer first enters his bank details on the Sofort website. This option is set up in your merchant account.' . PHP_EOL . 'Only with this setting is it possible to use the payment type "Sofort"!' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Contact your Unzer dealer advisor before the module goes live so that this option can be activated for your dealer account.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . 'Important: If you update the module, the above option may be inactive. Please ask your Unzer dealer advisor to check the above-mentioned option before installing the module update. ', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_ORDER_EXECUTE_POST_FIELDS' => 'mandatory fields for checkout', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_ADDITIONAL_URL_PARAMETER' => 'additional URL parameters for tracking', 'D3UNZER_sD3HpHFOrderPendingTime' => 'lifetime of a PENDING order (in hours)', 'D3UNZER_sD3HpHFOrderCancelType' => 'action after lifetime', 'D3UNZER_sD3HpHFOrderCancelType_PLEASE_CHOOSE' => 'NOT_FINISHED (oxorder__oxtransstatus)', 'D3UNZER_sD3HpHFOrderCancelType_CANCEL_ORDER' => 'cancel order', 'D3UNZER_sD3HpHFOrderCancelType_DELETE_ORDER' => 'delete order', 'D3UNZER_sD3HpHFOrderLimit' => 'Set a limit of orders for the cronjob.', 'D3UNZER_blD3HpHFSetZeroOrderNumber' => 'generate PENDING orders with order number 0', 'D3UNZER_SETTINGS_FOR_IDEAL_AND_P24_CRONJOB' => 'cronjob settings (iDeal and Przelewy24)', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_LOGIN_LIVE_HEADER' => 'login data live environment', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_LOGIN_TEST_HEADER' => 'Login Daten Testumgebung', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_EXTENDED_SETTINGS' => 'advanced settings for the Unzer payment types', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_LOG_AND_SECURITY' => 'settings for module logging, malfunctions and language', 'D3UNZER_DIFFERENCE_IN_ORDER_SUBJECT' => 'difference between order and transaction detected! Order no: ', 'D3UNZER_DIFFERENCE_IN_ORDER_ERRRORMESSAGE' => 'A difference was found between the value of the shopping basket ordered and the transaction value posted (payment at Unzer).' // . '
Please check the order "%1$s" and the transaction at Unzer with the UniqueID "%2$s".' // . '
In the transaction "%3$s" were booked and "%4$s" are deposited on the order.' // . '

For example, it may be a technical error or an un/knowingly attempted fraud.', 'D3UNZER_DIFFERENCE_IN_ORDER_ERRRORMAIL' => 'E-mail address for detected incidents', 'D3UNZER_DIFFERENCE_IN_ORDER_ERRRORSTATUS' => 'Order status for detected malfunctions', 'D3UNZER_ERRRORMESSAGE_NORORDER_BUT_TRANSACTION_SUBJECT' => '"%1$s": a successful transaction without an order has been received. ShortID: ', 'D3UNZER_ERRRORMESSAGE_NORORDER_BUT_TRANSACTION_TEXT' => 'A successful transaction was received from Unzer. An attempt was made to create the order, but this was rejected by the shop.
'// . 'Presumably the transaction must be credited back to the customer! (Refund)
If you have any questions, please consult your shop supervisor and forward this message to him.

Shop Details:
Transaction details: ', 'D3UNZER_CARDTYPE_TIMEOUT' => 'Time limit for card data input (iFrame)', 'D3UNZERNOTESHOWNFORSTOREDDATA' => 'Stored payment data was found.
These can include debits (DB) and registrations (RG).' // . '
In future, registration (RG) will be required for subsequent payments.' // . '
In the next step, the automatic installation removes all stored payment data that are not registrations (RG) and of the credit or debit card type.' // . '

In addition, the active tick at "Use registration for cards (credit card, debit card)" is required (if necessary, this option will be set automatically in a later installation step).' // . '
Registration (RG) is an additional transaction and is subject to a fee.' // . '

If you do not want to use this option, please uncheck "Offer stored data to customer?" and "Use registration for cards (credit card, debit card)".' // . '
You can find this under D3 Modules -> Unzer -> Settings.' // . '

Bank data is stored directly in the shop since module version and is not affected.' // . '

By clicking on "Execute installation step..." you acknowledge the deletion of the data that can no longer be used. ', 'D3UNZERNOTESTOREDDATAWITHOUTRG' => 'You use the option "Offer stored data to the customer?' // . '
For future use of the option, the active setting "Use registration for cards (credit card, debit card)" is required.' // . '
This is activated with this installation step and can be deactivated if required under Unzer -> Settings.' // . '

Info on the setting "Use registration for cards (credit card, debit card)":', 'D3UNZERNOTESTOREDDATAWITHOUTRG_SAVING' => 'You use the option "Offer stored data to the customer?' // . '
For future use of the option, the active setting "Use registration for cards (credit card, debit card)" is required.' . '
The module has automatically set the setting and can be deactivated if required.', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_CRITERIONTAGS' => 'additional parameters for the transaction', 'criterion_paypal_payer_id' => 'Paypal payer ID', 'criterion_paypal_reg_token' => 'Paypal referenz Token', 'criterion_ideal_entrancecode' => 'iDeal entrance code', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_HOLDER' => 'receiver', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_BANKNAME' => 'bank', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_IBAN' => 'IBAN', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_BIC' => 'BIC', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_AMOUNT' => 'amount', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_REASON' => 'intended use', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_UNIQUEID' => 'UniqueID', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_CODE' => 'Code', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_MESSAGE' => 'dealer message', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_ACTIONS' => 'nachfolgende Aktionen', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_SHORTID' => 'Short ID', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_TRANSACTIONTIME' => 'transaction date', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_TRANSACTIONID' => 'transaction ID', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_DESCRIPTOR' => 'descriptor', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_PAYMENTREFERENCE' => 'intended use', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_HEIDELPAY_BANKTRANSFERDATA' => 'Here you can view the transfer information for the end customer.', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_REASONCODE_SELECTREASON' => '-- Please choose a reason --', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_REASONCODE_CANCEL' => 'The customer cancels the order', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_REASONCODE_RETURN' => 'The customer returns the goods', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_REASONCODE_CREDIT' => 'The merchant (you) gives credit to the customer', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ORDER_UNIQUE_INVOICEID' => 'unique invoice number', 'D3_UNZER_CONTROLLERS_ADMIN_ERR_EMPTY_INVOICEID' => 'The invoice ID must not be empty.', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_CSSPATH' => 'CSS file for iFrame recognised by module?', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_CSSPATH_LINK' => 'to the CSS file', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_ALLOWMULTIPLELANGUAGES' => 'allow multilingual configurations', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_ALLOWMULTIPLELANGUAGES_REACTIVATE' => 'activate the option "Allow multilingual configurations', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_REMOVEMULTIPLELANGUAGES' => 'remove multilingual configurations', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_HASMULTILANGCONFIGBUTNOSETTING' => 'A configuration in another language was found!
Should the configuration(s) be removed?', 'D3UNZER_MULTIPLE_LANGUAGECONFIGURATIONS_FOUND' => 'Unzer: A configuration in another language was found!
Please go to Unzer -> Settings -> Main in the Admin and follow the instruction.
This step will only be displayed to you when the Unzer module installation is complete.', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_EASYCREDITLIMITMINIMUM' => 'Minimum order value for Easy Credit hire purchase', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_EASYCREDITLIMITMAXIMUM' => 'Maximum order value for Easy Credit hire purchase', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_INVOICESECUREDLIMITMINIMUM' => 'Minimum order value for Unzer Invoice (secured invoice purchase)', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_INVOICESECUREDLIMITMAXIMUM' => 'Maximum order value for Unzer Invoice (secured invoice purchase)', 'D3UNZER_SETTINGS_NOTIFY_LABEL' => 'Push Notification Settings and Info', 'D3UNZER_SETTINGS_NOTIFYURL_INFO' => 'In order to be able to use the push notifications, the url of the recipient file below must be communicated to Unzer Support.' . '
The url will then be entered in the dealer account by Unzer Support.' . '
Only then can the shop receive the push notifications!', 'D3UNZER_SETTINGS_NOTIFYURL' => 'Push Notification Url', 'd3_unzer_controllers_admin_channels_base' => 'Channel configurations', 'd3_unzer_controllers_admin_channels_main' => 'settings', 'd3_unzer_controllers_admin_channels_payments' => 'payment methods', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_TITLE' => 'Title', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_CHANNEL' => 'Channel', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_LOGLEVEL' => 'log settings', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_ISTESTCONFIG' => 'Test mode', 'D3UNZER_INACTIVE' => 'inactive', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_ALREADY_ASSIGNED_TO_OTHER_CONFIG' => 'This configuration is already assigned to another configuration.', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_STATUS' => 'Status', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_SHOPPAYMENT' => 'shop payment method', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_ISASSIGNED' => 'Assigned?', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_UNASSIGNED' => 'no assignment', 'D3UNZER_CONFIG_CHANNELCONFIGURATION' => 'channel configuration', 'D3UNZER_NEW_CONFIG_CHANNEL' => 'create new channel configuration', 'D3_UNZER_THIS_PAYMENT_RESTRICTIONINFO' => 'You would like to use a premium payment method.' // .'
The active checkmark of the channel configuration and the assignments of the shop payment types are not saved!'// .'
You can purchase the Premium Module in our onlineshop.', 'D3UNZER_INTERFACE_TYPE' => 'Select the interface.', 'D3UNZER_INTERFACE_TYPE_NGW' => 'NGW', 'D3UNZER_INTERFACE_TYPE_MGW' => 'MGW/rest', 'D3UNZER_SETTINGS_MGW_PRIVATE' => 'private key', 'D3UNZER_SETTINGS_MGW_PUBLIC' => 'public key', 'D3UNZER_LOGIN_MGW_HEADER' => 'access keys', 'D3UNZER_MGW_TRANSACTIONTYPE_authorization' => 'reservation', 'D3UNZER_MGW_TRANSACTIONTYPE_cancellation' => 'cancellation', 'D3UNZER_MGW_TRANSACTIONTYPE_charge' => 'debit', 'D3UNZER_MGW_TRANSACTIONTYPE_cancelAuthorize' => 'cancel reservation', 'D3UNZER_MGW_TRANSACTIONTYPE_cancelCharge' => 'cancel debit', 'D3UNZER_MGW_TRANSACTIONTYPE_finalize' => 'finalize invoice', 'D3UNZER_MGW_AMOUNT_TOTAL' => 'total amount', 'D3UNZER_MGW_AMOUNT_REMAINING' => 'remaining total amount', 'D3UNZER_MGW_AMOUNT_CHARGED' => 'total amount booked', 'D3UNZER_MGW_AMOUNT_CANCELED' => 'total amount cancelled', 'D3UNZER_MGW_PAYMENTSTATE_completed' => 'fully paid', 'D3UNZER_MGW_PAYMENTSTATE_partly' => 'partially paid', 'D3UNZER_MGW_PAYMENTSTATE_canceled' => 'payment cancelled', 'D3UNZER_MGW_PAYMENTSTATE_pending' => 'waiting for payment', 'D3UNZER_MGW_PAYMENTSTATE_chargeback' => 'chargeback', 'D3UNZER_SETTINGS_MGW_DEBUGMODE' => 'debug mode active', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_SHOWSEPAGURANTEEDCUSTOMERFORMULAR' => 'SEPA secured direct debit - show customer data entry:', 'D3DYN_HEIDELPAY_PARAM_DONTSHOWDIRECTDEBITMANDATECHECKBOX' => 'Direct debit mandate does not have to be accepted:', 'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_DATE' => 'Date', 'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_RESULT' => 'Result', 'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_CARDS' => 'Credit/Debit', 'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_METHOD' => 'Methode', 'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_PAYMENTTYPE' => 'Payment type', 'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_TXNID' => 'Txn-ID', 'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_UNIQUEID' => 'Unique ID', 'D3UNZER_PAYMENT_COMPANY_SHORTID' => 'Short ID', 'D3UNZER_CHANNELS_ASSIGNED' => 'The shop payment type is assigned to this channel configuration.', 'D3UNZER_CHANNELS_NOTASSIGNED' => 'The shop payment type has no assignment and can be assigned.', 'D3UNZER_CHANNELS_SAVE' => 'Save assignment(s)', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_HEADLINE' => 'registered webhooks', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_HEADLINE_URL' => 'URL', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_HEADLINE_EVENTS' => 'Events', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_HEADLINE_ID' => 'Id', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_NOWEBHOOKREGISTERED' => 'No webhook registered!', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_ERR_CLEARING' => 'Webhook(s) bereinigen: %1$s', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_ERR_CREATE' => 'Webhook anlegen: %1$s', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_ERR_GET' => 'Webhook(s) abfragen: %1$s', 'D3UNZER_WEBHOOKS_ERR_NOTBLANK' => '%1$s darf nicht leer sein', );