#!/bin/bash # test directory path TESTDIR=$(dirname $0); # trying to find the metadata file path if [ ! $CODECOVERAGE ]; then if [ ! $oxMETADATA ]; then oxMETADATA=$TESTDIR'/../metadata.php'; else if [ ! -e $oxMETADATA ]; then echo "Can't find the metdata file at "\'$oxMETADATA\' exit fi fi fi # if oxPATH was not set, then try to find it from the current script path if [ ! $oxPATH ]; then oxPATH=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0)) BASENAME=$(basename $oxPATH) #finding the modules directory path while [ $BASENAME != 'modules' ]; do oxPATH=$(dirname $oxPATH) BASENAME=$(basename $oxPATH) if [ $oxPATH == '/' ]; then echo "Please set the oxPATH value" exit fi done #going one directory up, to reach the shops root dir oxPATH=$(dirname $oxPATH); else if [ ! -d $oxPATH ]; then echo "Can't find the shop directory" \'$oxPATH\' exit fi fi TARGET=$@; if test -z '$TARGET' ; then TARGET='unit'; fi; oxPATH=$oxPATH oxMETADATA=$oxMETADATA \ php -d 'memory_limit=1024M' \ /usr/bin/phpunit --verbose --bootstrap $TESTDIR/bootstrap.php $COVERAGE \ $TESTDIR/$TARGET