text) { $this->text = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->macLength; $i++) { $this->text .= strtolower($this->macChars{rand(0, strlen($this->macChars) - 1)}); } } return $this->text; } /** * Returns text hash * * @param string $text User supplie text * * @return string */ public function getHash($text = null) { // inserting captcha record $time = time() + $this->timeout; $textHash = $this->getTextHash($text); // if session is started - storing captcha info here $session = $this->getSession(); if ($session->isSessionStarted()) { $hash = oxUtilsObject::getInstance()->generateUID(); $hashArray = $session->getVariable('captchaHashes'); $hashArray[$hash] = array($textHash => $time); $session->setVariable('captchaHashes', $hashArray); } else { $database = oxDb::getDb(); $query = "insert into oecaptcha (oxhash, oxtime) values (" . $database->quote($textHash) . ", " . $database->quote($time) . ")"; $database->execute($query); $hash = $database->getOne('select LAST_INSERT_ID()', false, false); } return $hash; } /** * Returns given string captcha hash * * @param string $text string to hash * * @return string */ public function getTextHash($text) { if (!$text) { $text = $this->getText(); } $text = strtolower($text); return md5('ox' . $text); } /** * Returns url to CAPTCHA image generator. * * @return string */ public function getImageUrl() { $config = \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry::getConfig(); $url = $config->getCurrentShopUrl() . 'modules/oe/captcha/core/utils/verificationimg.php?e_mac='; $key = $config->getConfigParam('oecaptchakey'); $key = $key ? $key : $config->getConfigParam('sConfigKey'); $encryptor = new \OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Encryptor(); $url .= $encryptor->encrypt($this->getText(), $key); return $url; } /** * Checks if image could be generated * * @return bool */ public function isImageVisible() { return ((function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor') || function_exists('imagecreate')) && $this->getConfig()->getConfigParam('iUseGDVersion') > 1); } /** * Check if captcha is passed. * * @return bool */ public function passCaptcha($displayError = true) { $return = true; // spam spider prevention $mac = $this->getConfig()->getRequestParameter('c_mac'); $macHash = $this->getConfig()->getRequestParameter('c_mach'); if (!$this->pass($mac, $macHash)) { $return = false; } if (!$return && $displayError) { // even if there is no exception, use this as a default display method oxRegistry::get('oxUtilsView')->addErrorToDisplay('MESSAGE_WRONG_VERIFICATION_CODE'); } return $return; } /** * Verifies captcha input vs supplied hash. Returns true on success. * * @param string $mac User supplied text * @param string $macHash Generated hash * * @return bool */ protected function pass($mac, $macHash) { $time = time(); $hash = $this->getTextHash($mac); $pass = $this->passFromSession($macHash, $hash, $time); // if captcha info was NOT stored in session if ($pass === null) { $pass = $this->passFromDb((int) $macHash, $hash, $time); } return (bool) $pass; } /** * Checks for session captcha hash validity * * @param string $macHash hash key * @param string $hash captcha hash * @param int $time check time * * @return bool */ protected function passFromSession($macHash, $hash, $time) { $pass = null; $session = $this->getSession(); if (($hashArray = $session->getVariable('captchaHashes'))) { $pass = (isset($hashArray[$macHash][$hash]) && $hashArray[$macHash][$hash] >= $time) ? true : false; unset($hashArray[$macHash]); if (!empty($hashArray)) { $session->setVariable('captchaHashes', $hashArray); } else { $session->deleteVariable('captchaHashes'); } } return $pass; } /** * Checks for DB captcha hash validity * * @param int $macHash hash key * @param string $hash captcha hash * @param int $time check time * * @return bool */ protected function passFromDb($macHash, $hash, $time) { $database = oxDb::getDb(); $where = "where oxid = " . $database->quote($macHash) . " and oxhash = " . $database->quote($hash); $query = "select 1 from oecaptcha " . $where; $pass = (bool) $database->getOne($query, false, false); if ($pass) { // cleanup $query = "delete from oecaptcha " . $where; $database->execute($query); } // garbage cleanup $query = "delete from oecaptcha where oxtime < $time"; $database->execute($query); return $pass; } }