--- description: With Front Matter you can customize your pages even further. keywords: "Front Matter, Customize, Title, Description, Keywords, Author" author: Daux.io Team --- To customize your pages even further, you can add a Front Matter to your files. Front Matter is a block you add at the top of your file and looks like this: --- title: Hallo Welt keywords: "Hallo, Hello, Welt, World, Erde, Earth" author: German Daux.io Team date: 12th December 1984 --- ## Changing the title If your file is named "Hello_World_de.md" and your front matter is the one displayed above, you will get a page named "Hallo Welt" ## Search Engine Optimization For a better **SEO** experience you can change the `description`, `keywords` and `author` meta tags. ## For Developers You can then access this information in each `Content` with `$content->getAttributes()` or with `$page['attributes']` in a template.