daux = $daux; } /** * @param string $url * @return Entry * @throws Exception */ protected function resolveInternalFile($url) { $triedAbsolute = false; // Legacy absolute paths could start with // "!" In this case we will try to find // the file starting at the root if ($url[0] == '!' || $url[0] == '/') { $url = ltrim($url, '!/'); if ($file = DauxHelper::getFile($this->daux['tree'], $url)) { return $file; } $triedAbsolute = true; } // Seems it's not an absolute path or not found, // so we'll continue with the current folder if ($file = DauxHelper::getFile($this->daux->getCurrentPage()->getParent(), $url)) { return $file; } // If we didn't already try it, we'll // do a pass starting at the root if (!$triedAbsolute && $file = DauxHelper::getFile($this->daux['tree'], $url)) { return $file; } throw new Exception("Could not locate file '$url'"); } /** * @param AbstractInline|Link $inline * @param ElementRendererInterface $htmlRenderer * @return HtmlElement * @throws Exception */ public function render(AbstractInline $inline, ElementRendererInterface $htmlRenderer) { // This can't be in the method type as // the method is an abstract and should // have the same interface if (!$inline instanceof Link) { throw new \RuntimeException( 'Wrong type passed to ' . __CLASS__ . '::' . __METHOD__ . " the expected type was 'League\\CommonMark\\Inline\\Element\\Link' but '" . get_class($inline) . "' was provided" ); } $element = parent::render($inline, $htmlRenderer); $url = $inline->getUrl(); // Absolute urls, empty urls and anchors // should not go through the url resolver if (empty($url) || $url[0] == '#' || preg_match('|^(?:[a-z]+:)?//|', $url)) { return $element; } // if there's a hash component in the url, ensure we // don't put that part through the resolver. $urlAndHash = explode("#", $url); $url = $urlAndHash[0]; $file = $this->resolveInternalFile($url); $url = DauxHelper::getRelativePath($this->daux->getCurrentPage()->getUrl(), $file->getUrl()); if(isset($urlAndHash[1])) { $url .= "#" . $urlAndHash[1]; } $element->setAttribute('href', $url); return $element; } }