setName('generate') ->setDescription('Generate documentation') ->addOption('configuration', 'c', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Configuration file') ->addOption('format', 'f', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Output format, html or confluence', 'html') ->addOption('processor', 'p', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Manipulations on the tree', 'none') ->addOption('destination', 'd', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, $description, 'static'); } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $daux = new Daux(Daux::STATIC_MODE); $daux->initialize($input->getOption('configuration')); $width = $this->getApplication()->getTerminalDimensions()[0]; $processor = $input->getOption('processor'); if (!empty($processor) && $processor != 'none') { $this->prepareProcessor($processor, $daux, $output, $width); } // Improve the tree with a processor $daux->getProcessor()->manipulateTree($daux->tree); $this->launchGeneration($daux, $input, $output, $width); } protected function prepareProcessor($processor, Daux $daux, OutputInterface $output, $width) { $class = "\\Todaymade\\Daux\\Extension\\" . $processor; if (class_exists($class)) { $daux->setProcessor(new $class($daux, $output, $width)); } elseif (file_exists($processor)) { include $processor; } } protected function launchGeneration(Daux $daux, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $width) { $generators = $daux->getGenerators(); $format = strtolower($input->getOption('format')); if (empty($format)) { $format = 'html'; } if (!array_key_exists($format, $generators)) { throw new \RuntimeException("The format '$format' doesn't exist, did you forget to set your processor ?"); } $class = $generators[$format]; if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Class '$class' not found. We cannot use it as a Generator"); } $interface = 'Todaymade\Daux\Format\Base\Generator'; if (!in_array('Todaymade\Daux\Format\Base\Generator', class_implements($class))) { throw new \RuntimeException("the class '$class' does not implement the '$interface' interface"); } (new $class($daux))->generateAll($input, $output, $width); } }