To read all objects from a collection, issue a HTTP GET call Entire Collection: GET /collections/:collection Single Object: GET /collections/:collection/:id ### URL Parameters `:collection` is the key of the collection in the config. `:id` [optional]: is the id of an object in the collection. ### Query Parameters All query parameters are optional. | Parameter | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | `slug` | String | Find record with the matching slug | | `filter` | JSON Object | Filters the results - [Read More about Filtering](/API/Filtering) | | `sort` | JSON Object | Sorts the results - [Read More about Sorting](/API/Sorting) | | `limit` | Integer | Limit the number of results | | `offset` | Integer | Offset the results | | `count` | Boolean | Returns the count of matching records | ### Paging To page the results, use the `limit` and `offset` parameters together. For example, if you wanted to page your results 20 at a time and you want the 3rd page of results, you would make the following call: GET /collections/:collection?limit=20&offset=40 This would return results 41-60 from your collection ### Count To only recieve the number of results that match the get request, you can send the optional `count` paramenter. This is helpful for finding the number of matches for a filter, or other types of linear data. Example Call: GET /collections/:collection?count=true Returns: { "count": 47 } ### Returns An array of objects from the collection.