The recommended way to extend Daux is through Processors. The main advantage, is that you can run it with the source or with `daux.phar` independently. You don't need to hack in the core. ## Adding classes At the same level as your `daux.phar` file, you will see a `daux` directory, you can create all your classes here. The classes must respect the PSR-4 Naming convention. And have `\Todaymade\Daux\Extension` as a base namespace. By default, we created a `daux/Processor.php` file to get you started. ## A quick test ? For the example we're just going to dump the tree and exit. ```php public function manipulateTree(Root $root) { print_r($root->dump()); exit; } ``` also, add this at the beginning of the file: ```php use Todaymade\Daux\Tree\Root; ``` Let's just try if it works by running `./generate --processor=Processor` Yes, you get a big array dump! You're good to go. ## What can I achieve ? There are a few methods that you can override to add some ### Change the parsed tree. By default, parses your directory to find pages. but, for a reason or another, you might want to programmatically add some pages. This can be done with: ```php public function manipulateTree(Root $root) { } ``` Two helpers from the class `Todaymade\Daux\Tree\Builder` will greatly help you doing that: ```php $new = Builder::getOrCreateDir($root, 'New Pages'); $page = Builder::getOrCreatePage($new, 'index'); $page->setContent('The index page for the new folder'); $page = Builder::getOrCreatePage($new, 'A New Hope'); $page->setContent('A long time ago in a galaxy far away'); ``` Both methods `getOrCreateDir` and `getOrCreatePage` take two parameters : `parent` and `title` The page will automatically be treated as markdown and converted like a normal page. If you create a new ContentType, like let's say LaTeX, you would set the title `My Page.tex` it will keep the title `My Page` and use your renderer. If the extension is not mapped to a Generator, it will simply create the file as-is without manipulation. ### Extend the Markdown Generator You can extend the Markdown Parser in any way wou want with this method. ```php public function extendCommonMarkEnvironment(Environment $environment) { } ``` See the details on [CommonMark's website]( ### Add new generators You can add new generators to and use them right away, they must implement the `\Todaymade\Daux\Format\Base\Generator` interface and if you want to use the live mode with your generator you have to implement `\Todaymade\Daux\Format\Base\LiveGenerator`. ```php public function addGenerators() { return ['custom_generator' => '\Todaymade\Daux\Extension\MyNewGenerator']; } ```