const codeBlocks = document.querySelectorAll(".s-content pre"); const toggleCodeSection = document.querySelector(".CodeToggler"); const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = "daux_code_blocks_hidden"; function setCodeBlockStyle(hidden) { for (let a = 0; a < codeBlocks.length; a++) { codeBlocks[a].classList.toggle("Hidden", hidden); } try { localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, hidden); } catch (e) { // local storage operations can fail with the file:// protocol } } function enableToggler() { const toggleCodeBlockBtnSet = toggleCodeSection.querySelector( ".CodeToggler__button--main" ); // available when floating is disabled toggleCodeBlockBtnSet.addEventListener( "change", ev => { setCodeBlockStyle(!; }, false ); let hidden = false; try { hidden = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY); if (hidden === "false") { hidden = false; } else if (hidden === "true") { hidden = true; } if (hidden) { setCodeBlockStyle(!!hidden); toggleCodeBlockBtnSet.checked = !hidden; } } catch (e) { // local storage operations can fail with the file:// protocol } } if (toggleCodeSection) { if (codeBlocks.length) { enableToggler(); } else { toggleCodeSection.classList.add("Hidden"); } }