In its simplest form, a theme is an empty folder with a `config.json` file containing `{}` After that, every setting is optional, but you can override everything if you'd like to. ## `config.json` options Here is an example `config.json` file : ```json { "favicon": "img/favicon.png", "css": ["css/theme.min.css"], "js": [], "fonts": [",100,300,700&subset=latin,cyrillic-ext,cyrillic"], "variants": { "blue": { "favicon": "img/favicon-blue.png", "css": ["css/theme-blue.min.css"] }, "green": { "favicon": "img/favicon-green.png", "css": ["css/theme-green.min.css"] } } } ``` There are five options : - __`favicon`__: The URL to your favicon - __`css`__: An array of CSS Stylesheets to add to the page - __`js`__: An array of JavaScript files to load - __`fonts`__: An array of Font sources, these are added as stylesheets - __`variants`__: An object containing sub-themes. Each sub theme, can provide the same configurations as the main theme (`favicon`, `css`, `js`, `fonts`) You will also notice this `` in the url. This is automatically substituted with the final url to the theme when generating the final page. There are two possible substitutions : - __``__: The url to the current theme - __``__: The url to the documentation root ## Theme variants Like the default theme, you might want to provide variants of your theme. In the example before, there were two variants : blue and green. The configuration of a variant is added to the configuration of the main theme, it doesn't replace it. For example the main CSS files defined are: `["css/theme.min.css"]` and the green variant defines `["css/theme-green.min.css"]`. The final list of CSS files will be `["css/theme.min.css", "css/theme-green.min.css"]`. This doesn't apply to `favicon`, only the last value set is kept. ## Setting the theme for your documentation In your documentation's `config.json` (not the theme's `config.json`) Change the `theme` option inside `html` ```json { "html": { "theme": "{theme}-{variant}" } } ``` The name of the theme, is the folder name. A variant is optional, if you want to add one, separate it from the theme with a dash. ## Overriding templates By default, you have a list of templates in `templates` You can create a folder named `templates` in your theme, copy-paste the original template in that folder, and you can modify it freely. You can even do it one template at a time if you wish to do only small changes. By default, we have the following templates : - `content.php`: The content page. - `home.php`: The landing page. - `error.php`: The page to show when a page is not found or some other error happened. - `partials/navbar_content.php`: The content of the top navigation bar. - `partials/google_analytics.php`: The script to load Google Analytics. - `partials/piwik_analytics.php`: The script to load Piwik Analytics. - `layout/00_layout.php`: The master template, containing the `` tag. - `layout/05_page.php`: The page layout, with left navigation.