<?php namespace Todaymade\Daux; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Todaymade\Daux\ContentTypes\ContentTypeHandler; use Todaymade\Daux\Tree\Builder; use Todaymade\Daux\Tree\Content; use Todaymade\Daux\Tree\Directory; use Todaymade\Daux\Tree\Root; class Daux { const STATIC_MODE = 'DAUX_STATIC'; const LIVE_MODE = 'DAUX_LIVE'; public static $output; /** @var string */ public $local_base; /** @var \Todaymade\Daux\Format\Base\Generator */ protected $generator; /** @var ContentTypeHandler */ protected $typeHandler; /** * @var string[] */ protected $validExtensions; /** @var Processor */ protected $processor; /** @var Tree\Root */ public $tree; /** @var Config */ public $options; /** @var string */ private $mode; /** @var bool */ private $merged_tree = false; /** * @param string $mode */ public function __construct($mode, OutputInterface $output) { Daux::$output = $output; $this->mode = $mode; $this->local_base = dirname(__DIR__); // global.json $this->loadBaseConfiguration(); } /** * @param string $override_file * @throws Exception */ public function initializeConfiguration($override_file = null) { $params = $this->getParams(); // Validate and set theme path $params->setDocumentationDirectory( $docs_path = $this->normalizeDocumentationPath($this->getParams()->getDocumentationDirectory()) ); // Read documentation overrides $this->loadConfiguration($docs_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config.json'); // Read command line overrides $override_file = $this->getConfigurationOverride($override_file); if ($override_file !== null) { $params->setConfigurationOverrideFile($override_file); $this->loadConfiguration($override_file); } // Validate and set theme path $params->setThemesPath($this->normalizeThemePath($params->getThemesDirectory())); // Set a valid default timezone if ($params->hasTimezone()) { date_default_timezone_set($params->getTimezone()); } elseif (!ini_get('date.timezone')) { date_default_timezone_set('GMT'); } } /** * Get the file requested for configuration overrides * * @param string|null $path * @return string|null the path to a file to load for configuration overrides * @throws Exception */ public function getConfigurationOverride($path) { $validPath = DauxHelper::findLocation($path, $this->local_base, 'DAUX_CONFIGURATION', 'file'); if ($validPath === null) { return null; } if (!$validPath) { throw new Exception('The configuration override file does not exist. Check the path again : ' . $path); } return $validPath; } public function normalizeThemePath($path) { $validPath = DauxHelper::findLocation($path, $this->local_base, 'DAUX_THEME', 'dir'); if (!$validPath) { throw new Exception('The Themes directory does not exist. Check the path again : ' . $path); } return $validPath; } public function normalizeDocumentationPath($path) { $validPath = DauxHelper::findLocation($path, $this->local_base, 'DAUX_SOURCE', 'dir'); if (!$validPath) { throw new Exception('The Docs directory does not exist. Check the path again : ' . $path); } return $validPath; } /** * Load and validate the global configuration * * @throws Exception */ protected function loadBaseConfiguration() { $this->options = new Config(); // Set the default configuration $this->options->merge([ 'docs_directory' => 'docs', 'valid_content_extensions' => ['md', 'markdown'], //Paths and tree 'mode' => $this->mode, 'local_base' => $this->local_base, 'templates' => 'templates', 'index_key' => 'index.html', 'base_page' => '', 'base_url' => '', ]); // Load the global configuration $this->loadConfiguration($this->local_base . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'global.json', false); } /** * @param string $config_file * @param bool $optional * @throws Exception */ protected function loadConfiguration($config_file, $optional = true) { if (!file_exists($config_file)) { if ($optional) { return; } throw new Exception('The configuration file is missing. Check path : ' . $config_file); } $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($config_file), true); if (!isset($config)) { throw new Exception('The configuration file "' . $config_file . '" is corrupt. Is your JSON well-formed ?'); } $this->options->merge($config); } /** * Generate the tree that will be used */ public function generateTree() { $this->options['valid_content_extensions'] = $this->getContentExtensions(); $this->tree = new Root($this->getParams()); Builder::build($this->tree, $this->options['ignore']); // Apply the language name as Section title if ($this->options->isMultilanguage()) { foreach ($this->options['languages'] as $key => $node) { $this->tree->getEntries()[$key]->setTitle($node); } } // Enhance the tree with processors $this->getProcessor()->manipulateTree($this->tree); // Sort the tree one last time before it is finalized Builder::sortTree($this->tree); Builder::finalizeTree($this->tree); } /** * @return Config */ public function getParams() { if ($this->tree && !$this->merged_tree) { $this->options['tree'] = $this->tree; $this->options['index'] = $this->tree->getIndexPage() ?: $this->tree->getFirstPage(); if ($this->options->isMultilanguage()) { foreach ($this->options['languages'] as $key => $name) { $this->options['entry_page'][$key] = $this->tree->getEntries()[$key]->getFirstPage(); } } else { $this->options['entry_page'] = $this->tree->getFirstPage(); } $this->merged_tree = true; } return $this->options; } /** * @return Processor */ public function getProcessor() { if (!$this->processor) { $this->processor = new Processor($this, Daux::getOutput(), 0); } return $this->processor; } /** * @param Processor $processor */ public function setProcessor(Processor $processor) { $this->processor = $processor; // This is not the cleanest but it's // the best i've found to use the // processor in very remote places $this->options['processor_instance'] = $processor; } public function getGenerators() { $default = [ 'confluence' => '\Todaymade\Daux\Format\Confluence\Generator', 'html-file' => '\Todaymade\Daux\Format\HTMLFile\Generator', 'html' => '\Todaymade\Daux\Format\HTML\Generator', ]; $extended = $this->getProcessor()->addGenerators(); return array_replace($default, $extended); } public function getProcessorClass() { $processor = $this->getParams()['processor']; if (empty($processor)) { return null; } $class = '\\Todaymade\\Daux\\Extension\\' . $processor; if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Class '$class' not found. We cannot use it as a Processor"); } if (!array_key_exists('Todaymade\\Daux\\Processor', class_parents($class))) { throw new \RuntimeException("Class '$class' invalid, should extend '\\Todaymade\\Daux\\Processor'"); } return $class; } protected function findAlternatives($input, $words) { $alternatives = []; foreach ($words as $word) { $lev = levenshtein($input, $word); if ($lev <= \strlen($word) / 3) { $alternatives[] = $word; } } return $alternatives; } /** * @return \Todaymade\Daux\Format\Base\Generator */ public function getGenerator() { if ($this->generator) { return $this->generator; } $generators = $this->getGenerators(); $format = $this->getParams()->getFormat(); if (!array_key_exists($format, $generators)) { $message = "The format '$format' doesn't exist, did you forget to set your processor ?"; $alternatives = $this->findAlternatives($format, array_keys($generators)); if (0 == \count($alternatives)) { $message .= "\n\nAvailable formats are \n " . implode("\n ", array_keys($generators)); } elseif (1 == \count($alternatives)) { $message .= "\n\nDid you mean this?\n " . implode("\n ", $alternatives); } else { $message .= "\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n " . implode("\n ", $alternatives); } throw new \RuntimeException($message); } $class = $generators[$format]; if (!class_exists($class)) { throw new \RuntimeException("Class '$class' not found. We cannot use it as a Generator"); } $interface = 'Todaymade\Daux\Format\Base\Generator'; if (!in_array('Todaymade\Daux\Format\Base\Generator', class_implements($class))) { throw new \RuntimeException("The class '$class' does not implement the '$interface' interface"); } return $this->generator = new $class($this); } public function getContentTypeHandler() { if ($this->typeHandler) { return $this->typeHandler; } $base_types = $this->getGenerator()->getContentTypes(); $extended = $this->getProcessor()->addContentType(); $types = array_merge($base_types, $extended); return $this->typeHandler = new ContentTypeHandler($types); } /** * Get all content file extensions * * @return string[] */ public function getContentExtensions() { if (!empty($this->validExtensions)) { return $this->validExtensions; } return $this->validExtensions = $this->getContentTypeHandler()->getContentExtensions(); } public static function getOutput() { if (!Daux::$output) { Daux::$output = new NullOutput(); } return Daux::$output; } /** * Writes a message to the output. * * @param string|array $messages The message as an array of lines or a single string * @param bool $newline Whether to add a newline * @param int $options A bitmask of options (one of the OUTPUT or VERBOSITY constants), 0 is considered the same as self::OUTPUT_NORMAL | self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL */ public static function write($messages, $newline = false, $options = 0) { Daux::getOutput()->write($messages, $newline, $options); } /** * Writes a message to the output and adds a newline at the end. * * @param string|array $messages The message as an array of lines of a single string * @param int $options A bitmask of options (one of the OUTPUT or VERBOSITY constants), 0 is considered the same as self::OUTPUT_NORMAL | self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL */ public static function writeln($messages, $options = 0) { Daux::getOutput()->write($messages, true, $options); } public static function getVerbosity() { return Daux::getOutput()->getVerbosity(); } }