getFilename(); if (in_array($filename, static::$IGNORED)) { return true; } if (array_key_exists('folders', $ignore) && $file->isDir() && in_array($filename, $ignore['folders'])) { return true; } if (array_key_exists('files', $ignore) && !$file->isDir() && in_array($filename, $ignore['files'])) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get name for a file * * @param string $path * @return string */ protected static function getName($path) { // ['dir' => 1, 'basename' => 2, 'filename' => 3, 'extension' => 5] preg_match('%^(.*?)[\\\\/]*(([^/\\\\]*?)(\.([^\.\\\\/]+?)|))[\\\\/\.]*$%im', $path, $m); if (!isset($m[3])) { throw new RuntimeException('Name not found'); } return $m[3]; } /** * Build the initial tree * * @param Directory $node * @param array $ignore */ public static function build($node, $ignore) { if (($it = new \FilesystemIterator($node->getPath())) == false) { return; } if ($node instanceof Root) { // Ignore config.json in the root directory $ignore['files'][] = 'config.json'; } /** @var \SplFileInfo $file */ foreach ($it as $file) { if (static::isIgnored($file, $ignore)) { continue; } if ($file->isDir()) { $new = new Directory($node, static::removeSortingInformations($file->getFilename()), $file); $new->setName(static::getName($file->getPathName())); $new->setTitle(str_replace('_', ' ', static::removeSortingInformations($new->getName()))); static::build($new, $ignore); } else { static::createContent($node, $file); } } $node->sort(); } /** * @param Directory $parent * @param SplFileInfo $file * @return Content|Raw */ public static function createContent(Directory $parent, SplFileInfo $file) { $name = static::getName($file->getPathname()); $config = $parent->getConfig(); if (!in_array($file->getExtension(), $config['valid_content_extensions'])) { $uri = static::removeSortingInformations($file->getFilename()); $entry = new Raw($parent, $uri, $file); $entry->setTitle(str_replace('_', ' ', static::removeSortingInformations($name))); $entry->setName($name); return $entry; } $uri = static::removeSortingInformations($name); if ($config['mode'] === Daux::STATIC_MODE) { $uri .= '.html'; } $entry = new Content($parent, $uri, $file); if ($entry->getUri() == $config['index_key']) { if ($parent instanceof Root) { $entry->setTitle($config['title']); } else { $entry->setTitle($parent->getTitle()); } } else { $entry->setTitle(str_replace('_', ' ', static::removeSortingInformations($name))); } $entry->setName($name); return $entry; } /** * @param string $filename * @return string */ public static function removeSortingInformations($filename) { preg_match('/^-?[0-9]*_?(.*)/', $filename, $matches); // Remove the numeric part // of the filename, only if // there is something after return empty($matches[1]) ? $matches[0] : $matches[1]; } /** * @param Directory $parent * @param string $title * @return Directory */ public static function getOrCreateDir(Directory $parent, $title) { $slug = DauxHelper::slug($title); if (array_key_exists($slug, $parent->getEntries())) { return $parent->getEntries()[$slug]; } $dir = new Directory($parent, $slug); $dir->setTitle($title); return $dir; } /** * @param Directory $parent * @param string $path * @return Content */ public static function getOrCreatePage(Directory $parent, $path) { $extension = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // If the file doesn't have an extension, set .md as a default if ($extension == '') { $extension = 'md'; $path .= '.md'; } $raw = !in_array($extension, $parent->getConfig()['valid_content_extensions']); $title = $uri = $path; if (!$raw) { $title = static::getName($path); $uri = DauxHelper::slug($title); if ($parent->getConfig()['mode'] === Daux::STATIC_MODE) { $uri .= '.html'; } } if (array_key_exists($uri, $parent->getEntries())) { return $parent->getEntries()[$uri]; } $page = $raw ? new ComputedRaw($parent, $uri) : new Content($parent, $uri); $page->setContent('-'); //set an almost empty content to avoid problems $page->setName($path); $page->setTitle($title); if ($title == 'index' || $title == '_index') { $page->setTitle($parent->getTitle()); } return $page; } }