confluence = $confluence; $this->client = new Api($confluence['base_url'], $confluence['user'], $confluence['pass']); $this->client->setSpace($confluence['space_id']); } public function run($title, $closure) { try { return $this->runAction($title, $this->output, $this->width, $closure); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { $this->output->writeLn(" " . $e->getMessage() . ""); } } public function publish(array $tree) { echo "Finding Root Page...\n"; if (array_key_exists('ancestor_id', $this->confluence)) { $pages = $this->client->getList($this->confluence['ancestor_id']); $published = null; foreach ($pages as $page) { if ($page['title'] == $tree['title']) { $published = $page; break; } } } elseif (array_key_exists('root_id', $this->confluence)) { $published = $this->client->getPage($this->confluence['root_id']); $this->confluence['ancestor_id'] = $published['ancestor_id']; } else { throw new \RuntimeException("You must at least specify a `root_id` or `ancestor_id` in your confluence configuration."); } $this->run( "Getting already published pages...", function() use (&$published) { if ($published != null) { $published['children'] = $this->client->getList($published['id'], true); } } ); $published = $this->run( "Create placeholder pages...\n", function() use ($tree, $published) { return $this->createRecursive($this->confluence['ancestor_id'], $tree, $published); } ); $this->output->writeLn("Publishing updates..."); $published = $this->updateRecursive($this->confluence['ancestor_id'], $tree, $published); if ($this->shouldDelete()) { $this->output->writeLn("Deleting obsolete pages..."); } else { $this->output->writeLn("Listing obsolete pages..."); echo "> The following pages will not be deleted, but just listed for information.\n"; echo "> If you want to delete these pages, you need to set the --delete flag on the command.\n"; } $this->deleteRecursive($published); } protected function niceTitle($title) { if ($title == "index.html") { return "Homepage"; } return rtrim(strtr($title, ['index.html' => '', '.html' => '']), "/"); } protected function createPage($parent_id, $entry, $published) { echo "- " . $this->niceTitle($entry['file']->getUrl()) . "\n"; $published['version'] = 1; $published['title'] = $entry['title']; $published['id'] = $this->client->createPage($parent_id, $entry['title'], "The content will come very soon !"); return $published; } protected function createPlaceholderPage($parent_id, $entry, $published) { echo "- " . $entry['title'] . "\n"; $published['version'] = 1; $published['title'] = $entry['title']; $published['id'] = $this->client->createPage($parent_id, $entry['title'], ""); return $published; } protected function recursiveWithCallback($parent_id, $entry, $published, $callback) { $published = $callback($parent_id, $entry, $published); if (!array_key_exists('children', $entry)) { return $published; } foreach ($entry['children'] as $child) { $pub = []; if (isset($published['children']) && array_key_exists($child['title'], $published['children'])) { $pub = $published['children'][$child['title']]; } $published['children'][$child['title']] = $this->recursiveWithCallback( $published['id'], $child, $pub, $callback ); } return $published; } protected function createRecursive($parent_id, $entry, $published) { $callback = function($parent_id, $entry, $published) { // nothing to do if the ID already exists if (array_key_exists('id', $published)) { return $published; } if (array_key_exists('page', $entry)) { return $this->createPage($parent_id, $entry, $published); } // If we have no $entry['page'] it means the page // doesn't exist, but to respect the hierarchy, // we need a blank page there return $this->createPlaceholderPage($parent_id, $entry, $published); }; return $this->recursiveWithCallback($parent_id, $entry, $published, $callback); } protected function updateRecursive($parent_id, $entry, $published) { $callback = function($parent_id, $entry, $published) { if (array_key_exists('id', $published) && array_key_exists('page', $entry)) { $this->updatePage($parent_id, $entry, $published); } $published['needed'] = true; return $published; }; return $this->recursiveWithCallback($parent_id, $entry, $published, $callback); } protected function shouldDelete() { return array_key_exists('delete', $this->confluence) && $this->confluence['delete']; } protected function deleteRecursive($published, $prefix = '') { foreach($published['children'] as $child) { if (array_key_exists('children', $child) && count($child['children'])) { $this->deleteRecursive($child, $child['title'] . '/'); } if (!array_key_exists('needed', $child)) { if ($this->shouldDelete()) { $this->run( "- " . $prefix . $child['title'], function() use ($child) { $this->client->deletePage($child['id']); } ); } else { echo "- " . $prefix . $child['title'] . "\n"; } } } } protected function shouldUpdate($local, $published) { if (!array_key_exists('content', $published)) { return true; } $trimmed_local = trim($local->getContent()); $trimmed_distant = trim($published['content']); if ($trimmed_local == $trimmed_distant) { return false; } // I consider that if the files are 98% identical you // don't need to update. This will work for false positives. // But sadly will miss if it's just a typo update // This is configurable with `update_threshold` $threshold = 98; if (array_key_exists('update_threshold', $this->confluence)) { $threshold = 100 - $this->confluence['update_threshold']; } if ($threshold < 100) { similar_text($trimmed_local, $trimmed_distant, $percent); if ($percent > $threshold) { return false; } } //DEBUG if (getenv("DEBUG") && strtolower(getenv("DEBUG")) != "false") { $prefix = 'static/export/'; if (!is_dir($prefix)) { mkdir($prefix, 0777, true); } $url = $local->getFile()->getUrl(); file_put_contents($prefix . strtr($url, ['/' => '_', '.html' => '_local.html']), $trimmed_local); file_put_contents($prefix . strtr($url, ['/' => '_', '.html' => '_distant.html']), $trimmed_distant); } return true; } protected function updatePage($parent_id, $entry, $published) { if ($this->previous_title != "Updating") { $this->previous_title = "Updating"; echo "Updating Pages...\n"; } $this->run( "- " . $this->niceTitle($entry['file']->getUrl()), function() use ($entry, $published, $parent_id) { if ($this->shouldUpdate($entry['page'], $published)) { $this->client->updatePage( $parent_id, $published['id'], $published['version'] + 1, $entry['title'], $entry['page']->getContent() ); } } ); if (count($entry['page']->attachments)) { foreach ($entry['page']->attachments as $attachment) { $this->run( " With attachment: $attachment[filename]", function() use ($published, $attachment) { $this->client->uploadAttachment($published['id'], $attachment); } ); } } } }