import * as preact from "preact"; import FlexSearch from "flexsearch"; import Search from "./Search"; /** @jsx preact.h */ const originalTitle = document.title; function getURLP(name) { const elements = new RegExp(`[?|&]${name}=([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)`).exec( ); return ( decodeURIComponent( ((elements && elements[1]) || "").replace(/\+/g, "%20") ) || null ); } class SearchEngine { constructor(options) { this.settings = { field: document.getElementById("search_input"), form: document.getElementById("search_form"), show: 10, showURL: true, showTitleCount: true, minimumLength: 3, descriptiveWords: 25, highlightTerms: true, highlightEveryTerm: false, contentLocation: "daux_search_index.js", ...options }; this.searchIndex = { pages: [] }; } loadData() { if (!this.loadingPromise) { // We do this as jsonp instead of an XHR or fetch request // to be compatible with usage from filesystem const po = document.createElement("script"); po.type = "text/javascript"; po.async = true; po.src = this.settings.base_url + this.settings.contentLocation; const s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s); this.loadingPromise = new Promise(resolve => { window.load_search_index = data => resolve(data); }).then(json => { this.searchIndex = new FlexSearch({ doc: { id: "url", field: ["title", "text", "tags"] } }); let pages = json.pages; // Only keep the pages related to the current language if (window.searchLanguage) { const pagePrefix = `${window.searchLanguage}/`; pages = pages.filter( item => item.url.indexOf(pagePrefix) === 0 ); } this.searchIndex.add(pages); }); } return this.loadingPromise; } run() { if (getURLP("q")) { this.settings.field.value = getURLP("q"); this.loadData().then(() => { this.displaySearch(); }); } this.settings.field.addEventListener("keyup", event => { // Start loading index once the user types text in the field, not before this.loadData(); if (parseInt(event.keyCode, 10) === 13) { this.loadData().then(() => { this.displaySearch(); }); } }); this.settings.form.addEventListener("submit", event => { event.preventDefault(); this.loadData().then(() => { this.displaySearch(); }); }); } keyUpHandler = e => { if (e.which === 27) { //escape this.handleClose(); } }; handleClose = () => { document.title = originalTitle; document.removeEventListener("keyup", this.keyUpHandler); document.body.classList.remove("with-search"); preact.render(null, this.resultContainer); this.resultContainer = null; }; displaySearch() { if (!this.resultContainer) { this.resultContainer = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(this.resultContainer); } document.addEventListener("keyup", this.keyUpHandler); preact.render(} onClose={this.handleClose} onTitleChange={title => { document.title = `${title} ${originalTitle}`; }} settings={this.settings} />, this.resultContainer ); document.body.classList.add("with-search"); document.body.scrollTop = 0; } } // Main containers function search(options) { const instance = new SearchEngine(options);; } // Declare globally = search;