[], 'normal' => [], 'down_numeric' => [], 'down' => [], ]; foreach ($this->children as $key => $entry) { $name = $entry->getName(); if ($name[0] == "-") { if (is_numeric($name[1])) { $exploded = explode("_", $name); $buckets['down_numeric'][abs(substr($exploded[0], 1))][$key] = $entry; continue; } $buckets['down'][$key] = $entry; continue; } if (is_numeric($name[0])) { $exploded = explode("_", $name); $buckets['numeric'][abs($exploded[0])][$key] = $entry; continue; } $buckets['normal'][$key] = $entry; } $final = []; foreach ($buckets as $name => $bucket) { if ($name == 'numeric' || $name == 'down_numeric') { ksort($bucket); foreach ($bucket as $sub_bucket) { $final = $this->sortBucket($sub_bucket, $final); } } else { $final = $this->sortBucket($bucket, $final); } } $this->children = $final; } private function sortBucket($bucket, $final) { uasort($bucket, function(Entry $a, Entry $b) { return strcasecmp($a->getName(), $b->getName()); }); foreach ($bucket as $key => $value) { $final[$key] = $value; } return $final; } /** * @return Entry[] */ public function getEntries() { return $this->children; } public function addChild(Entry $entry) { $this->children[$entry->getUri()] = $entry; } public function removeChild(Entry $entry) { unset($this->children[$entry->getUri()]); } /** * @return \Todaymade\Daux\Config */ public function getConfig() { if (!$this->parent) { throw new \RuntimeException("Could not retrieve configuration. Are you sure that your tree has a Root ?"); } return $this->parent->getConfig(); } /** * @return Content|null */ public function getIndexPage() { $index_key = $this->getConfig()['index_key']; if (isset($this->children[$index_key])) { return $this->children[$index_key]; } /* If the inherit_index flag is set, then we seek child content */ if ($this->getConfig()['mode'] == Daux::LIVE_MODE && !empty($this->getConfig()['live']['inherit_index']) && $first_page = $this->seekFirstPage() ) { return $first_page; } return null; } /** * Seek the first available page from descendants * @return Content|null */ public function seekFirstPage() { if ($this instanceof Directory) { $index_key = $this->getConfig()['index_key']; if (isset($this->children[$index_key])) { return $this->children[$index_key]; } foreach ($this->children as $node_key => $node) { if ($node instanceof Content) { return $node; } if ($node instanceof Directory && strpos($node->getUri(), '.') !== 0 && $childNode = $node->seekFirstPage() ) { return $childNode; } } } return null; } /** * @return Content|null */ public function getFirstPage() { if ($this->first_page) { return $this->first_page; } // First we try to find a real page foreach ($this->getEntries() as $node) { if ($node instanceof Content) { if ($this instanceof Root && $this->getIndexPage() == $node) { // The homepage should not count as first page continue; } $this->setFirstPage($node); return $node; } } // If we can't find one we check in the sub-directories foreach ($this->getEntries() as $node) { if ($node instanceof Directory && $page = $node->getFirstPage()) { $this->setFirstPage($page); return $page; } } return null; } /** * @param Content $first_page */ public function setFirstPage($first_page) { $this->first_page = $first_page; } /** * Used when creating the navigation. * Hides folders without showable content * * @return bool */ public function hasContent() { foreach ($this->getEntries() as $node) { if ($node instanceof Content) { return true; } elseif ($node instanceof Directory) { if ($node->hasContent()) { return true; } } } return false; } public function dump() { $dump = parent::dump(); $dump['index'] = $this->getIndexPage() ? $this->getIndexPage()->getUrl() : ''; $dump['first'] = $this->getFirstPage() ? $this->getFirstPage()->getUrl() : ''; foreach ($this->getEntries() as $entry) { $dump['children'][] = $entry->dump(); } return $dump; } }