base_url = $base_url; $this->user = $user; $this->pass = $pass; } public function setSpace($space_id) { $this->space = $space_id; } /** * This method is public due to test purposes * @return Client */ public function getClient() { $options = [ 'base_uri' => $this->base_url . 'rest/api/', 'auth' => [$this->user, $this->pass], ]; return new Client($options); } /** * The standard error message from guzzle is quite poor in informations, * this will give little bit more sense to it and return it * * @param BadResponseException $e * @return RequestException */ protected function handleError(BadResponseException $e) { $request = $e->getRequest(); $response = $e->getResponse(); $level = floor($response->getStatusCode() / 100); if ($level == '4') { $label = 'Client error response'; } elseif ($level == '5') { $label = 'Server error response'; } else { $label = 'Unsuccessful response'; } $message = $label . ' [url] ' . $request->getUri() . ' [status code] ' . $response->getStatusCode() . ' [message] '; $body = $response->getBody(); $json = json_decode($body, true); $message .= ($json != null && array_key_exists('message', $json)) ? $json['message'] : $body; if ($level == '4' && strpos($message, 'page with this title already exists') !== false) { return new DuplicateTitleException($message, 0, $e->getPrevious()); } return new BadResponseException($message, $request, $response, $e->getPrevious()); } public function getPage($id) { $url = "content/$id?expand=ancestors,version,"; try { $result = json_decode($this->getClient()->get($url)->getBody(), true); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { throw $this->handleError($e); } $ancestor_id = null; if (array_key_exists('ancestors', $result) && count($result['ancestors'])) { $ancestor_page = end($result['ancestors']); // We need the direct parent $ancestor_id = $ancestor_page['id']; } return [ 'id' => $result['id'], 'ancestor_id' => $ancestor_id, 'title' => $result['title'], 'version' => $result['version']['number'], 'content' => $result['body']['storage']['value'], ]; } /** * Get a list of pages * * @param int $rootPage * @param bool $recursive * @return array */ public function getList($rootPage, $recursive = false) { $increment = 15; // We set a limit of 15 as it appears that // Confluence fails silently when retrieving // more than 20 entries with "" $base_url = $url = "content/$rootPage/child/page?expand=version,$increment"; $start = 0; $pages = []; do { try { $hierarchy = json_decode($this->getClient()->get($url)->getBody(), true); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { throw $this->handleError($e); } foreach ($hierarchy['results'] as $result) { $pages[$result['title']] = [ 'id' => $result['id'], 'title' => $result['title'], 'version' => $result['version']['number'], 'content' => $result['body']['storage']['value'], ]; if ($recursive) { $pages[$result['title']]['children'] = $this->getList($result['id'], true); } } // We don't use _links->next as after ~30 elements // it doesn't show any new elements. This seems // to be a bug in Confluence $start += $increment; $url = "$base_url&start=$start"; } while (!empty($hierarchy['results'])); return $pages; } /** * @param int $parent_id * @param string $title * @param string $content * @return int */ public function createPage($parent_id, $title, $content) { $body = [ 'type' => 'page', 'space' => ['key' => $this->space], 'title' => $title, 'body' => ['storage' => ['value' => $content, 'representation' => 'storage']], ]; if ($parent_id) { $body['ancestors'] = [['type' => 'page', 'id' => $parent_id]]; } try { $response = json_decode($this->getClient()->post('content', ['json' => $body])->getBody(), true); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { throw $this->handleError($e); } return $response['id']; } /** * @param int $parent_id * @param int $page_id * @param int $newVersion * @param string $title * @param string $content */ public function updatePage($parent_id, $page_id, $newVersion, $title, $content) { $body = [ 'type' => 'page', 'space' => ['key' => $this->space], 'version' => ['number' => $newVersion, 'minorEdit' => true], 'title' => $title, 'body' => ['storage' => ['value' => $content, 'representation' => 'storage']], ]; if ($parent_id) { $body['ancestors'] = [['type' => 'page', 'id' => $parent_id]]; } try { $this->getClient()->put("content/$page_id", ['json' => $body]); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { throw $this->handleError($e); } } /** * Delete a page * * @param int $page_id * @return mixed */ public function deletePage($page_id) { try { return json_decode($this->getClient()->delete('content/' . $page_id)->getBody(), true); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { throw $this->handleError($e); } } /** * @param int $id * @param array $attachment */ public function uploadAttachment($id, $attachment) { // Check if an attachment with // this name is uploaded try { $result = json_decode($this->getClient()->get("content/$id/child/attachment?filename=$attachment[filename]")->getBody(), true); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { throw $this->handleError($e); } $url = "content/$id/child/attachment"; // If the attachment is already uploaded, // the update URL is different if (count($result['results'])) { $url .= "/{$result['results'][0]['id']}/data"; } try { $this->getClient()->post( $url, [ 'multipart' => [['name' => 'file', 'contents' => fopen($attachment['file']->getPath(), 'r')]], 'headers' => ['X-Atlassian-Token' => 'nocheck'], ] ); } catch (BadResponseException $e) { throw $this->handleError($e); } } }