/** global localStorage, hljs */ if (hljs) { hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad(); } (function() { var codeBlocks = document.querySelectorAll(".s-content pre"); var toggleCodeSection = document.querySelector(".CodeToggler"); if (!toggleCodeSection) { return; } else if (!codeBlocks.length) { toggleCodeSection.classList.add("Hidden"); return; } var toggleCodeBlockBtnList = toggleCodeSection.querySelectorAll(".CodeToggler__button"); var toggleCodeBlockBtnSet = toggleCodeSection.querySelector(".CodeToggler__button--main"); // available when floating is disabled var toggleCodeBlockBtnHide = toggleCodeSection.querySelector(".CodeToggler__button--hide"); var toggleCodeBlockBtnBelow = toggleCodeSection.querySelector(".CodeToggler__button--below"); var toggleCodeBlockBtnFloat = toggleCodeSection.querySelector(".CodeToggler__button--float"); var codeBlockView = document.querySelector(".Columns__right"); var floating = document.body.classList.contains("with-float"); function setCodeBlockStyle(codeBlockState) { for (var a = 0; a < toggleCodeBlockBtnList.length; a++) { toggleCodeBlockBtnList[a].classList.remove("Button--active"); } switch (codeBlockState) { case true: // Show code blocks below (flowed); checkbox var hidden = false; break; case false: // Hidden code blocks; checkbox var hidden = true; break; case 2: // Show code blocks inline (floated) toggleCodeBlockBtnFloat.classList.add("Button--active"); codeBlockView.classList.add("Columns__right--float"); codeBlockView.classList.remove("Columns__right--full"); var hidden = false; break; case 1: // Show code blocks below (flowed) case "checked": toggleCodeBlockBtnBelow.classList.add("Button--active"); codeBlockView.classList.remove("Columns__right--float"); codeBlockView.classList.add("Columns__right--full"); var hidden = false; break; case 0: // Hidden code blocks default: toggleCodeBlockBtnHide.classList.add("Button--active"); codeBlockView.classList.remove("Columns__right--float"); codeBlockView.classList.add("Columns__right--full"); var hidden = true; break; } for (var a = 0; a < codeBlocks.length; a++) { if (hidden) { codeBlocks[a].classList.add("Hidden"); } else { codeBlocks[a].classList.remove("Hidden"); } } try { localStorage.setItem("codeBlockState", +codeBlockState); } catch (e) { // local storage operations can fail with the file:// protocol } } if (!floating) { toggleCodeBlockBtnSet.addEventListener("change", function(ev) {setCodeBlockStyle(ev.target.checked);}, false); } else { toggleCodeBlockBtnHide.addEventListener("click", function() {setCodeBlockStyle(0);}, false); toggleCodeBlockBtnBelow.addEventListener("click", function() {setCodeBlockStyle(1);}, false); toggleCodeBlockBtnFloat.addEventListener("click", function() {setCodeBlockStyle(2);}, false); } try { var codeBlockState = localStorage.getItem("codeBlockState"); } catch (e) { // local storage operations can fail with the file:// protocol var codeBlockState = null; } if (!codeBlockState) { codeBlockState = floating ? 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