getValue('title'); } public function hasAuthor(): bool { return $this->hasValue('author'); } public function getAuthor() { return $this->getValue('author'); } public function hasTagline(): bool { return $this->hasValue('tagline'); } public function getTagline() { return $this->getValue('tagline'); } public function getCurrentPage() { return $this->getValue('current_page'); } public function setCurrentPage(Content $entry) { $this->setValue('current_page', $entry); } public function getDocumentationDirectory() { return $this->getValue('docs_directory'); } public function getThemesDirectory() { return $this->getValue('themes_directory'); } public function getThemesPath() { return $this->getValue('themes_path'); } public function getFormat() { return $this->getValue('format'); } public function hasTimezone(): bool { return isset($this['timezone']); } public function getTimezone() { return $this->getValue('timezone'); } public function getTree() { return $this->getValue('tree'); } public function setTree($tree) { $this->setValue('tree', $tree); } public function isMultilanguage(): bool { return $this->hasValue('languages') && !empty($this->getValue('languages')); } public function getLanguages(): array { return $this->getValue('languages'); } public function getLanguage(): string { return $this->getValue('language'); } public function getMode() { return $this->getValue('mode'); } public function isLive() { return $this->getValue('mode') == Daux::LIVE_MODE; } public function isStatic() { return $this->getValue('mode') == Daux::STATIC_MODE; } public function shouldInheritIndex() { // As the global configuration is always present, we // need to test for the existence of the legacy value // first. Then use the current value. if (array_key_exists('live', $this) && array_key_exists('inherit_index', $this['live'])) { return $this['live']['inherit_index']; } return $this['html']['inherit_index']; } public function getIndexKey() { return $this->getValue('mode') == Daux::STATIC_MODE ? 'index.html' : 'index'; } public function getProcessor() { return $this->getValue('processor'); } public function getConfluenceConfiguration(): ConfluenceConfig { return new ConfluenceConfig($this->hasValue('confluence') ? $this->getValue('confluence') : []); } public function getHTML(): HTMLConfig { return new HTMLConfig($this->hasValue('html') ? $this->getValue('html') : []); } public function getTheme(): ?Theme { return $this->hasValue('theme') ? new Theme($this->getValue('theme')) : null; } public function getValidContentExtensions() { return $this->getValue('valid_content_extensions'); } public function setValidContentExtensions(array $value) { $this->setValue('valid_content_extensions', $value); } public function canCache() { if ($this->hasValue('cache')) { return $this->getValue('cache'); } return false; } public function getCacheKey() { $cloned = []; foreach ($this as $key => $value) { $cloned[$key] = ($value instanceof Entry) ? $value->dump() : $value; } return sha1(json_encode($cloned)); } public function hasTranslationKey($language, $key): bool { return array_key_exists($language, $this['strings']) && array_key_exists($key, $this['strings'][$language]); } public function getTranslationKey($language, $key) { return $this['strings'][$language][$key]; } public function hasImage(): bool { return $this->hasValue('image'); } public function getImage() { return $this->getValue('image'); } public function setImage($value) { return $this->setValue('image', $value); } public function getLocalBase() { return $this->getValue('local_base'); } public function getTemplates() { return $this->getValue('templates'); } public function getBaseUrl() { return $this->getValue('base_url'); } public function getBasePage() { if ($this->isLive()) { $value = '//' . $this->getBaseUrl(); if (!$this['live']['clean_urls']) { $value .= 'index.php/'; } return $value; } return $this->getBaseUrl(); } public function hasEntryPage(): bool { return $this->hasValue('entry_page') && !empty($this->getValue('entry_page')); } public function getEntryPage() { return $this->getValue('entry_page'); } public function setEntryPage($value) { return $this->setValue('entry_page', $value); } public function hasRequest(): bool { return $this->hasValue('request') && !empty($this->getValue('request')); } public function getRequest() { return $this->getValue('request'); } public function setRequest($value) { return $this->setValue('request', $value); } public function getIndex() { return $this->getValue('index'); } public function setIndex($value) { return $this->setValue('index', $value); } public function hasProcessorInstance() { return $this->hasValue('processor_instance'); } public function getProcessorInstance() { return $this->getValue('processor_instance'); } public function setProcessorInstance($value) { return $this->setValue('processor_instance', $value); } public function getIgnore() { return $this->getValue('ignore'); } public function hasHost() { return $this->hasValue('host'); } public function getHost() { return $this->getValue('host'); } }