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The config file ' . $config_file . ' that was passed contained invalid JSON. Learn More.'; exit; } $options = array_merge($options, $config); } if (!isset($options['ignore']['files'])) $options['ignore']['files'] = array(); if (!isset($options['ignore']['folders'])) $options['ignore']['folders'] = array(); if ($options['theme'] !== 'custom') { $themes = array("blue","navy","green","red"); if (!in_array($options['theme'], $themes)) { echo "Daux.io Config Error:
The theme you set is not not a valid option. Please use one of the following options: " . join(array_keys($themes), ', ') . ' or learn more about how to customize the colors.'; exit; } } else { if (empty($options['colors'])) { echo 'Daux.io Config Error:
You are trying to use a custom theme, but did not setup your color options in the config. Learn more about how to customize the colors.'; exit; } } if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) date_default_timezone_set('GMT'); return $options; } // Build Directory Tree function build_tree() { global $tree, $options, $docs_path , $multilanguage, $output_language; if (!$multilanguage) $tree = directory_tree($docs_path, $options['ignore']); else foreach ($options['languages'] as $languageKey => $language) { $output_language = $languageKey; $tree[$languageKey] = directory_tree($docs_path . '/' . $languageKey, $options['ignore']); } } // Recursively add files & directories to Tree function directory_tree($dir, $ignore) { global $base_doc, $multilanguage, $output_language; $tree = array(); $Item = array_diff(scandir($dir), array(".", "..")); foreach ($Item as $key => $value) { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $value)) { if (!in_array($value, $ignore['folders'])) $tree[$value] = directory_tree($dir . '/' . $value, $ignore); } else if (!in_array($value, $ignore['files'])) { if (substr($value, -3) === ".md") { $tree[$value] = $value; if ($multilanguage) $base_doc[$output_language] = isset($base_doc[$output_language]) ? $base_doc[$output_language] : $dir . '/' . $value; else $base_doc = isset($base_doc) ? $base_doc : $dir . '/' . $value; } } } return $tree; } // Build Navigation function get_navigation($url) { global $tree, $multilanguage, $output_language, $output_path; $dir = isset($output_path) ? $output_path : ''; $return = ""; return $return; } function build_navigation($tree, $current_dir, $url) { global $mode, $base_path, $docs_path, $options; $return = ""; if ($mode === 'Static') $t = relative_path($current_dir . "/.", $url) . '/'; else { $t = "http://" . $base_path . '/'; if (!$options['clean_urls']) $t .= 'index.php?'; $rel = clean_url($current_dir, 'Live'); $t .= ($rel === '') ? '' : $rel . '/'; } foreach ($tree as $key => $node) if (is_array($node)) { $return .= ""; $return .= clean_url($key, "Title"); $return .= ""; $return .= ""; $return .= ""; } else if($node !== "index.md") { $return .= "" . clean_url($node, "Title"); $return .= ""; } return $return; } // Generate Documentation from Markdown file function generate_page($file, $with_index="") { global $base, $base_doc, $base_path, $docs_path, $options, $mode, $relative_base; $template = $options['template']; $file_relative_path = str_replace($docs_path . '/', "", $file); if ($file_relative_path === 'index.md') $homepage = TRUE; else $homepage = FALSE; if (!$file) { if (file_get_contents($with_index) === FALSE) { $page['path'] = ''; $page['markdown'] = ''; $page['title'] = 'Oh No'; $page['content'] = "

Oh No. That page doesn't exist

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