daux = $daux; $this->checkConfiguration(); } public function checkConfiguration() { $config = $this->daux->getParams(); $confluence = $config->getConfluenceConfiguration(); if ($confluence == null) { throw new \RuntimeException("You must specify your Confluence configuration"); } $mandatory = ['space_id', 'base_url', 'user', 'pass', 'prefix']; $errors = []; foreach ($mandatory as $key) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $confluence)) { $errors[] = $key; } } if (count($errors)) { throw new \RuntimeException("The following options are mandatory for confluence : '" . join("', '", $errors) . "'"); } if (!array_key_exists('ancestor_id', $confluence) && !array_key_exists('root_id', $confluence)) { throw new \RuntimeException("You must specify an 'ancestor_id' or a 'root_id' for confluence."); } } /** * @return array */ public function getContentTypes() { return [ new ContentTypes\Markdown\ContentType($this->daux->getParams()), ]; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function generateAll(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $width) { $params = $this->daux->getParams(); $confluence = $params['confluence']; $this->prefix = trim($confluence['prefix']) . ' '; $tree = $this->runAction( 'Generating Tree ...', $output, $width, function () use ($params) { $tree = $this->generateRecursive($this->daux->tree, $params); $tree['title'] = $this->prefix . $params['title']; return $tree; } ); $output->writeln('Start Publishing...'); $publisher = new Publisher($confluence); $publisher->output = $output; $publisher->width = $width; $publisher->publish($tree); } private function generateRecursive(Directory $tree, Config $params, $base_url = '') { $final = ['title' => $this->prefix . $tree->getTitle()]; $params['base_url'] = $params['base_page'] = $base_url; $params['image'] = str_replace('', $base_url, $params['image']); if ($base_url !== '') { $params['entry_page'] = $tree->getFirstPage(); } foreach ($tree->getEntries() as $key => $node) { if ($node instanceof Directory) { $final['children'][$this->prefix . $node->getTitle()] = $this->generateRecursive( $node, $params, '../' . $base_url ); } elseif ($node instanceof Content) { $params['request'] = $node->getUrl(); $contentType = $this->daux->getContentTypeHandler()->getType($node); $data = [ 'title' => $this->prefix . $node->getTitle(), 'file' => $node, 'page' => ContentPage::fromFile($node, $params, $contentType), ]; // As the page is lazily generated // We do it now to fail fast in case of problem $data['page']->getContent(); if ($key == 'index.html') { $final['title'] = $this->prefix . $tree->getTitle(); $final['file'] = $node; $final['page'] = $data['page']; } else { $final['children'][$data['title']] = $data; } } } return $final; } }