2014-02-28 12:00:01 +05:30

231 lines
9.3 KiB

require_once(dirname( __FILE__)."/markdown_extended.php");
$tree = array();
$base = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
$options = get_options();
$docs_path = $base . '/' . $options['docs_path'];
$multilanguage = !empty($options['languages']) ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Options
function get_options() {
global $base;
$options = array(
'title' => "Documentation",
'tagline' => false,
'image' => false,
'theme' => 'red',
'docs_path' => 'docs',
'date_modified' => true,
'float' => true,
'repo' => false,
'toggle_code' => false,
'twitter' => array(),
'links' => array(),
'colors' => false,
'clean_urls' => true,
'google_analytics' => false,
'piwik_analytics' => false,
'piwik_analytics_id' => 1,
'ignore' => array(),
'languages' => array(),
'file_editor' => false,
'template' => 'default'
// Load User Config
$config_file = $base . '/docs/config.json';
if (file_exists($config_file)) {
$config = json_decode(file_get_contents($config_file), true);
$options = array_merge($options, $config);
if (!isset($options['ignore']['files'])) $options['ignore']['files'] = array();
if (!isset($options['ignore']['folders'])) $options['ignore']['folders'] = array();
if ($options['theme'] !== 'custom') {
$themes = array("blue","navy","green","red");
if (!in_array($options['theme'], $themes)) {
echo "<strong>Daux.io Config Error:</strong><br>The theme you set is not not a valid option. Please use one of the following options: " . join(array_keys($themes), ', ') . ' or <a href="http://daux.io">learn more</a> about how to customize the colors.';
} else {
if (empty($options['colors'])) {
echo '<strong>Daux.io Config Error:</strong><br>You are trying to use a custom theme, but did not setup your color options in the config. <a href="http://daux.io">Learn more</a> about how to customize the colors.';
return $options;
// Build Directory Tree
function build_tree() {
global $tree, $options, $docs_path , $multilanguage, $output_language;
if (!$multilanguage) $tree = directory_tree($docs_path, $options['ignore']);
foreach ($options['languages'] as $languageKey => $language) {
$output_language = $languageKey;
$tree[$languageKey] = directory_tree($docs_path . '/' . $languageKey, $options['ignore']);
// Recursively add files & directories to Tree
function directory_tree($dir, $ignore) {
global $base_doc, $multilanguage, $output_language;
$tree = array();
$Item = array_diff(scandir($dir), array(".", "..", "index.md"));
foreach ($Item as $key => $value) {
if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $value)) {
if (!in_array($value, $ignore['folders']))
$tree[$value] = directory_tree($dir . '/' . $value, $ignore);
} else if (!in_array($value, $ignore['files'])) {
if (substr($value, -3) === ".md") {
$tree[$value] = $value;
if ($multilanguage)
$base_doc[$output_language] = isset($base_doc[$output_language]) ? $base_doc[$output_language] : $dir . '/' . $value;
else $base_doc = isset($base_doc) ? $base_doc : $dir . '/' . $value;
return $tree;
// Build Navigation
function get_navigation($url) {
global $tree, $multilanguage, $output_language, $output_path;
$dir = isset($output_path) ? $output_path : '';
$return = "<ul class=\"nav nav-list\">";
$return .= $multilanguage ? build_navigation($tree[$output_language], (($dir !== '') ? $dir . '/' : '') . $output_language, $url) : build_navigation($tree, $dir, $url);
$return .= "</ul>";
return $return;
function build_navigation($tree, $current_dir, $url) {
global $mode, $base_path, $docs_path, $options;
$return = "";
if ($mode === 'Static') $t = relative_path($current_dir . "/.", $url) . '/';
else {
$t = "http://" . $base_path . '/';
if (!$options['clean_urls']) $t .= 'index.php?';
$rel = clean_url($current_dir, 'Live');
$t .= ($rel === '') ? '' : $rel . '/';
foreach ($tree as $key => $node)
if (is_array($node)) {
$return .= "<li";
if (!(strpos($url, $key) === FALSE)) $return .= " class=\"open\"";
$return .= ">";
$return .= "<a href=\"#\" class=\"aj-nav folder\">";
$return .= clean_url($key, "Title");
$return .= "</a>";
$return .= "<ul class=\"nav nav-list\">";
$dir = ($current_dir === '') ? $key : $current_dir . '/' . $key;
$return .= build_navigation($node, $dir, $url);
$return .= "</ul>";
$return .= "</li>";
else {
$return .= "<li";
if ($url === $current_dir . '/' . $node) $return .= " class=\"active\"";
$return .= ">";
$link = $t . clean_url($node, $mode);
$return .= "<a href=\"" . $link . "\">" . clean_url($node, "Title");
$return .= "</a></li>";
return $return;
// Generate Documentation from Markdown file
function generate_page($file) {
global $base, $base_doc, $base_path, $docs_path, $options, $mode, $relative_base;
$template = $options['template'];
$filename = substr(strrchr($file, "/"), 1);
if ($filename === 'index.md') $homepage = TRUE;
else $homepage = FALSE;
if (!$file) {
$page['path'] = '';
$page['markdown'] = '';
$page['content'] = '';
$page['title'] = 'Oh No';
$page['content'] = "<h3>Oh No. That page doesn't exist</h3>";
$options['file_editor'] = false;
} else {
$page['path'] = str_replace($docs_path . '/', "", $file);
$page['markdown'] = file_get_contents($file);
$page['content'] = MarkDownExtended($page['markdown']);
$page['title'] = clean_url($file, 'Title');
$relative_base = ($mode === 'Static') ? relative_path("", $file) : "http://" . $base_path . '/';
include($base . "/template/" . $template . ".tpl");
$return = ob_get_contents();
return $return;
// File to URL
function clean_url($url, $mode = 'Static') {
global $docs_path, $output_path, $options;
switch ($mode) {
case 'Live':
$url = str_replace(array(".md", ".html", ".php"), "", $url);
case 'Static':
$url = str_replace(".md", ".html", $url);
$remove = array($docs_path . '/');
if (isset($output_path)) $remove[] = $output_path . '/';
$url = str_replace($remove, "", $url);
$url = explode('/', $url);
foreach ($url as &$a) {
$a = explode('_', $a);
if (isset($a[0]) && is_numeric($a[0])) unset($a[0]);
$a = implode('_', $a);
$url = implode('/', $url);
return $url;
case 'Title':
case 'Filename':
$t = substr_count($url, '/');
if ($t > 0) $url = substr(strrchr($url, "/"), 1);
$url = explode('_', $url);
if (isset($url[0]) && is_numeric($url[0])) unset($url[0]);
if ($mode === 'Filename') $url = implode('_', $url);
else $url = implode(' ', $url);
$url = str_replace(array(".md", ".html"), "", $url);
return $url;
// Get Path based on Server. For Use in template file.
function get_url($url) {
global $mode, $options, $relative_base;
$t = clean_url($url, $mode);
if ($t === 'index') {
if ($mode === 'Static') return $relative_base . 'index.html';
else return $relative_base;
if ($mode === 'Live' && !$options['clean_urls']) $t = 'index.php?' . $t;
return $t;
// Relative Path From Path2 to Path1
function relative_path($path1, $path2) {
global $output_path, $docs_path, $base;
$remove = array($docs_path . '/');
if (isset($output_path)) $remove[] = $output_path . '/';
$remove[] = $base . '/';
$path1 = str_replace($remove, "", $path1);
$path2 = str_replace($remove, "", $path2);
$nesting = substr_count($path2, "/");
if ($nesting == 0) return clean_url($path1);
$return = "";
$t = 0;
while ($t < $nesting) {
$return .= "../";
$t += 1;
$return .= clean_url($path1);
return $return;