checkForCookieAgreement()) { $this->getAgreementForm(); exit(); } $sblTableExist = setupDeletePicturesTable::tableExist(); $sblTableHasItems = false; $aData = $this->getLostPictureGroupByFolder(); if(count($aData)) { $sblTableHasItems = true; } $sOutput = $this->getHtmlHeader(); $sOutput .= '

Bilder ohne Artikelzuordnung suchen und löschen

'; if($sblTableExist == true) { if(trim($this->sOutPutMessage) != '') { $sOutput .= '


'; } $sOutput.= '


eingelesene Bilder aufgeteilt auf die Ordner in '.$this->sFolder.':
'; } if($sblTableExist == true) { $sOutput .= '

Bilder prüfen

Was geschieht hier:

In den Unterverzeichnissen in '.$this->sFolder.' werden die enthalten Dateien ausgelesen. Bei diesem Vorgang wird sofort geprüft welche Dateien in der Tabelle oxarticles nicht mehr enthalten sind. Ist ein Bild nicht mehr an einem Artikel hinterlegt, dann erfolgt die Abspeicherung in der Tabelle d3lostpictures.
Die Prüfung erfolgt pro Bildslot und nicht global auf alle Verzeichnisse und Bildfelder in der Tabelle oxarticles. Dies bedeuted: z.B. die Bilder im Ordner "'.$this->sFolder.'1" werden nur gegen das Feld oxpic1 geprüft und nicht gegen oxpic2 oder oxthumb.

'; } if($sblTableExist == true) { $sOutput.= '

Bilder anzeigen (Begrenzt auf '.$this->iLimitPicture.')


Als CSV-Datei ausgeben


Bilder löschen('.$this->iLimitPictureDelete.' Stk pro Durchgang)

'; } $sOutput .= '
'; if($sblTableExist == false) { $sOutput .= '


Die Bilder ohne Zuordnung werden in dieser Tabelle d3lostpictures abgelegt.
Im Anschluß nach dem löschen der Bilder kann diese Tabelle und auch dieses Script mit einem Mausklick entfernt werden.
'; } $sOutput .= '


'; if($sblTableHasItems == true) { $sOutput .='
'; } if($sblTableExist == true) { $sOutput .= '
'; } $sOutput .= '
'; $sOutput .= '
'; $sOutput .= '

Ablauf / Legende

  1. Datenbanktabelle d3lostpictures anlegen
  2. Bilder einlesen (in Tabelle d3lostpictures)
  3. Bilder löschen (als Datei und Eintrag in d3lostpictures)
  4. Datenbanktabelle d3lostpictures löschen
  5. Script vom Server entfernen
'; $sOutput.=$this->getHtmlFooter(); echo $sOutput; } /** * @return string|void */ public function getAgreementForm() { $sPath = $_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_INFO"]?$_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_INFO"]:$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $sPath = basename($sPath); $sOutput = $this->getHtmlHeader(); $sOutput .='

deletePictures - Read IT!

  • Legen Sie ein Backup der Bilder bzw. des kompletten Shops an. - EN: - Make a Backup
  • Installieren Sie das Script zuerst in einem Testshop und führen dort einen Testlauf durch. - EN: first run in a Testshop
  • Entfernen Sie das Script vom Server nach dem löschen der Bilder. - EN: remove Script after use
- EN: I read it and use it on my own risk.

'; $sOutput .= $this->getHtmlFooter(); echo $sOutput; } /** * @return bool */ public function checkForCookieAgreement() { if(isset($_COOKIE[$this->sCookieName]) && $_COOKIE[$this->sCookieName] == true #&& #isset($_COOKIE[$this->sAdminCookieSid]) && $_COOKIE[$this->sAdminCookieSid] != '' ) { return false; } return true; } public function setAgreement() { $sPath = $_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_INFO"]?$_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_INFO"]:$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $sPath = basename($sPath); //action=setAgreement - entfernen $aUrl = parse_url(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getSslShopUrl().$sPath); $sPath = ltrim($aUrl['path'],'/'); if(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('agreement') == true) { setcookie($this->sCookieName, true, strtotime( '+7 days' )); } oxRegistry::getUtils()->redirect(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getSslShopUrl().$sPath,false); } public function removeAgreement() { $sPath = $_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_INFO"]?$_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_INFO"]:$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $sPath = basename($sPath); //action=removeAgreement - entfernen $aUrl = parse_url(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getSslShopUrl().$sPath); $sPath = ltrim($aUrl['path'],'/'); setcookie($this->sCookieName, false, time()-1000); oxRegistry::getUtils()->redirect(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getSslShopUrl().$sPath,false); } /** * @return string */ public function getHtmlFooter() { return ' '; } /** * @return string */ public function getHtmlHeader() { return ' deletePictures - nicht mehr genutzte Bilder löschen '; } /** * todo: Prüfung af unvollständig eingelesenen Ordner * * @throws oxConnectionException * @throws oxSystemComponentException */ public function getFolderContents() { //Tabelle leeren //$this->truncateTable(); $aSlotsFromLostPictures = $this->getLostPicturesSlotsFromTable(); $sFolder = $this->getPathToShop().$this->sFolder; $aFolder = $this->getFolders(); natsort($aFolder); foreach ($aFolder as $sTmpFolder) { $this->sOutPutTitle = 'Ordner einlesen'; //echo "
Folder:".$sTmpFolder; if($this->hasFinishedImport($sTmpFolder) == false) { //Einträge pro Slot loeschen $this->truncateTable($sTmpFolder); } if(key_exists($sTmpFolder,$aSlotsFromLostPictures)) { continue; } $this->sOutPutMessage.= "
Prüfe Ordner: ".$sFolder.$sTmpFolder; if ($handle = opendir($sFolder.$sTmpFolder)) { $aFilesOxPics = $this->getAllPicturesFromTable($sTmpFolder); $this->setStartStopFlag($sTmpFolder,'START'); while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if ($entry == "." || $entry == ".." || $entry == "dir.txt" || trim($entry) == '') { continue; } if(isset($aFilesOxPics[$entry])) { continue; } $aPictureData = array(); $aTmpImagePro = getimagesize ($sFolder.$sTmpFolder."/".$entry); $aPictureData['D3FOLDER'] = $sTmpFolder; $aPictureData['D3WIDTH'] = $aTmpImagePro[0]; $aPictureData['D3HEIGHT'] = $aTmpImagePro[1]; $aPictureData['D3IMAGETYPE'] = $aTmpImagePro['mime']; $aPictureData['D3LASTCHANGE'] = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s",filemtime($sFolder.$sTmpFolder."/".$entry)) ; $aPictureData['D3FILESIZE'] = filesize ($sFolder.$sTmpFolder."/".$entry) ; $aPictureData['D3FILETYPE'] = 'product'; $aPictureData['D3FILENAME'] = $entry; $aPictureData['D3DATE'] = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $aPictureData['OXID'] = md5($entry.$ ("Y-m-d H:i:s")); /** @var oxbase $oItem */ $oItem = oxNew("oxbase"); $oItem->init("d3lostpictures"); $oItem->assign($aPictureData); $oItem->save(); } //die(); $this->setStartStopFlag($sTmpFolder,'STOP'); //Flags entfernen $this->deleteStartStopFlag($sTmpFolder); closedir($handle); } else{ $this->sOutPutMessage.= "
Konnte Ordner nicht oeffnen:".$sFolder.$sTmpFolder; } $this->iCount = 0; } } /** * @return array * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPicturesSlotsFromTable() { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<getAll($sQuery); $aTmp = array(); foreach($sRs as $aSlot) { $aTmp[$aSlot['d3folder']] = $aSlot['d3folder']; } return $aTmp; } /** * @return array */ public function getFolders() { $sFolder = $this->getPathToShop() . $this->sFolder; $aFolders = array(); if ($handle = opendir($sFolder)) { while (false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { $this->iCount++; if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { if(is_dir($sFolder.$entry)) { $aFolders[] = $entry; } } } } return $aFolders; } /** * @param $sSlot * * @return array * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getAllPicturesFromTable($sSlot) { //echo $sSlot; $sPictureDbField = 'oxpic'.$sSlot; if($sSlot == 'thumb' || $sSlot == 'icon'){ $sPictureDbField = 'ox'.$sSlot; } $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<getAll($sQuery); $aTmp = array(); foreach($aDbResult as $aPicture) { $aTmp[$aPicture[$sPictureDbField]] = $aPicture[$sPictureDbField]; } return $aTmp; } /** * @return string */ public function getPathToShop() { return oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('sShopDir'); } /** select * from d3lostpictures where d3folder = '1' AND d3filename not in( select oxpic1 from oxarticles where oxpic1 != '' ); select * from d3lostpictures where d3folder = '2' AND d3filename not in( select oxpic2 from oxarticles where oxpic2 != '' ); */ /** * @param $sSlot * * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPicturesSlot($sSlot) { $this->sOutPutMessage.= $this->getLostPictureAsTableContent($this->getLostPictures($sSlot)); } /** * @param $aPictures * @param $sSlot * * @return string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPictureAsTableContent($aPictures) { $this->sOutPutTitle = 'Anzeige Bilder'; //dumpvar($aPictures); $sUrlToFolder = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getShopUrl().$this->sFolder; $sContent = ''; foreach ($aPictures as $aPicture) { //$sFileName = $aPicture['D3FILENAME'].'.'.$aPicture['D3FILETYPE']; $sFileName = $aPicture['D3FILENAME']; $sPathWithPicture = $sUrlToFolder.$aPicture['D3FOLDER'].'/'.$sFileName; $sContent .= ' '; } $sContent .= '
Bild Pfad + Bildname Breite * Höhe Dateigrösse letzte Ändeurung
'.$this->sFolder.$aPicture['D3FOLDER'].'/'.$sFileName.' '.$aPicture['D3WIDTH'].'px * '.$aPicture['D3HEIGHT'].'px '.$this->formatBytes($aPicture['D3FILESIZE']).' '.$aPicture['D3LASTCHANGE'].'
'; return $sContent; } /** * @param $sSlot * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPicturesInCsvFile($sSlot) { //$sUrlToFolder = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getShopUrl().$this->sFolder; $sSeparator = '"'; $sColumn = ";".PHP_EOL; $sSeparator = ''; $sColumn = PHP_EOL; $sFileContent = ''; foreach ($this->getLostPictures($sSlot) as $aPicture) { $sFileName = $aPicture['D3FILENAME']; $sFileContent .= $sSeparator.$this->sFolder.$aPicture['D3FOLDER'].'/'.$sFileName.$sSeparator.$sColumn; } $oUtils = oxRegistry::getUtils(); $sFilename = 'Folder_'.$sSlot.'.csv'; ob_start(); //$sPDF = ob_get_contents(); $sCsv = $sFileContent; ob_end_clean(); $oUtils->setHeader("Pragma: public"); $oUtils->setHeader("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); $oUtils->setHeader("Expires: 0"); $oUtils->setHeader("Content-type: application/csv"); $oUtils->setHeader("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $sFilename); oxRegistry::getUtils()->showMessageAndExit($sCsv); } /** * @param $sSlot * * @return mixed * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPictures($sSlot) { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); /* $sPictureDbField = 'oxpic'.$sSlot; if($sSlot == 'thumb' || $sSlot == 'icon'){ $sPictureDbField = 'ox'.$sSlot; }*/ $iCount = $this->getCountLostPictures($sSlot); $sLimit = ''; if($iCount > $this->iLimitPicture) { $sLimit = ' LIMIT '.$this->iLimitPicture; } $sQuery = <<quote($sSlot)} AND D3FILENAME NOT IN('START', 'STOP') ORDER BY D3lASTCHANGE {$sLimit} MYSQL; //echo $sQuery; //die(); $res = $oDb->getAll($sQuery); return $res; } /** * @param $sSlot * * @return false|string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getCountLostPictures($sSlot) { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<getOne($sQuery); } /** * @return array * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPictureGroupByFolder() { if($this->tableExist() == false) { return array(); } $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<getAll($sQuery); $aTmp = array(); foreach ($aRes as $aFolder) { $aTmp[$aFolder['d3folder']] = $aFolder; } return $aTmp; } /** * @param $sSlot * * @return false|string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getCountLostPictureGroupByFolder($sSlot) { $sPictureDbField = 'oxpic'.$sSlot; if($sSlot == 'thumb' || $sSlot == 'icon'){ $sPictureDbField = 'ox'.$sSlot; } $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<getOne($sQuery); } /** * @return string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPictureGroupByFolderAsHtml() { $aData = $this->getLostPictureGroupByFolder(); $aDataUnFinishedFolders = $this->checkAllSlotsIfFinished(); if(count($aData) == 0) { $sHtml= ' Keine Bilder gefunden oder eingelesen. '; return $sHtml; } //dumpvar($aData); $sHtml= ''; foreach ($aData as $aFiles) { $sHtml.=''; } $sHtml.= ''; foreach ($aData as $aFiles) { $sHtml.=''; } $sHtml.= ''; foreach ($aData as $aFiles) { $sHtml.=''; } $sHtml.= ''; foreach ($aData as $sKey => $aFiles) { $sHtml.=''; } $sHtml.= ''; $sHtml.= '
Slot/Ordner: '.$aFiles['d3folder'].'
Anzahl Dateien: '.$aFiles['files'].'
Speicherplatz: '.$this->formatBytes($aFiles['size']).'
Status Ordner: '; if(isset($aDataUnFinishedFolders[$sKey])){ $sHtml.= 'Abbruch'; } else { $sHtml.= 'OK'; } $sHtml.='
'; return $sHtml; } /** * * * @param $size * @param int $precision * * @return string */ public function formatBytes($size) { $mod = 1024; $units = explode(' ','B KB MB GB TB PB'); for ($i = 0; $size > $mod; $i++) { $size /= $mod; } return round($size, 2) . ' ' . $units[$i]; } /** * @return string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPicturesDeleteButtonsAsHtml() { $aData = $this->getLostPictureGroupByFolder(); if(count($aData) == 0) { $sHtml= '
Keine Bilder gefunden oder eingelesen.
'; return $sHtml; } $sHtml = '
'; //dumpvar($aData); foreach ($aData as $aSlot) { $sSlot = $aSlot['d3folder']; if($aSlot['d3folder'] == 'icon' && $aSlot['d3folder'] == 'thumb') { $sSlot = 'Pic'.$aSlot['d3folder']; } $sHtml.='
' ; } $sHtml.= '
'; return $sHtml; } /** * @return string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPicturesAsCsvFile() { $aData = $this->getLostPictureGroupByFolder(); if(count($aData) == 0) { $sHtml= '
Keine Bilder gefunden oder eingelesen.
'; return $sHtml; } $sHtml = '
'; foreach ($aData as $aSlot) { $sSlot = $aSlot['d3folder']; if($aSlot['d3folder'] == 'icon' && $aSlot['d3folder'] == 'thumb') { $sSlot = 'Pic'.$aSlot['d3folder']; } $sHtml.='
' ; } $sHtml.= '
'; return $sHtml; } /** * @return string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function getLostPicturesDisplayButtonsAsHtml() { $aData = $this->getLostPictureGroupByFolder(); if(count($aData) == 0) { $sHtml= '

Keine Bilder gefunden oder eingelesen.

'; return $sHtml; } $sHtml = '
'; foreach ($aData as $aSlot) { //$iCount = $this->getCountLostPictures($aSlot['d3folder']); $sSlot = $aSlot['d3folder']; if($aSlot['d3folder'] == 'icon' && $aSlot['d3folder'] == 'thumb') { $sSlot = 'Pic'.$aSlot['d3folder']; } $sHtml .= ' '; } $sHtml.= '
Ausgabe der Bilder in einer tabelarischen Form.
'; return $sHtml; } /** * deletePictures constructor. * * @param $sSlot * * @return string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function deleteLostPictures($sSlot) { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<quote($sSlot)} LIMIT {$this->iLimitPictureDelete}; MYSQL; $sRes = $oDb->getAll($sQuery); $sMessage = ''; $this->sOutPutTitle = 'gelöschte Bilder'; foreach($sRes As $aFile) { $blDelete = $this->_removePictureFromFolder($aFile['File'],$sSlot); if($blDelete == true) { $sQueryDelete = <<execute($sQueryDelete); } } return $sMessage; } /** * @param $sSlot * @param $sType * * @throws oxSystemComponentException */ public function setStartStopFlag($sSlot,$sType) { $aPictureData = array(); $aPictureData['D3FOLDER'] = $sSlot; $aPictureData['D3FILETYPE'] = ''; $aPictureData['D3WIDTH'] = ''; $aPictureData['D3HEIGHT'] = ''; $aPictureData['D3IMAGETYPE'] = ''; $aPictureData['D3LASTCHANGE'] = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s") ; $aPictureData['D3FILESIZE'] = 0; $aPictureData['D3FILETYPE'] = ''; $aPictureData['D3FILENAME'] = $sType; $aPictureData['D3DATE'] = date ("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $aPictureData['OXID'] = md5($sType.$ ("Y-m-d H:i:s")); /** @var oxbase $oItem */ $oItem = oxNew("oxbase"); $oItem->init("d3lostpictures"); $oItem->assign($aPictureData); $oItem->save(); } /** * @param $sSlot * * @return object * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function deleteStartStopFlag($sSlot) { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<execute($sQuery); } /** * @param $sSlot * * @return false|string * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function hasFinishedImport($sSlot) { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<getOne($sQuery); if($iRes == 0 || $iRes == 2) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return array * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function checkAllSlotsIfFinished() { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<getAll($sQuery); $aTmp = array(); foreach ($aRes as $aFolder) { $aTmp[$aFolder['d3folder']] = $aFolder; } return $aTmp; } /** * @param $sFilePath * @param $sSlot * * @return bool */ protected function _removePictureFromFolder($sFilePath,$sSlot) { $sPathToFile = $this->getPathToShop().$this->sFolder.$sSlot.'/'.$sFilePath; $this->sOutPutMessage.= "
".$this->sFolder.$sSlot.'/'.$sFilePath; if(file_exists($sPathToFile) == false) { $this->sOutPutMessage.= ' - File not found'; return false; } if(unlink($sPathToFile) == false) { $this->sOutPutMessage.= ' - File could not delete'; return false; } return true; } /** * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function createTable() { return setupDeletePicturesTable::createTable(); } /** * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function dropTable() { if($this->tableExist() == true) { return setupDeletePicturesTable::dropTable(); } return false; } /** * @param $sSlot * * @return bool|void * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function truncateTable($sSlot) { if($this->tableExist() == true) { setupDeletePicturesTable::truncateTable($sSlot); } } /** * @return bool * @throws oxConnectionException */ public function tableExist() { return setupDeletePicturesTable::tableExist(); } public function deleteScript() { unlink($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']); if (is_file($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) { exit('Script konnte nicht gelöscht werden.'); } else { exit('Script wurde gelöscht'); } } } /** * Class setupDeletePicturesTable */ class setupDeletePicturesTable extends oxSuperCfg { public $_sTable = 'd3lostpictures'; /** * @throws oxConnectionException */ public static function createTable() { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<execute($sQuery); } /** * @throws oxConnectionException */ public static function dropTable() { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<execute($sQuery); } /** * @param $sSlot * * @throws oxConnectionException */ public static function truncateTable($sSlot) { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<execute($sQuery); } /** * @return bool * @throws oxConnectionException */ public static function tableExist() { $oDb = oxDb::getDb(oxDb::FETCH_MODE_ASSOC); $sQuery = <<getOne($sQuery); } } /** @var deletePictures $oBilderLesen */ $oDeletePictures = oxNew('deletePictures'); $sAction = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('action'); $sParameter = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter('parameter'); if(trim($sAction) != '') { $oDeletePictures->{$sAction}($sParameter); } $oDeletePictures->render();