* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com */ namespace D3\Devhelper\Modules\Core; use D3\Devhelper\Modules\Application\Model as ModuleModel; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Exception\StandardException; use OxidEsales\Eshop\Core\Registry; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Smarty\Bridge\SmartyTemplateRendererBridge; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Templating\TemplateRendererBridgeInterface; use OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Framework\Templating\TemplateRendererInterface; use Smarty; class d3_dev_oxemail extends d3_dev_oxemail_parent { /** * @param ModuleModel\d3_dev_oxorder $oOrder * @param $sType * @return mixed|string */ public function d3GetOrderMailContent($oOrder, $sType) { if (Registry::getConfig()->getActiveShop()->isProductiveMode()) { return ''; } switch (strtolower($sType)) { case 'owner_html': $sTpl = $this->_sOrderOwnerTemplate; break; case 'owner_plain': $sTpl = $this->_sOrderOwnerPlainTemplate; break; case 'user_plain': $sTpl = $this->_sOrderUserPlainTemplate; break; case 'user_html': default: $sTpl = $this->_sOrderUserTemplate; } $myConfig = Registry::getConfig(); $oShop = $this->_getShop(); // cleanup $this->_clearMailer(); // add user defined stuff if there is any $oOrder = $this->_addUserInfoOrderEMail($oOrder); $oUser = $oOrder->getOrderUser(); $this->setUser($oUser); // send confirmation to shop owner // send not pretending from order user, as different email domain rise spam filters $this->setFrom($oShop->getFieldData('oxowneremail')); $oLang = Registry::getLang(); $iOrderLang = $oLang->getObjectTplLanguage(); // if running shop language is different from admin lang. set in config // we have to load shop in config language if ($oShop->getLanguage() != $iOrderLang) { $oShop = $this->_getShop($iOrderLang); } $this->setSmtp($oShop); // create messages $this->setViewData("order", $oOrder); // Process view data array through oxoutput processor $this->_processViewArray(); if (class_exists(SmartyTemplateRendererBridge::class)) { $renderer = $this->getRenderer(); $ret = $renderer->renderTemplate($myConfig->getTemplatePath($sTpl, false), $this->getViewData()); } else { /** @var Smarty $oSmarty */ $oSmarty = $this->_getSmarty(); $ret = $oSmarty->fetch($myConfig->getTemplatePath($sTpl, false)); } return $ret; } /** * from OXID 6.2, required because private in Email class * Templating instance getter * * @return TemplateRendererInterface */ protected function getRenderer() { $bridge = \OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Internal\Container\ContainerFactory::getInstance()->getContainer() ->get(TemplateRendererBridgeInterface::class); $bridge->setEngine($this->_getSmarty()); return $bridge->getTemplateRenderer(); } /** * @param ModuleModel\d3_dev_d3inquiry $oInquiry * * @param $sType * * @return mixed|string */ public function d3GetInquiryMailContent($oInquiry, $sType ) { if (Registry::getConfig()->getActiveShop()->isProductiveMode()) { return ''; } switch (strtolower($sType)) { case 'owner_html': $sTpl = $this->_sInquiryOwnerTemplate; break; case 'owner_plain': $sTpl = $this->_sInquiryOwnerPlainTemplate; break; case 'user_plain': $sTpl = $this->_sInquiryUserPlainTemplate; break; case 'user_html': default: $sTpl = $this->_sInquiryUserTemplate; } $myConfig = Registry::getConfig(); $oShop = $this->_getShop(); // cleanup $this->_clearMailer(); // add user defined stuff if there is any $oInquiry = $this->_addUserInfoOrderEMail($oInquiry); $oUser = $oInquiry->getInquiryUser(); $this->setUser($oUser); // send confirmation to shop owner // send not pretending from order user, as different email domain rise spam filters $this->setFrom($oShop->getFieldData('oxowneremail')); $oLang = Registry::getLang(); $iOrderLang = $oLang->getObjectTplLanguage(); // if running shop language is different from admin lang. set in config // we have to load shop in config language if ($oShop->getLanguage() != $iOrderLang) { $oShop = $this->_getShop($iOrderLang); } $this->setSmtp($oShop); // create messages $this->setViewData("inquiry", $oInquiry); // Process view data array through oxoutput processor $this->_processViewArray(); if (class_exists(SmartyTemplateRendererBridge::class)) { $renderer = $this->getRenderer(); $ret = $renderer->renderTemplate($myConfig->getTemplatePath($sTpl, false), $this->getViewData()); } else { /** @var Smarty $oSmarty */ $oSmarty = $this->_getSmarty(); $ret = $oSmarty->fetch($myConfig->getTemplatePath($sTpl, false)); } return $ret; } /** * @return bool * @throws StandardException */ protected function _sendMail() { if (Registry::getConfig()->getActiveShop()->isProductiveMode()) { return parent::_sendMail(); } $this->d3clearRecipients(); $this->d3clearReplies(); $this->d3clearReplyTo(); $this->d3clearCC(); $this->d3clearBCC(); if (count($this->getRecipient())) { return parent::_sendMail(); } return true; } public function d3clearRecipients() { $aRecipients = array(); if (is_array($this->_aRecipients) && count($this->_aRecipients)) { foreach ($this->_aRecipients as $aRecInfo) { if (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0])) && $sNewRecipient != $aRecInfo[0] ) { $aRecInfo[1] = $aRecInfo[1]." (".$aRecInfo[0].")"; $aRecInfo[0] = $sNewRecipient; $aRecipients[] = $aRecInfo; } elseif (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0]))) { $aRecipients[] = $aRecInfo; } } } $this->_aRecipients = $aRecipients; } public function d3clearReplies() { $aRecipients = array(); if (is_array($this->_aReplies) && count($this->_aReplies)) { foreach ($this->_aReplies as $aRecInfo) { if (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0])) && $sNewRecipient != $aRecInfo[0] ) { $aRecInfo[1] = $aRecInfo[1]." (".$aRecInfo[0].")"; $aRecInfo[0] = $sNewRecipient; $aRecipients[] = $aRecInfo; } elseif (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0]))) { $aRecipients[] = $aRecInfo; } } } $this->_aReplies = $aRecipients; } public function d3clearReplyTo() { $aRecipients = array(); if (is_array($this->ReplyTo) && count($this->ReplyTo)) { foreach ($this->ReplyTo as $aRecInfo) { if (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0])) && $sNewRecipient != $aRecInfo[0] ) { $aRecInfo[1] = $aRecInfo[1]." (".$aRecInfo[0].")"; $aRecInfo[0] = $sNewRecipient; $aRecipients[] = $aRecInfo; } elseif (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0]))) { $aRecipients[] = $aRecInfo; } } } $this->ReplyTo = $aRecipients; } public function d3clearCC() { $aCc = array(); if (is_array($this->cc) && count($this->cc)) { foreach ($this->cc as $aRecInfo) { if (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0])) && $sNewRecipient != $aRecInfo[0] ) { $aRecInfo[1] = $aRecInfo[1]." (".$aRecInfo[0].")"; $aRecInfo[0] = $sNewRecipient; $aCc[] = $aRecInfo; } elseif (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0]))) { $aCc[] = $aRecInfo; } } } $this->cc = $aCc; } public function d3clearBCC() { $aCc = array(); if (is_array($this->bcc) && count($this->bcc)) { foreach ($this->bcc as $aRecInfo) { if (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0])) && $sNewRecipient != $aRecInfo[0] ) { $aRecInfo[1] = $aRecInfo[1]." (".$aRecInfo[0].")"; $aRecInfo[0] = $sNewRecipient; $aCc[] = $aRecInfo; } elseif (($sNewRecipient = $this->getNewRecipient($aRecInfo[0]))) { $aCc[] = $aRecInfo; } } } $this->bcc = $aCc; } /** * @param $sMailAddress * * @return bool|string */ public function getNewRecipient($sMailAddress) { if (Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam(d3_dev_conf::OPTION_BLOCKMAIL)) { return false; } elseif (Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam(d3_dev_conf::OPTION_REDIRECTMAIL)) { return trim(Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam(d3_dev_conf::OPTION_REDIRECTMAIL)); } return $sMailAddress; } }