<?php /** * Copyright (c) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch) * * For the full copyright and license information, please view * the LICENSE file that was distributed with this source code. * * https://www.d3data.de * * @copyright (C) D3 Data Development (Inh. Thomas Dartsch) * @author D3 Data Development - Daniel Seifert <info@shopmodule.com> * @link https://www.oxidmodule.com */ namespace D3\KlicktippPhpClient\tests\integration\Resources; use D3\KlicktippPhpClient\Entities\FieldList; use D3\KlicktippPhpClient\Exceptions\BaseException; use D3\KlicktippPhpClient\Resources\Field; use D3\KlicktippPhpClient\tests\integration\IntegrationTestCase; use Generator; use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use ReflectionException; /** * @coversNothing */ class FieldTest extends IntegrationTestCase { /** * @test * @throws ReflectionException * @covers \D3\KlicktippPhpClient\Resources\Field::index * @dataProvider indexDataProvider */ public function testIndex(ResponseInterface $response, ?FieldList $expected, bool $expectException = false) { $sut = new Field($this->getConnectionMock($response)); if ($expectException) { $this->expectException(BaseException::class); } $this->assertEquals( $expected, $this->callMethod( $sut, 'index', ) ); } public static function indexDataProvider(): Generator { yield 'success' => [new Response(200, [], '{ "fieldFirstName": "Vorname", "fieldLastName": "Nachname", "fieldCompanyName": "Firma", "fieldStreet1": "Straße 1", "fieldStreet2": "Straße 2", "fieldCity": "Stadt", "fieldState": "Bundesland", "fieldZip": "Postleitzahl", "fieldCountry": "Land", "fieldPrivatePhone": "Telefon (Privat)", "fieldMobilePhone": "Telefon (Mobil)", "fieldPhone": "Telefon", "fieldFax": "Fax", "fieldWebsite": "Website", "fieldBirthday": "Geburtstag", "fieldLeadValue": "LeadValue" }'), new FieldList([ "fieldFirstName" => "Vorname", "fieldLastName" => "Nachname", "fieldCompanyName" => "Firma", "fieldStreet1" => "Straße 1", "fieldStreet2" => "Straße 2", "fieldCity" => "Stadt", "fieldState" => "Bundesland", "fieldZip" => "Postleitzahl", "fieldCountry" => "Land", "fieldPrivatePhone" => "Telefon (Privat)", "fieldMobilePhone" => "Telefon (Mobil)", "fieldPhone" => "Telefon", "fieldFax" => "Fax", "fieldWebsite" => "Website", "fieldBirthday" => "Geburtstag", "fieldLeadValue" => "LeadValue", ])]; yield 'wrong request type' => [new Response(406, [], '["Bei der Erstellung des Objekt ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."]'), null, true]; yield 'access denied' => [new Response(403, [], '["API Zugriff verweigert"]'), null, true]; } }