# D3 Linkmobility4Oxid Tests ## Requirements Both unit and acceptance tests require OXID Testing Library installed. See https://github.com/OXID-eSales/testing_library ### Configuration Set up the module completely with your personal data (API Key, transmitter, country code). These will be used to test the successful configuration. Please install the packages listed in the composer.json in "require-dev". Unfortunately Composer does not provide an automatic installation. Here is an example of Testing Library configuration file `oxideshop/test_config.yml` ``` # This file is auto-generated during the composer install mandatory_parameters: shop_path: /var/www/oxideshop/source shop_tests_path: /var/www/oxideshop/tests partial_module_paths: d3/linkmobilty optional_parameters: shop_url: null shop_serial: '' enable_varnish: false is_subshop: false install_shop: false remote_server_dir: null shop_setup_path: null restore_shop_after_tests_suite: false test_database_name: null restore_after_acceptance_tests: false restore_after_unit_tests: false tmp_path: /tmp/oxid_test_library/ database_restoration_class: DatabaseRestorer activate_all_modules: false run_tests_for_shop: false run_tests_for_modules: true screen_shots_path: null screen_shots_url: null browser_name: firefox selenium_server_ip: selenium_server_port: '4444' additional_test_paths: null ``` ## Unit Tests To execute unit tests run the following: ``` cd /var/www/oxideshop/ ./vendor/bin/runtests ``` or for single tests ``` cd /var/www/oxideshop/ ./vendor/bin/runtests /var/www/html/vendor/d3/linkmobility4oxid/tests/... ```