* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com */ $sLangName = "English"; $aLang = [ 'charset' => 'UTF-8', 'D3_TOTP_INPUT' => 'authentication code', 'D3_TOTP_INPUT_HELP' => 'You get the one-time password from the two-factor authentication app on your device.', 'D3_TOTP_SUBMIT_LOGIN' => 'Log in', 'D3_TOTP_CANCEL_LOGIN' => 'Cancel login', 'D3_TOTP_BREADCRUMB' => 'one-time password login', 'D3_TOTP_ERROR_UNVALID' => 'The one-time password is invalid.', 'D3_TOTP_ACCOUNT' => '2-factor authentication', 'D3_TOTP_ACCOUNT_USE' => 'Use 2-factor authentication', 'D3_TOTP_REGISTERNEW' => 'create a new registration', 'D3_TOTP_QRCODE' => 'QR code', 'D3_TOTP_QRCODE_HELP' => 'Scan this QR code with your authentication app to store this user account there.', 'D3_TOTP_SECRET' => 'QR code cannot be scanned?', 'D3_TOTP_SECRET_HELP' => 'If you do not use an app that can scan the QR code, you can also copy this string into your authentication tool. Please set the password length to 6 characters and the time interval to 30 seconds.', 'D3_TOTP_CURROTP' => 'Confirmation with one-time password', 'D3_TOTP_CURROTP_HELP' => 'If you have registered this customer account in your authentication app, use it to generate a one-time password, enter it here and send the form directly afterwards.', 'D3_TOTP_REGISTEREXIST' => 'existing registration', 'D3_TOTP_REGISTERDELETE_DESC' => 'To change the registration, please delete it first. You can then create a new registration immediately.
If you delete the registration, the account is no longer protected by two-factor authentication.', 'D3_TOTP_REGISTERDELETE_CONFIRM' => 'Should the existing 2-factor authentication be deleted?', 'D3_TOTP_BACKUPCODES' => 'backup codes', 'D3_TOTP_BACKUPCODES_DESC' => 'You can use these backup codes to log on if it is not possible to generate the one-time password (e.g. device lost or newly installed). You can then change the settings to use 2-factor authentication or create a new account. Please save these codes securely at this moment. After leaving this page, these codes cannot be displayed again.', 'D3_TOTP_AVAILBACKUPCODECOUNT' => 'still %1$s backup code(s) available', 'D3_TOTP_AVAILBACKUPCODECOUNT_DESC' => 'To create new backup codes, delete the existing registry and create a new one.', 'D3_TOTP_ACCOUNT_SAVE' => 'Confirm settings', ];