* @link http://www.oxidmodule.com
$sLangName = "English";
$aLang = array(
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'SHOP_MODULE_GROUP_d3PdfDocumentsmain' => 'Basic settings',
'SHOP_MODULE_'. Constants::OXID_MODULE_ID.'bDev' => 'Developer mode',
'SHOP_MODULE_'. Constants::OXID_MODULE_ID.'_sAlternativePdfLogoName' => 'Alternative PDF Logo Name
Without specification (empty) the following file name will be automatically selected: pdf_logo.jpg
This file must be located in the source/out/THEME/img/ folder and must be PNG/ JPG for technical reasons.
If necessary, no image will be inserted!',
'D3_PDFDOCUMENTS' => 'PDF Documents',
'D3_PDFDOCUMENTS_INVOICE_WITHOUT_LOGO' => 'Invoice without logo',
'D3_PDFDOCUMENTS_DELIVERYNOTE_WITHOUT_LOGO' => 'Deliverynote without logo',
'D3_PDFDOCUMENTS_PDF_GENERATE' => 'Create Document',