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2013-07-25 23:50:43 +02:00
* Control.js
* Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB
* Released under LGPL License.
* License: http://www.tinymce.com/license
* Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing
* This is the base class for all controls and containers. All UI control instances inherit
* from this one as it has the base logic needed by all of them.
* @class tinymce.ui.Control
define("tinymce/ui/Control", [
], function(Class, Tools, Collection, DomUtils) {
"use strict";
var nativeEvents = Tools.makeMap("focusin focusout scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover" +
" mouseout mouseenter mouseleave wheel keydown keypress keyup contextmenu", " ");
var elementIdCache = {};
var hasMouseWheelEventSupport = "onmousewheel" in document;
var hasWheelEventSupport = false;
var Control = Class.extend({
Statics: {
controlIdLookup: {}
* Class/id prefix to use for all controls.
* @final
* @field {String} classPrefix
classPrefix: "mce-",
* Constructs a new control instance with the specified settings.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} settings Name/value object with settings.
* @setting {String} style Style CSS properties to add.
* @setting {String} border Border box values example: 1 1 1 1
* @setting {String} padding Padding box values example: 1 1 1 1
* @setting {String} margin Margin box values example: 1 1 1 1
* @setting {Number} minWidth Minimal width for the control.
* @setting {Number} minHeight Minimal height for the control.
* @setting {String} classes Space separated list of classes to add.
* @setting {String} role WAI-ARIA role to use for control.
* @setting {Boolean} hidden Is the control hidden by default.
* @setting {Boolean} disabled Is the control disabled by default.
* @setting {String} name Name of the control instance.
init: function(settings) {
var self = this, classes, i;
self.settings = settings = Tools.extend({}, self.Defaults, settings);
// Initial states
self._id = DomUtils.id();
self._text = self._name = '';
self._width = self._height = 0;
self._aria = {role: settings.role};
// Setup classes
classes = settings.classes;
if (classes) {
classes = classes.split(' ');
classes.map = {};
i = classes.length;
while (i--) {
classes.map[classes[i]] = true;
self._classes = classes || [];
// Set some properties
Tools.each('title text width height name classes visible disabled active value'.split(' '), function(name) {
var value = settings[name], undef;
if (value !== undef) {
} else if (self['_' + name] === undef) {
self['_' + name] = false;
self.on('click', function() {
if (self.disabled()) {
return false;
// TODO: Is this needed duplicate code see above?
if (settings.classes) {
Tools.each(settings.classes.split(' '), function(cls) {
* Name/value object with settings for the current control.
* @field {Object} settings
self.settings = settings;
self._borderBox = self.parseBox(settings.border);
self._paddingBox = self.parseBox(settings.padding);
self._marginBox = self.parseBox(settings.margin);
if (settings.hidden) {
// Will generate getter/setter methods for these properties
Properties: 'parent,title,text,width,height,disabled,active,name,value',
// Will generate empty dummy functions for these
Methods: 'renderHtml',
* Returns the root element to render controls into.
* @method getContainerElm
* @return {Element} HTML DOM element to render into.
getContainerElm: function() {
return document.body;
* Returns a control instance for the current DOM element.
* @method getParentCtrl
* @param {Element} elm HTML dom element to get parent control from.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Control instance or undefined.
getParentCtrl: function(elm) {
var ctrl;
while (elm) {
ctrl = Control.controlIdLookup[elm.id];
if (ctrl) {
elm = elm.parentNode;
return ctrl;
* Parses the specified box value. A box value contains 1-4 properties in clockwise order.
* @method parseBox
* @param {String/Number} value Box value "0 1 2 3" or "0" etc.
* @return {Object} Object with top/right/bottom/left properties.
* @private
parseBox: function(value) {
var len, radix = 10;
if (!value) {
if (typeof(value) === "number") {
value = value || 0;
return {
top: value,
left: value,
bottom: value,
right: value
value = value.split(' ');
len = value.length;
if (len === 1) {
value[1] = value[2] = value[3] = value[0];
} else if (len === 2) {
value[2] = value[0];
value[3] = value[1];
} else if (len === 3) {
value[3] = value[1];
return {
top: parseInt(value[0], radix) || 0,
right: parseInt(value[1], radix) || 0,
bottom: parseInt(value[2], radix) || 0,
left: parseInt(value[3], radix) || 0
borderBox: function() {
return this._borderBox;
paddingBox: function() {
return this._paddingBox;
marginBox: function() {
return this._marginBox;
measureBox: function(elm, prefix) {
function getStyle(name) {
var defaultView = document.defaultView;
if (defaultView) {
// Remove camelcase
name = name.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(a) {
return '-' + a;
return defaultView.getComputedStyle(elm, null).getPropertyValue(name);
return elm.currentStyle[name];
function getSide(name) {
var val = parseInt(getStyle(name), 10);
return isNaN(val) ? 0 : val;
return {
top: getSide(prefix + "TopWidth"),
right: getSide(prefix + "RightWidth"),
bottom: getSide(prefix + "BottomWidth"),
left: getSide(prefix + "LeftWidth")
* Initializes the current controls layout rect.
* This will be executed by the layout managers to determine the
* default minWidth/minHeight etc.
* @method initLayoutRect
* @return {Object} Layout rect instance.
initLayoutRect: function() {
var self = this, settings = self.settings, borderBox, layoutRect;
var elm = self.getEl(), width, height, minWidth, minHeight, autoResize;
var startMinWidth, startMinHeight;
// Measure boxes
borderBox = self._borderBox = self._borderBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'border');
self._paddingBox = self._paddingBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'padding');
self._marginBox = self._marginBox || self.measureBox(elm, 'margin');
// Setup minWidth/minHeight and width/height
startMinWidth = settings.minWidth;
startMinHeight = settings.minHeight;
minWidth = startMinWidth || elm.offsetWidth;
minHeight = startMinHeight || elm.offsetHeight;
width = settings.width;
height = settings.height;
autoResize = settings.autoResize;
autoResize = typeof(autoResize) != "undefined" ? autoResize : !width && !height;
width = width || minWidth;
height = height || minHeight;
var deltaW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right;
var deltaH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom;
var maxW = settings.maxWidth || 0xFFFF;
var maxH = settings.maxHeight || 0xFFFF;
// Setup initial layout rect
self._layoutRect = layoutRect = {
x: settings.x || 0,
y: settings.y || 0,
w: width,
h: height,
deltaW: deltaW,
deltaH: deltaH,
contentW: width - deltaW,
contentH: height - deltaH,
innerW: width - deltaW,
innerH: height - deltaH,
startMinWidth: startMinWidth || 0,
startMinHeight: startMinHeight || 0,
minW: Math.min(minWidth, maxW),
minH: Math.min(minHeight, maxH),
maxW: maxW,
maxH: maxH,
autoResize: autoResize,
scrollW: 0
self._lastLayoutRect = {};
return layoutRect;
* Getter/setter for the current layout rect.
* @method layoutRect
* @param {Object} [newRect] Optional new layout rect.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control/Object} Current control or rect object.
layoutRect: function(newRect) {
var self = this, curRect = self._layoutRect, lastLayoutRect, size, deltaWidth, deltaHeight, undef, repaintControls;
// Initialize default layout rect
if (!curRect) {
curRect = self.initLayoutRect();
// Set new rect values
if (newRect) {
// Calc deltas between inner and outer sizes
deltaWidth = curRect.deltaW;
deltaHeight = curRect.deltaH;
// Set x position
if (newRect.x !== undef) {
curRect.x = newRect.x;
// Set y position
if (newRect.y !== undef) {
curRect.y = newRect.y;
// Set minW
if (newRect.minW !== undef) {
curRect.minW = newRect.minW;
// Set minH
if (newRect.minH !== undef) {
curRect.minH = newRect.minH;
// Set new width and calculate inner width
size = newRect.w;
if (size !== undef) {
size = size < curRect.minW ? curRect.minW : size;
size = size > curRect.maxW ? curRect.maxW : size;
curRect.w = size;
curRect.innerW = size - deltaWidth;
// Set new height and calculate inner height
size = newRect.h;
if (size !== undef) {
size = size < curRect.minH ? curRect.minH : size;
size = size > curRect.maxH ? curRect.maxH : size;
curRect.h = size;
curRect.innerH = size - deltaHeight;
// Set new inner width and calculate width
size = newRect.innerW;
if (size !== undef) {
size = size < curRect.minW - deltaWidth ? curRect.minW - deltaWidth : size;
size = size > curRect.maxW - deltaWidth ? curRect.maxW - deltaWidth : size;
curRect.innerW = size;
curRect.w = size + deltaWidth;
// Set new height and calculate inner height
size = newRect.innerH;
if (size !== undef) {
size = size < curRect.minH - deltaHeight ? curRect.minH - deltaHeight : size;
size = size > curRect.maxH - deltaHeight ? curRect.maxH - deltaHeight : size;
curRect.innerH = size;
curRect.h = size + deltaHeight;
// Set new contentW
if (newRect.contentW !== undef) {
curRect.contentW = newRect.contentW;
// Set new contentH
if (newRect.contentH !== undef) {
curRect.contentH = newRect.contentH;
// Compare last layout rect with the current one to see if we need to repaint or not
lastLayoutRect = self._lastLayoutRect;
if (lastLayoutRect.x !== curRect.x || lastLayoutRect.y !== curRect.y ||
lastLayoutRect.w !== curRect.w || lastLayoutRect.h !== curRect.h) {
repaintControls = Control.repaintControls;
if (repaintControls) {
if (repaintControls.map && !repaintControls.map[self._id]) {
repaintControls.map[self._id] = true;
lastLayoutRect.x = curRect.x;
lastLayoutRect.y = curRect.y;
lastLayoutRect.w = curRect.w;
lastLayoutRect.h = curRect.h;
return self;
return curRect;
* Repaints the control after a layout operation.
* @method repaint
repaint: function() {
var self = this, style, bodyStyle, rect, borderBox, borderW = 0, borderH = 0, lastRepaintRect;
style = self.getEl().style;
rect = self._layoutRect;
lastRepaintRect = self._lastRepaintRect || {};
borderBox = self._borderBox;
borderW = borderBox.left + borderBox.right;
borderH = borderBox.top + borderBox.bottom;
if (rect.x !== lastRepaintRect.x) {
style.left = rect.x + 'px';
lastRepaintRect.x = rect.x;
if (rect.y !== lastRepaintRect.y) {
style.top = rect.y + 'px';
lastRepaintRect.y = rect.y;
if (rect.w !== lastRepaintRect.w) {
style.width = (rect.w - borderW) + 'px';
lastRepaintRect.w = rect.w;
if (rect.h !== lastRepaintRect.h) {
style.height = (rect.h - borderH) + 'px';
lastRepaintRect.h = rect.h;
// Update body if needed
if (self._hasBody && rect.innerW !== lastRepaintRect.innerW) {
bodyStyle = self.getEl('body').style;
bodyStyle.width = (rect.innerW) + 'px';
lastRepaintRect.innerW = rect.innerW;
if (self._hasBody && rect.innerH !== lastRepaintRect.innerH) {
bodyStyle = bodyStyle || self.getEl('body').style;
bodyStyle.height = (rect.innerH) + 'px';
lastRepaintRect.innerH = rect.innerH;
self._lastRepaintRect = lastRepaintRect;
self.fire('repaint', {}, false);
* Binds a callback to the specified event. This event can both be
* native browser events like "click" or custom ones like PostRender.
* The callback function will be passed a DOM event like object that enables yout do stop propagation.
* @method on
* @param {String} name Name of the event to bind. For example "click".
* @param {String/function} callback Callback function to execute ones the event occurs.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
on: function(name, callback) {
var self = this, bindings, handlers, names, i;
function resolveCallbackName(name) {
var callback, scope;
return function(e) {
if (!callback) {
self.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
var callbacks = ctrl.settings.callbacks;
if (callbacks && (callback = callbacks[name])) {
scope = ctrl;
return false;
return callback.call(scope, e);
if (callback) {
if (typeof(callback) == 'string') {
callback = resolveCallbackName(callback);
names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
i = names.length;
while (i--) {
name = names[i];
bindings = self._bindings;
if (!bindings) {
bindings = self._bindings = {};
handlers = bindings[name];
if (!handlers) {
handlers = bindings[name] = [];
if (nativeEvents[name]) {
if (!self._nativeEvents) {
self._nativeEvents = {name: true};
} else {
self._nativeEvents[name] = true;
if (self._rendered) {
return self;
* Unbinds the specified event and optionally a specific callback. If you omit the name
* parameter all event handlers will be removed. If you omit the callback all event handles
* by the specified name will be removed.
* @method off
* @param {String} [name] Name for the event to unbind.
* @param {function} [callback] Callback function to unbind.
* @return {mxex.ui.Control} Current control object.
off: function(name, callback) {
var self = this, i, bindings = self._bindings, handlers, bindingName, names, hi;
if (bindings) {
if (name) {
names = name.toLowerCase().split(' ');
i = names.length;
while (i--) {
name = names[i];
handlers = bindings[name];
// Unbind all handlers
if (!name) {
for (bindingName in bindings) {
bindings[bindingName].length = 0;
return self;
if (handlers) {
// Unbind all by name
if (!callback) {
handlers.length = 0;
} else {
// Unbind specific ones
hi = handlers.length;
while (hi--) {
if (handlers[hi] === callback) {
handlers.splice(hi, 1);
} else {
self._bindings = [];
return self;
* Fires the specified event by name and arguments on the control. This will execute all
* bound event handlers.
* @method fire
* @param {String} name Name of the event to fire.
* @param {Object} [args] Arguments to pass to the event.
* @param {Boolean} [bubble] Value to control bubbeling. Defaults to true.
* @return {Object} Current arguments object.
fire: function(name, args, bubble) {
var self = this, i, l, handlers, parentCtrl;
name = name.toLowerCase();
// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
function returnFalse() {
return false;
// Dummy function that gets replaced on the delegation state functions
function returnTrue() {
return true;
// Setup empty object if args is omited
args = args || {};
// Stick type into event object
if (!args.type) {
args.type = name;
// Stick control into event
if (!args.control) {
args.control = self;
// Add event delegation methods if they are missing
if (!args.preventDefault) {
// Add preventDefault method
args.preventDefault = function() {
args.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
// Add stopPropagation
args.stopPropagation = function() {
args.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
// Add stopImmediatePropagation
args.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {
args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
// Add event delegation states
args.isDefaultPrevented = returnFalse;
args.isPropagationStopped = returnFalse;
args.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnFalse;
if (self._bindings) {
handlers = self._bindings[name];
if (handlers) {
for (i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++) {
// Execute callback and break if the callback returns a false
if (!args.isImmediatePropagationStopped() && handlers[i].call(self, args) === false) {
// Bubble event up to parent controls
if (bubble !== false) {
parentCtrl = self.parent();
while (parentCtrl && !args.isPropagationStopped()) {
parentCtrl.fire(name, args, false);
parentCtrl = parentCtrl.parent();
return args;
* Returns a control collection with all parent controls.
* @method parents
* @param {String} selector Optional selector expression to find parents.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Collection} Collection with all parent controls.
parents: function(selector) {
var ctrl = this, parents = new Collection();
// Add each parent to collection
for (ctrl = ctrl.parent(); ctrl; ctrl = ctrl.parent()) {
// Filter away everything that doesn't match the selector
if (selector) {
parents = parents.filter(selector);
return parents;
* Returns the control next to the current control.
* @method next
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Next control instance.
next: function() {
var parentControls = this.parent().items();
return parentControls[parentControls.indexOf(this) + 1];
* Returns the control previous to the current control.
* @method prev
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Previous control instance.
prev: function() {
var parentControls = this.parent().items();
return parentControls[parentControls.indexOf(this) - 1];
* Find the common ancestor for two control instances.
* @method findCommonAncestor
* @param {tinymce.ui.Control} ctrl1 First control.
* @param {tinymce.ui.Control} ctrl2 Second control.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Ancestor control instance.
findCommonAncestor: function(ctrl1, ctrl2) {
var parentCtrl;
while (ctrl1) {
parentCtrl = ctrl2;
while (parentCtrl && ctrl1 != parentCtrl) {
parentCtrl = parentCtrl.parent();
if (ctrl1 == parentCtrl) {
ctrl1 = ctrl1.parent();
return ctrl1;
* Returns true/false if the specific control has the specific class.
* @method hasClass
* @param {String} cls Class to check for.
* @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
* @return {Boolean} True/false if the control has the specified class.
hasClass: function(cls, group) {
var classes = this._classes[group || 'control'];
cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
return classes && !!classes.map[cls];
* Adds the specified class to the control
* @method addClass
* @param {String} cls Class to check for.
* @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
addClass: function(cls, group) {
var self = this, classes, elm;
cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
classes = self._classes[group || 'control'];
if (!classes) {
classes = [];
classes.map = {};
self._classes[group || 'control'] = classes;
if (!classes.map[cls]) {
classes.map[cls] = cls;
if (self._rendered) {
elm = self.getEl(group);
if (elm) {
elm.className = classes.join(' ');
return self;
* Removes the specified class from the control.
* @method removeClass
* @param {String} cls Class to remove.
* @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
removeClass: function(cls, group) {
var self = this, classes, i, elm;
cls = this.classPrefix + cls;
classes = self._classes[group || 'control'];
if (classes && classes.map[cls]) {
delete classes.map[cls];
i = classes.length;
while (i--) {
if (classes[i] === cls) {
classes.splice(i, 1);
if (self._rendered) {
elm = self.getEl(group);
if (elm) {
elm.className = classes.join(' ');
return self;
* Toggles the specified class on the control.
* @method toggleClass
* @param {String} cls Class to remove.
* @param {Boolean} state True/false state to add/remove class.
* @param {String} [group] Sub element group name.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control object.
toggleClass: function(cls, state, group) {
var self = this;
if (state) {
self.addClass(cls, group);
} else {
self.removeClass(cls, group);
return self;
* Returns the class string for the specified group name.
* @method classes
* @param {String} [group] Group to get clases by.
* @return {String} Classes for the specified group.
classes: function(group) {
var classes = this._classes[group || 'control'];
return classes ? classes.join(' ') : '';
* Returns the control DOM element or sub element.
* @method getEl
* @param {String} [suffix] Suffix to get element by.
* @param {Boolean} [dropCache] True if the cache for the element should be dropped.
* @return {Element} HTML DOM element for the current control or it's children.
getEl: function(suffix, dropCache) {
var elm, id = suffix ? this._id + '-' + suffix : this._id;
elm = elementIdCache[id] = (dropCache === true ? null : elementIdCache[id]) || DomUtils.get(id);
return elm;
* Sets/gets the visible for the control.
* @method visible
* @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
* @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
visible: function(state) {
var self = this, parentCtrl;
if (typeof(state) !== "undefined") {
if (self._visible !== state) {
if (self._rendered) {
self.getEl().style.display = state ? '' : 'none';
self._visible = state;
// Parent container needs to reflow
parentCtrl = self.parent();
if (parentCtrl) {
parentCtrl._lastRect = null;
self.fire(state ? 'show' : 'hide');
return self;
return self._visible;
* Sets the visible state to true.
* @method show
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
show: function() {
return this.visible(true);
* Sets the visible state to false.
* @method hide
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
hide: function() {
return this.visible(false);
* Focuses the current control.
* @method focus
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
focus: function() {
try {
} catch (ex) {
// Ignore IE error
return this;
* Blurs the current control.
* @method blur
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
blur: function() {
return this;
* Sets the specified aria property.
* @method aria
* @param {String} name Name of the aria property to set.
* @param {String} value Value of the aria property.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
aria: function(name, value) {
var self = this, elm = self.getEl();
if (typeof(value) === "undefined") {
return self._aria[name];
} else {
self._aria[name] = value;
if (self._rendered) {
if (name == 'label') {
elm.setAttribute('aria-labeledby', self._id);
elm.setAttribute(name == 'role' ? name : 'aria-' + name, value);
return self;
* Encodes the specified string with HTML entities. It will also
* translate the string to different languages.
* @method encode
* @param {String/Object/Array} text Text to entity encode.
* @param {Boolean} [translate=true] False if the contents shouldn't be translated.
* @return {String} Encoded and possible traslated string.
encode: function(text, translate) {
if (translate !== false && Control.translate) {
text = Control.translate(text);
return (text || '').replace(/[&<>"]/g, function(match) {
return '&#' + match.charCodeAt(0) + ';';
* Adds items before the current control.
* @method before
* @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array of items to prepend before this control.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
before: function(items) {
var self = this, parent = self.parent();
if (parent) {
parent.insert(items, parent.items().indexOf(self), true);
return self;
* Adds items after the current control.
* @method after
* @param {Array/tinymce.ui.Collection} items Array of items to append after this control.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
after: function(items) {
var self = this, parent = self.parent();
if (parent) {
parent.insert(items, parent.items().indexOf(self));
return self;
* Removes the current control from DOM and from UI collections.
* @method remove
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
remove: function() {
var self = this, elm = self.getEl(), parent = self.parent(), newItems;
if (self.items) {
var controls = self.items().toArray();
var i = controls.length;
while (i--) {
if (parent && parent.items) {
newItems = [];
parent.items().each(function(item) {
if (item !== self) {
parent._lastRect = null;
if (self._eventsRoot && self._eventsRoot == self) {
delete Control.controlIdLookup[self._id];
if (elm.parentNode) {
return self;
* Renders the control before the specified element.
* @method renderBefore
* @param {Element} elm Element to render before.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
renderBefore: function(elm) {
var self = this;
elm.parentNode.insertBefore(DomUtils.createFragment(self.renderHtml()), elm);
return self;
* Renders the control to the specified element.
* @method renderBefore
* @param {Element} elm Element to render to.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
renderTo: function(elm) {
var self = this;
elm = elm || self.getContainerElm();
return self;
* Post render method. Called after the control has been rendered to the target.
* @method postRender
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
postRender: function() {
var self = this, settings = self.settings, elm, box, parent, name, parentEventsRoot;
// Bind on<event> settings
for (name in settings) {
if (name.indexOf("on") === 0) {
self.on(name.substr(2), settings[name]);
if (self._eventsRoot) {
for (parent = self.parent(); !parentEventsRoot && parent; parent = parent.parent()) {
parentEventsRoot = parent._eventsRoot;
if (parentEventsRoot) {
for (name in parentEventsRoot._nativeEvents) {
self._nativeEvents[name] = true;
if (settings.style) {
elm = self.getEl();
if (elm) {
elm.setAttribute('style', settings.style);
elm.style.cssText = settings.style;
if (!self._visible) {
DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), 'display', 'none');
if (self.settings.border) {
box = self.borderBox();
DomUtils.css(self.getEl(), {
'border-top-width': box.top,
'border-right-width': box.right,
'border-bottom-width': box.bottom,
'border-left-width': box.left
// Add instance to lookup
Control.controlIdLookup[self._id] = self;
for (var key in self._aria) {
self.aria(key, self._aria[key]);
self.fire('postrender', {}, false);
* Scrolls the current control into view.
* @method scrollIntoView
* @param {String} align Alignment in view top|center|bottom.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
scrollIntoView: function(align) {
function getOffset(elm, rootElm) {
var x, y, parent = elm;
x = y = 0;
while (parent && parent != rootElm && parent.nodeType) {
x += parent.offsetLeft || 0;
y += parent.offsetTop || 0;
parent = parent.offsetParent;
return {x: x, y: y};
var elm = this.getEl(), parentElm = elm.parentNode;
var x, y, width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight;
var pos = getOffset(elm, parentElm);
x = pos.x;
y = pos.y;
width = elm.offsetWidth;
height = elm.offsetHeight;
parentWidth = parentElm.clientWidth;
parentHeight = parentElm.clientHeight;
if (align == "end") {
x -= parentWidth - width;
y -= parentHeight - height;
} else if (align == "center") {
x -= (parentWidth / 2) - (width / 2);
y -= (parentHeight / 2) - (height / 2);
parentElm.scrollLeft = x;
parentElm.scrollTop = y;
return this;
* Binds pending DOM events.
* @private
bindPendingEvents: function() {
var self = this, i, l, parents, eventRootCtrl, nativeEvents, name;
function delegate(e) {
var control = self.getParentCtrl(e.target);
if (control) {
control.fire(e.type, e);
function mouseLeaveHandler() {
var ctrl = eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl;
if (ctrl) {
ctrl.fire("mouseleave", {target: ctrl.getEl()});
ctrl.parents().each(function(ctrl) {
ctrl.fire("mouseleave", {target: ctrl.getEl()});
eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl = null;
function mouseEnterHandler(e) {
var ctrl = self.getParentCtrl(e.target), lastCtrl = eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl, idx = 0, i, parents, lastParents;
// Over on a new control
if (ctrl !== lastCtrl) {
eventRootCtrl._lastHoverCtrl = ctrl;
parents = ctrl.parents().toArray().reverse();
if (lastCtrl) {
lastParents = lastCtrl.parents().toArray().reverse();
for (idx = 0; idx < lastParents.length; idx++) {
if (parents[idx] !== lastParents[idx]) {
for (i = lastParents.length - 1; i >= idx; i--) {
lastCtrl = lastParents[i];
lastCtrl.fire("mouseleave", {
target : lastCtrl.getEl()
for (i = idx; i < parents.length; i++) {
ctrl = parents[i];
ctrl.fire("mouseenter", {
target : ctrl.getEl()
function fixWheelEvent(e) {
if (e.type == "mousewheel") {
e.deltaY = - 1/40 * e.wheelDelta;
if (e.wheelDeltaX) {
e.deltaX = -1/40 * e.wheelDeltaX;
} else {
e.deltaX = 0;
e.deltaY = e.detail;
e = self.fire("wheel", e);
self._rendered = true;
nativeEvents = self._nativeEvents;
if (nativeEvents) {
// Find event root element if it exists
parents = self.parents().toArray();
for (i = 0, l = parents.length; !eventRootCtrl && i < l; i++) {
eventRootCtrl = parents[i]._eventsRoot;
// Event root wasn't found the use the root control
if (!eventRootCtrl) {
eventRootCtrl = parents[parents.length - 1] || self;
// Set the eventsRoot property on children that didn't have it
self._eventsRoot = eventRootCtrl;
for (l = i, i = 0; i < l; i++) {
parents[i]._eventsRoot = eventRootCtrl;
// Bind native event delegates
for (name in nativeEvents) {
if (!nativeEvents) {
return false;
if (name === "wheel" && !hasWheelEventSupport) {
if (hasMouseWheelEventSupport) {
DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), "mousewheel", fixWheelEvent);
} else {
DomUtils.on(self.getEl(), "DOMMouseScroll", fixWheelEvent);
// Special treatment for mousenter/mouseleave since these doesn't bubble
if (name === "mouseenter" || name === "mouseleave") {
// Fake mousenter/mouseleave
if (!eventRootCtrl._hasMouseEnter) {
DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), "mouseleave", mouseLeaveHandler);
DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), "mouseover", mouseEnterHandler);
eventRootCtrl._hasMouseEnter = 1;
} else if (!eventRootCtrl[name]) {
DomUtils.on(eventRootCtrl.getEl(), name, delegate);
eventRootCtrl[name] = true;
// Remove the event once it's bound
nativeEvents[name] = false;
* Reflows the current control and it's parents.
* This should be used after you for example append children to the current control so
* that the layout managers know that they need to reposition everything.
* @example
* container.append({type: 'button', text: 'My button'}).reflow();
* @method reflow
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Current control instance.
reflow: function() {
return this;
* Sets/gets the parent container for the control.
* @method parent
* @param {tinymce.ui.Container} parent Optional parent to set.
* @return {tinymce.ui.Control} Parent control or the current control on a set action.
// parent: function(parent) {} -- Generated
* Sets/gets the text for the control.
* @method text
* @param {String} value Value to set to control.
* @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
// text: function(value) {} -- Generated
* Sets/gets the width for the control.
* @method width
* @param {Number} value Value to set to control.
* @return {Number/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
// width: function(value) {} -- Generated
* Sets/gets the height for the control.
* @method height
* @param {Number} value Value to set to control.
* @return {Number/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
// height: function(value) {} -- Generated
* Sets/gets the disabled state on the control.
* @method disabled
* @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
* @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
// disabled: function(state) {} -- Generated
* Sets/gets the active for the control.
* @method active
* @param {Boolean} state Value to set to control.
* @return {Boolean/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current state on a get.
// active: function(state) {} -- Generated
* Sets/gets the name for the control.
* @method name
* @param {String} value Value to set to control.
* @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
// name: function(value) {} -- Generated
* Sets/gets the title for the control.
* @method title
* @param {String} value Value to set to control.
* @return {String/tinymce.ui.Control} Current control on a set operation or current value on a get.
// title: function(value) {} -- Generated
return Control;