/** * Tooltip.js * * Copyright, Moxiecode Systems AB * Released under LGPL License. * * License: http://www.tinymce.com/license * Contributing: http://www.tinymce.com/contributing */ /** * Creates a tooltip instance. * * @-x-less ToolTip.less * @class tinymce.ui.ToolTip * @extends tinymce.ui.Control * @mixes tinymce.ui.Movable */ define("tinymce/ui/Tooltip", [ "tinymce/ui/Control", "tinymce/ui/Movable" ], function(Control, Movable) { return Control.extend({ Mixins: [Movable], Defaults: { classes: 'widget tooltip tooltip-n' }, /** * Sets/gets the current label text. * * @method text * @param {String} [text] New label text. * @return {String|tinymce.ui.Tooltip} Current text or current label instance. */ text: function(value) { var self = this; if (typeof(value) != "undefined") { self._value = value; if (self._rendered) { self.getEl().lastChild.innerHTML = self.encode(value); } return self; } return self._value; }, /** * Renders the control as a HTML string. * * @method renderHtml * @return {String} HTML representing the control. */ renderHtml: function() { var self = this, prefix = self.classPrefix; return ( '' ); }, /** * Repaints the control after a layout operation. * * @method repaint */ repaint: function() { var self = this, style, rect; style = self.getEl().style; rect = self._layoutRect; style.left = rect.x + 'px'; style.top = rect.y + 'px'; style.zIndex = 0xFFFF + 0xFFFF; } }); });