*/ class blaTinyMceOxViewConfig extends blaTinyMceOxViewConfig_parent { public function loadTinyMce() { $cfg = oxRegistry::getConfig(); $blEnabled = in_array( $this->getActiveClassName(), $cfg->getConfigParam( "aTinyMCE_classes" ) ); $blPlainCms = in_array( $cfg->getActiveView()->getViewDataElement( "edit" )->oxcontents__oxloadid->value, $cfg->getConfigParam( "aTinyMCE_plaincms" ) ); if (!$blEnabled) return; if ($blPlainCms) return oxRegistry::getLang()->translateString( "hdi_tinymce_plaincms" ); // processind editor config & other stuff $sLang = oxRegistry::getLang()->getLanguageAbbr( oxRegistry::getLang()->getTplLanguage() ); // array to assign shops lang abbreviations to lang file names of tinymce: shopLangAbbreviation => fileName (without .js ) $aLang = array( "cs" => "cs", "da" => "da", "de" => "de", "fr" => "fr_FR", "it" => "it", "nl" => "nl", "ru" => "ru" ); $aConfig = array( 'browser_spellcheck' => ( $cfg->getConfigParam( "bTinyMCE_browser_spellcheck" ) ? 'true' : 'false' ), 'language' => '"'.( in_array( $sLang, $aLang ) ? $aLang[$sLang] : 'en' ).'"', 'height' => $cfg->getConfigParam( "sTinyMCE_height" ), 'nowrap' => 'true', 'selector' => '"textarea"', 'relative_urls' => 'false', 'document_base_url' => '"'.$this->getBaseDir().'"', 'menubar' => 'false', 'plugin_preview_width' => 'window.innerWidth', 'plugin_preview_height' => 'window.innerHeight-90', 'code_dialog_width' => 'window.innerWidth-50', 'code_dialog_height' => 'window.innerHeight-130', 'image_advtab' => 'true', 'moxiemanager_fullscreen' => 'true', 'insertdatetime_formats' => '[ "%d.%m.%Y", "%H:%M" ]', 'nonbreaking_force_tab' => 'true', // http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:nonbreaking 'autoresize_max_height' => '400' ); //merging with custom config $aConfig = ( $aCustCfg = $this->_getTinyCustConfig() ) ? array_merge( $aConfig, $aCustCfg ) : $aConfig; // plugins and their buttons $aPlugins = array( "textcolor" => "forecolor backcolor", "advlist" => false, "anchor" => "anchor", "autolink" => false, "autoresize" => false, "autosave" => false , // http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:autosave //"bbcode" => , "charmap" => "charmap", "colorpicker" => false, //"compat3x" => , //"contextmenu" => , // http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:contextmenu //"directionality" => "ltr rtl", "emoticons" => "emoticons", //"example" => , //"example_dependency" => , //"fullpage" => , // nein! http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:fullpage "hr" => "hr", "image" => "image", // http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:image "insertdatetime" => "insertdatetime", //"layer" => , // This plugin adds some layer controls. Only works on some browsers. Will probably be removed in the future. http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:layer "legacyoutput" => false, "link" => "link unlink", "lists" => false, //"importcss" => false, // http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:importcss "media" => "media", "nonbreaking" => "nonbreaking", //"noneditable" => false, // http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:noneditable "pagebreak" => "pagebreak", "paste" => "pastetext", //"print" => "print", //"save" => "save cancel", "searchreplace" => "searchreplace", //"spellchecker" => "spellchecker", // http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:spellchecker // "tabfocus" => false, // http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:tabfocus "table" => "table", //"template" => "template", // "textpattern" => false, // sowas wie markdown http://www.tinymce.com/wiki.php/Plugin:textpattern "visualblocks" => "visualblocks", "visualchars" => "visualchars", "wordcount" => false, "code" => "code", "fullscreen" => "fullscreen", "preview" => "preview" ); if ($this->getActiveClassName()=="newsletter_main") $aPlugins[] = "legacyoutput"; // plugin override if($aOverride = $cfg->getConfigParam("aTinyMCE_plugins_override")) { foreach( $aOverride AS $key => $value) { unset($aPlugins[$value]); } } $aConfig['plugins'] = '"'.implode( ' ', array_keys($aPlugins)).'"'; // external plugins if ($aExtPlugins = $this->_getTinyExtPlugins()) { $aConfig['external_plugins'] = '{ '; foreach ($aExtPlugins AS $plugin => $file) { $aConfig['external_plugins'] .= '"'.$plugin.'": "'.$file.'", '; } $aConfig['external_plugins'] .= ' }'; } // default tollbar buttons $aButtons = array( //"newdocument", "undo redo", "bold italic underline strikethrough", "alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify", //"styleselect", //"cut copy paste", "bullist numlist", "outdent indent", "blockquote", "removeformat", "subscript", "superscript", "formatselect", "fontselect", "fontsizeselect" ); // buttons for plugins, enable only if plugin is active $aButtons = array_merge($aButtons, array_filter(array_values($aPlugins))); // custom buttons $aButtons[] = $this->_getTinyCustControls(); $aConfig['toolbar'] = '"'.implode( " | ", $aButtons ).'"'; /* $aConfig['toolbar1'] = '"undo redo searchreplace preview print fullscreen code paste | image media emoticons table inserttable bullist numlist outdent indent | '; $aConfig['toolbar1'] .= 'ltr rtl | blockquote subscript superscript '.( $cfg->getConfigParam( "bTinyMCE_charmap" ) ? 'charmap' : '' ).' hr nonbreaking anchor link unlink '; $aConfig['toolbar1'] .= $this->_getTinyCustControls().'"'; $aConfig['toolbar2'] = '"bold italic underline strikethrough | forecolor backcolor | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | fontselect fontsizeselect formatselect | removeformat | spellchecker visualchars | insertdatetime"'; */ // compile the whole config stuff $sConfig = ''; foreach ($aConfig AS $param => $value) { $sConfig .= "$param: $value, "; } // add init script $sInit = 'tinymce.init({ '.$sConfig.' });'; $sCopyLongDescFromTinyMCE = 'function copyLongDescFromTinyMCE(sIdent) { var editor = tinymce.get("editor_"+sIdent); if (editor && editor.isHidden() !== true) { console.log("copy content from tinymce"); var content = editor.getContent({format: "raw"}).replace(/\[{([^\]]*?)}\]/g, function(m) { return m.replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/&/g, "&") }); document.getElementsByName("editval[" + sIdent + "]").item(0).value = content; return true; } return false; } var origCopyLongDesc = copyLongDesc; copyLongDesc = function(sIdent) { if ( copyLongDescFromTinyMCE( sIdent ) ) return; console.log("tinymce disabled, copy content from regular textarea"); origCopyLongDesc( sIdent ); }'; // adding scripts to template $smarty = oxRegistry::get( "oxUtilsView" )->getSmarty(); $sSufix = ( $smarty->_tpl_vars["__oxid_include_dynamic"] ) ? '_dynamic' : ''; $aScript = (array) $cfg->getGlobalParameter( 'scripts'.$sSufix ); $aScript[] = $sCopyLongDescFromTinyMCE; $aScript[] = $sInit; $cfg->setGlobalParameter( 'scripts'.$sSufix, $aScript ); $aInclude = (array) $cfg->getGlobalParameter( 'includes'.$sSufix ); $aInclude[3][] = $this->getModuleUrl( 'bla-tinymce', 'tinymce/tinymce.min.js' ); $cfg->setGlobalParameter( 'includes'.$sSufix, $aInclude ); return '
  • '; // javascript:tinymce.execCommand(\'mceToggleEditor\',false,\'editor1\'); } protected function _getTinyCustControls() { $sControls = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam( "sTinyMCE_custom_controls" ); if (method_exists( get_parent_class( __CLASS__ ), __FUNCTION__ )) $sControls = parent::_getTinyCustControls()." ".$sControls; return $sControls; } protected function _getTinyExtPlugins() { $aPlugins = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam( "aTinyMCE_external_plugins" ); if (method_exists( get_parent_class( __CLASS__ ), __FUNCTION__ )) $aPlugins = array_merge( parent::_getTinyExtPlugins(), $aPlugins ); return $aPlugins; } protected function _getTinyCustConfig() { $aConfig = oxRegistry::getConfig()->getConfigParam( "aTinyMCE_custom_config" ); if (method_exists( get_parent_class( __CLASS__ ), __FUNCTION__ )) $aConfig = array_merge( parent::_getTinyCustConfig(), $aConfig ); return $aConfig; } }