[N1ED](https://n1ed.com) is a free plugin for TinyMCE 5 making level-up for your editor. Main features: - Adds many new widgets to TinyMCE - Configure TinyMCE, N1ED and other add-ons visually using Dashboard - Easy integrations with: -- Bootstrap Editor -- File Manager -- Image Editor -- other ecosystem plugins enabled in Dashboard - Mobile simulation feature and gives you content preview in different display resolutions - Advanced breadcrumbs integrated with powerful widget editing system - Useful fullscreen mode - 3 UI modes: -- Classic mode with floating sidebar for editing widgets -- Fullscreen-only mode to focus on your content -- Dialogs mode like all other plugins which offer to edit widgets in a dialogs - Always auto updated using CDN N1ED add-on and Dashboard are absolutely free. ## Installation Copy ```n1ed``` directory into ```tinymce/plugins/```. You will have such file path as result: ```tinymce/plugins/n1ed/plugin.js```. ### Edit initialization script Change configuration you pass into your TinyMCE: ``` tinymce.init( { ... plugins: "n1ed" ... } ); ``` ## Configuration N1ED being installed is ready to run without any configuration. If you want to change preferences, use free [Dashboard](https://n1ed.com/dashboard) to edit configuration visually. You can change this configuration as many times you want and it will be automatically applied to your add-on instance linked to it. When you've changed your configuration in Dashboard once please make sure you updated the API key in your TinyMCE configuration like: ``` apiKey: "APIKEY12", ```